Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World

Chapter 11 - The Birth Of A New Energy

A few minutes later, they finally reached the nearest city. It was called Blossom City, where a red-light district is known as their specialty. Although Lucas wasn't there for the brothel, he was just there for the cultivators' stop where he could cultivate.

Even with a little uncertainty about his goals, he wanted to cultivate and see a result in his plan to convert his cultivation technique to merge with his mana.

The carriage stopped at the gate for a short moment. After showing their identification, the carriage was permitted to get into the city.

"So, what are you going to do, now, Claus?" Sora asked when he noticed Lucas peeking out the window.

Lucas gazed at her with an uncertain expression. "Well, I'm just here to cultivate. I've got resources here, so I'm looking for a quiet place." He said.

"Well, if you are looking for a quiet place, maybe I can help you with it," Sora suggested.

However, Lucas declined and just smiled, "I'm sorry if I have to decline. I don't want to bother you anymore."

"But you're not bothering me." Sora followed.

"Well, it's for my well-being actually. I prefer to be independent for a while."

Sora felt dispirited by Lucas's words. She sighed before taking out a medallion from her pouch. She handed it to Lucas, making him ponder for a moment.

"What's this for?" He asked.

"If you ever have time to visit Cluster City, show this to the guards and they will lead you to our mansion. Since you declined my previous offer, you can't decline this." She insisted.

Lucas looked at the medallion for a short time and accepted it with a sigh. "Okay, I will show this to the guards."

"Good!" She cheerfully exclaimed.

"I'll be going then," Lucas said as he opened the doors of the carriage.

"Goodbye and see you soon, Claus." Sora teasingly said, waving her hands at him.

After a few seconds, Lucas's figure disappeared from their field of view, making the guards have the courage to ask their young lady.

"Young Lady Sora, why did you not ask him about you searching for a partner?"

"Yes, why did you not?"

Sora, who was listening to their remorse, just sighed in frustration. Her eyes rolled before she looked at them.

"Are you nuts? Can't you feel the different aura he has? Or have you just degenerated that you thought he was a commoner?" Sora scolded.

The guards were speechless for a brief moment before opening their mouths again.

"What did you feel, young lady? Why did you decide not to ask him about it?"

"Well, he is something different from us. He has a noble aura, but his cultivation base is somewhat mixed with some divine energy. I don't know, but I think I might pass on it since he is mysterious, as you said. This isn't the right moment for it. I was wrong." She said, dumbfounding her servants with her vague explanation.

Su family has a unique cultivation technique that lets them feel different auras. Though on her part, she still has lower cultivation based that's why she barely felt the mana and called it divine energy.


After stepping out of the carriage, Lucas asked the wind to search for a cultivator stop for him to cultivate.

Despite the weak connection with the air, his aptitude for it still doesn't change, which helps him ask them for a vague description of the area.

Since the wind doesn't really talk, he just feels the geography of the area to help him navigate.

Well, it wasn't about geography in particular. If he asks the wind to find a tailor shop, he won't receive any answer from it since they can't differentiate things. Instead, he asked the wind to find specific abnormalities in wind.

Because of the formation that is imprinted on a cultivator stop, an abnormality in the flow of wind appears in that area. Thus, Lucas can only find abnormalities in the geography and not the differentiation of buildings in the area.

Lucas heads towards the cultivator stop called Spiritual Station. Despite its weird name, Lucas shrugged it off and stepped into the building.

After stepping in, he was greeted by a female staff member of the building.

"Welcome to Spiritual Station."

What's first impression of Lucas was that this establishment doesn't discriminate against customers. Seeing how the staff genuinely greeted him, unlike Saber City, was a source of refreshment for him. Even though he wasn't bothered by it, he was still looking for reasonable people in this world.

Fortunately, it was just in front of him.

'Perhaps I will use their service for a long time. Since I got 65 coins left and cultivators only feed by spiritual energy, I will survive without eating.' He thought.

"How much for an hour?" He asked.

"An hour is just 1 gold coin by the standard. How long will you rent for our service?"

"65 hours," he said.

The staff was a little surprised by his order because Lucas didn't really look like a wealthy person or someone who belonged to a family. She just greeted him since she still respects rogue cultivators.

'Well, I really can't judge people by their clothes. Who would've believed that he was a commoner? He's too handsome to be one!' The staff cried in excitement.

