Sage Warrior

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

sage warrior

– Volume 4 Episode 9

Seeing Jung Daesik recalling an incomprehensible expression, Ki Cheol-min laughed.

“I don’t think you’re very different, are you?”


“You said that before? You want to make money.”

“I said that. But I’m making money to enjoy my life. I’m not making money to make money.”

“If that’s the case, can’t you do it right now?”


“The wealth you’ve accumulated so far won’t be significant. Even if you spend some of your life as a hunter, you probably have billions of dollars. To make more money? What’s the difference between wanting to be stronger?”

“Of course there is a difference.”

“It doesn’t make a dramatic difference.”

Jung Daesik felt dissatisfied, but had no words to describe it.

Seeing Jung Daesik in need of words, Ki Chul-min continued to speak.

“I don’t think there’s much correlation between enjoying life and money. You didn’t even see the results of that survey? After you’ve reached a certain level of income, more income doesn’t affect a person’s happiness index.”

“I don’t know, anything like that.”

Jung Daesik cut off his words, muttering who was investigating that.

With Ki Chul-min, the story didn’t work out in this area.

Perhaps it’s because he’s a character who aims to become stronger, just like Choi Hee.

I thought he and his own modestly selfish way of thinking were similar, but if you look closely, they may be completely different.

At that time, Sogangdu jumped up and suddenly rubbed his shoulders.

“What are you talking about with your newcomers so seriously? Don’t you think the Titan Raid already has a lot of dissatisfaction?”

“No, not really. It wasn’t particularly serious.”

Hearing what Jung Daesik had to say, Ki Cheol-min also lightly nodded his head and backed away.

Then Kang-Doo Soh put his arm on Jung Daesik’s shoulder and dragged him around, saying:

“Then you should really enjoy it!”

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

At Jung Daesik’s question, Doo’s eyes widened.

“You don’t think this is the end of the enlistment ceremony, do you?”

Jung Daesik asked with a puzzled expression.

“Or, what else do you have?”


Sogangdu let out an exaggerated sigh and patted his forehead with the palm of his hand.

“You, buy a drink today!”


“Once you buy a drink. Because today was your enlistment ceremony.”

“…Yeah, well. I can buy you some drinks.”

“Okay. Then let’s go!”

I don’t know where we’re going, but So Gang-doo dragged Jung Daesik out of the banquet hall.

Park Mu-won and Heo Mi-rae were already waiting there.

Looking over there, Chul-min Ki was also being dragged by the one-eyed troops and going somewhere.

It was probably customary for newcomers to buy alcohol on the day of the enlistment ceremony.

“Yoo Tae-hoon! Where are you?”

On the street, Sogangdu shouted loudly, ‘Buaaaang!’ there was a loud noise.

And a cool supercar appeared from the underground parking lot.

It was a Lamborghini with the car lid open.

“It’s here.”

When Taehoon Yoo got out of the car and smiled triumphantly, it was like seeing an advertisement for a car.

He already had a handsome face, and when he got out of the supercar wearing a suit, it was like looking at a pictorial.

Lukdu looked at his car and opened his mouth.

“Huh, did you buy another car?”

“How do you like it? It’s cool? This is a new model. Isn’t it really cool? Shut down the engine sound.”

At Yoo Tae-hoon’s boastful words, Sogang-doo trembled with his fuss and envyed him.

When I heard about it, it seems that the car was imported from abroad, so Kang-doo So asked if he had any plans to sell it.

“You have five cars, right? But why do you need this car again? Just give it to this hyung.

Hearing So Kang-doo’s words, Yoo Tae-hoon was in color.

“No matter how many cars there are, I don’t sell this. How did I get the car?”

Hearing their conversation, Jung Daesik was internally surprised.

‘Have six cars?’

Park Mu-won, who stood silently watching them, pointed out an important fact.

“It’s a nice car, but you can’t ride it, can you?”

So Gang-doo, who realized this later, shouted.

“Oh, come to think of it! Why did you bring this car out! You brought it out purely to brag!”

Yoo Tae-hoon shrugged his shoulders, and Heo Mirae laughed softly.

“Kangdoo and Taehoon go in this car. Daesik and Muwon can ride in my car.”

Sogang Doo nodded his head saying that he wanted to ride Taehoon Yoo’s Lamborghini.

They left first, and Mi-rae Heo pulled out her car after a while.

Jung Daesik said she would drive a domestic car paid by her company.

But unexpectedly, he brought a car that looked as rare as a Lamborghini.

“This car…?”

“Classic Kaya. Isn’t it pretty?”

It was a classic-looking Benz that only appeared in an old movie.

Even so, the paintwork was smooth with no scratches due to good maintenance.

The interior made of wood was also luxurious.

“Hey… I’ve never seen a car like this.”