She nodded, recorded Lucas's order, and gave him a key.

"Room 14, sir." She said.

Lucas nodded and headed immediately to the room where he sat in lotus form.

Lucas started following the cultivation technique and tried to check his absorption body on the way. When he saw a small amount of spiritual energy going into his core, he was perplexed for a moment.

'What does this mean?' He thought he saw different energies trying to merge into his core.

'But dantian and the core are two different pools. How can Qi get into the core? I was thinking of merging them by having my mana blend with the Qi but not the other way around.'

He started cultivating while observing his core. A few moments later, he saw a small amount of Qi entering his core. He expected to see his core reject the Qi, but it did not. Instead, it embraced the spiritual energy and blended with it.

Giving birth to another form of energy, Lucas was surprised and took a halt in his cultivation.

"Did I just see it the wrong way?"

Lucas saw three types of energy in his body. Two from his core and one from his dantian. If it was right, did he just see the birth of a new type of energy?

"I thought that my mana would reject Qi since they are the dominant ones in my body. However, it resulted in a different path. Should I unseal a partial part of my core so that I can multiply it? It feels like they are giving birth instead, rather than blending."

Thus, Lucas decided to go back to his cultivation. He began by unsealing a portion of his core and then absorbed some spiritual energy from his surroundings.

Half of his absorbed Qi went straight to his dantian, while some went to his core.

For a moment, Lucas noticed that his core was starting to widen, making a vacant space for the third energy he had.

"This isn't good. If my core gets too concentrated, I will explode."

But Lucas thought of a different way to keep his third energy. Since he couldn't really control the spiritual energy entering his core because of his absorption body, which is in his core, he thought of creating another pool for the third energy.

"If I try to merge my dantian and core instead… What will happen? Will I die if I do it?"

Unaware of what would happen if he tried to create another field of his third energy, he carefully studied his dantian. If he can't merge his two pools of energy, maybe he can replicate or imitate his dantian and core.

"That's it. I will create a new pool, but I haven't tried this in this world yet. In my previous world, I tried enhancing my mana circuits by drilling through my body for a whole day. And what's worse, it's painful."

"If I can do such feat, I might make my pace quicker than others… But the risk…"

For a long moment, while cultivating minimally, he started having second thoughts about his decision. However, if he wanted to enjoy his new life, he had to take the risk, or he would stay in the lower stage because of his core being populated by uncontrolled third energy that he accidentally created.

"Okay then. Let's take this risk. I can recover my mana if I make it my first power choice. And my cultivation is just a stick in this world, so it won't become my first choice either. However, if I do this, it means I don't need to use my mana again since it can have a rest while I use my third energy."

"Wow… two different energy being merged and giving birth to a new type of energy. I might become the strongest creature again if I succeed."

"Thus, let's start drilling."

Lucas finally concluded a partial property of his dantian. Since he got a little grasp of it, he started creating a new pool for his body by concentrating the third energy.

Now, his only problem is knowing where to activate his new pool.

In magic, there are no such rules since cores are present in every human. In this world, placing your hands over the lower dantian, located two fingers below the belly button, is the way to activate the dantian.

However, if he creates such a rule, where should he place it before drilling his body.

"I guess that should be in my chest. Even if it's not physically present, it is still safe from colliding with my other pools. That's it."

Lucas breathed according to his cultivation technique. He also activated his absorption body and started to pierce through his body to create a circuit or meridian appropriate for his third energy.

Piercing pain spread through his body. His face started to wrinkle in agony; even his teeth inside were gritting, almost locking his jaw.

However, this risk is a breakthrough for his life in this world. If he can't do it, he will just explode from natural causes – and it is his third energy running amok in his core.

Minutes later, his body started sweating. His form started to be more defined as the sweat swept out of his skin.

In his drilling, he finally reached his upper body and placed the concentrated third energy to finish creating a pool.

Seconds… Hours… And days have passed since he was last doing it.

And finally, his body has finally had a third type of energy passage. His new pool on his chest was finally finished, but now his body is starting to surrender from fatigue and pain.

Unconsciously, his body fell from stress, unable to gather strength in his arms.

He breathed heavily and smiled while looking at his arms with an uncertain eye.

"I did it.." He mumbled before losing consciousness.

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