When Jung Daesik spoke with admiration, Mi-rae Heo readily spoke.

“Would you like to drive?”

“Huh? No, no.”

It wasn’t that he didn’t feel bad, but he was afraid that an accident might happen.

Seeing Jung Daesik backing away, Mi-rae Heo told him to say whatever he wanted to drive, and took the steering wheel.

Jung Daesik took a seat in the passenger seat, and Muwon Park sat in the back seat.

Seeing the car start driving down the road, Jung Daesik glanced back at Park Mu-won.

Park Mu-won looked at me like if I had something to say, come on, Jung Daesik asked a question.

“Do you also have a car like this other than the car the company paid for?”

Park Mu-won answered bluntly.

“There is no such car. There is one Jeep.”

Obviously, it’s not just a Jeep.

It is probably one of the most luxurious cars among Jeep cars.

It was then that Jung Daesik noticed that few of the Titan raid members drove domestically sponsored cars.

The numerous foreign cars that inadvertently passed by in the company parking lot were all driven by the crew.

‘Yeah… just thinking about it, it’s only natural. Skillful hunters earn huge amounts of money. Hunters belonging to the Titan Raid will of course earn a lot of money. That’s why I don’t drive a free car.’

With a very new realization, the car drove down the road.

I thought I was going to a downtown area like Gangnam or Sinchon to have a drink, but I headed in the wrong direction.

“Isn’t this the one going to Gapyeong?”

Gapyeong, where pensions were once lined up, is now a place filled with abandoned houses.

This is because the world has changed to a place where monsters exist, and the travel population has drastically decreased compared to the past.

One reason was that there were several dangerous dungeons near Gapyeong.

Occasionally, the hunters who go hunting in the dungeon there are camping, and there is nothing there, so I wondered why they went there.

But Heo Mi-rae said with a smile.

“These days, Gapyeong has changed a lot. You will be surprised when you visit.”

I thought, what am I going to be surprised by again… but when I arrived in Gapyeong, Jung Daesik was really surprised.

Among the valleys and forests of Gapyeong, mysterious lights were twinkling.

Jung Daesik opened his mouth wide at the sight of seeing another world inside a dungeon.

Unbeknownst to Jung Daesik, Gapyeong had developed into an entertainment complex for hunters.

* * *The valley, which should have been engulfed in darkness, was lit up brightly with all kinds of luminous stones from the dungeon.

While the green and blue, purple and red colors emitted by the glowstone danced in a jumble of colors, Jung Daesik walked around like a peasant encountering civilization for the first time.

The streets with all kinds of pubs were bustling with hunters.

Some people were covered in blood and bodily fluids as if they had just come out of a hunt, while others passed by with the fur of an unknown monster on their back.

I saw a woman who wore horns like a monster or increased her ears like a monster, and a man of such a huge size that I doubted whether it was a human caught my eye.

Meanwhile, Jung Daesik was drawn into a tavern by his men.

A girl who dyed his hair loudly and cosplayed like a cat yokai jumped out and greeted them.

“Welcome! Oh! Aren’t you the Foreign Legion?”

At the word Foreign Legion, the female employees scattered in the store said, “Where, where?” and expressed interest.

It seemed that everyone who refused to do what they were doing and rushed to pretend to know them was a regular here.

“Come over here!”

The place I was guided to was a seat with a good view of the outside.

On a table made entirely of luminous marble, there was a chaise longue, and luminescent plants that only grow in dungeons were hanging from the ceiling.

It felt like I was in a dungeon.

“What would you like to order?”

At the female employee’s question, So Gang-doo winked and shouted, “It’s what I always ate!”

Soon she disappeared, and the things she used to eat came out.

There was a whole steamed dish of giant crab the size of a human head, a cocktail served in an ice glass, and some hookah.

“what’s this?”

As Jung Daesik pointed to the hookah, So Gang-doo chuckled and held it out.

“Try it! This is so much fun.”

“… Let’s have a drink first.”

“Is that so?”

Jung Daesik held a drink, and the rest of the unit also held a drink.

Asking Yoo Tae-hoon to say something to commemorate his enlistment ceremony, Jung Daesik coughed and opened his mouth.

“Ummm. Well, I don’t have much to say. Fight! Titan Raid!”

“go for it!”

As we all shouted and drank our alcohol, suddenly, our head was thrilled.

Usually, when I drink alcohol, my throat burns or my stomach burns, but somehow, this drink seemed to burn in my head.

In a blink of an eye, as he got drunk and his eyes dizzy, Jung Daesik was startled and missed his glass.

“What, what, this?”

“Jjasik! What is it, alcohol!”

I bet it wasn’t the usual drink.

Clearly, something strange had gone into it.

My whole body relaxed in an instant, and I suddenly felt better.

At the same time, the anxiety about unidentified alcohol escaped, and I became happy without a word.

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