Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World

Chapter 153 - The Punishment [1]

Pearl felt groggy lying on her bed, resting for the day. She subsequently decided to go back to sleep, but before she could, someone knocked on the door.

Pearl was inquisitive about who might have been the person who knocked on it when everyone was supposed to be watching the second round. She forced herself to stand up and unlock it. Just as she opened it, she saw Sect Elder Long.

Pearl had lost some of her memories of being assaulted by Sect Elder Long, so, as a natural reaction, she raised her eyebrow and asked.

"How may I help you, Sect Elder Long?" Pearl asked, which made Sect Elder Long surprised. His eyes widened, and later on, a grin appeared on his face.

"So... you aren't feeling bad about it anymore? I didn't expect that you would accept me that fast, Pearl." Sect Elder Long uttered, making her confused.

"What do you mean, Sect Elder Long?" Pearl was confused and as unaware as she was, Sect Elder Long was there to touch her.

"Oh come on, it seems that you liked it too. Why are you even playing dumb now? Come here." Sect Elder Long opened his body for an embrace, but Pearl just felt creeped out, slowly moving backward.

"Please leave, Sect Elder Long." Pearl wanted to close the door, but before she could, Sect Elder Long entered the room.

Pearl was too stunned to move, but she was able to react to it, exclaiming at him with intense irritation. "Sect Elder Long! What are you doing?!"

Observing her, Sect Elder Long became perplexed as to why Pearl was acting in this way. Initially, he thought that Pearl had become open to the idea of him touching her, but it ended up not being like that.

Pearl was acting as if she didn't know what happened. And thinking about it intrigues Sect Elder Long; a few ideas popped into his head as he approached Pearl slowly, his body steaming hot.

"What did you do, Pearl? Why are you rejecting me? You don't know what happened to us? You already forgot?"

Pearl was so confused, but she didn't ask about it, as she only wanted to escape this situation.

Feeling agitated about it, Pearl threw some items at him that she could touch. However, Sect Elder Long just caught it and smiled afterward.

"Why are you doing this, Sect Elder?" Pearl asked in an obvious nervous manner. With this question, Sect Elder Long only continued smiling viciously. Then, a few seconds later, with Pearl nervously staring at him, he tried to shift his hands over Pearl's body.

"Please stop!" Pearl shouted in the midway of Sect Elder Long's hands at her.

Sect Elder Long stopped and looked at her maniacally. "How dare you shout at me like that?"


Pearl touched her cheeks as she had been slapped by Sect Elder Long. And as much as she wanted to react to it, she was vulnerable. She felt that it happened in the past and that she felt vulnerable in front of this person.

Naturally, she knew that Sect Elder Long had dark plans for her, but she couldn't move her body to escape. Even if she runs, she will merely be caught and no one will help her since no one is present at the current time.

And as Sect Elder Long felt safe when Pearl retracted, he then continued with his plan, lifting his hand and touching Pearl, but before he could, a sudden thud resounded behind him. It was coming from the door of the room.

"Sect Elder Long, Pearl is being called by the Sect Leader. Please excuse her."

Sect Elder Long, annoyed, violently shifted his head and sought who had called him. And as he recognized who it was, his face calmed down.

"Oh... Sect Elder Bi, what are you doing here?" he asked.

Sect Elder Bi raised her eyebrows and retorted to him, "Why? Haven't you heard me? I said that I was here because Disciple Pearl was being called by the Sect Leader. How about you? Why are you here?"

Sect Elder Long was silent for a few seconds and awkwardly scratched his nape.

"Well, I was only checking Disciple Pearl's condition."


Sect Elder Bi just looked at him and, later on, landed her eyes on Pearl. "Go now, the Sect Leader is waiting," she said to Pearl.

Pearl felt saved and as she jumped on what Sect Elder Bi said, she excused herself, still nervous about what had just happened.

And as Pearl left the room, Sect Elder Long initiated to move out as well, but before he could, Sect Elder Bi closed the door, blocking his sole way out of the room.

Just as Sect Elder Long saw it, he confusedly raised an eyebrow at Sect Elder Bi and asked what it was about. He was bewildered. He had never seen Sect Elder Bi act this way towards him before.

"Hmm... What are you doing, Sect Elder Bi?"

Sect Elder Bi only smirked, then moved her right hand, pushing Sect Elder Long to the bed. She then smiled with hidden intention and looked at Sect Elder Long's eyes, seducing him with a kind of gaze.

Sect Elder Long widened his eyes as he had an idea of what was supposed to happen. Overjoyed by it, he returned a smile to her and then prepared himself, as in the meantime, he was also feeling steamy.

"Wooo... I never thought you were into this, Sect Elder Bi." Sect Elder Long uttered, then waited for Sect Elder Bi's kiss as she was moving her face near him.

"But I'm ashamed, I'm not into aged ladies." Sect Elder Long went on.

Sect Elder Bi smirked, then, as a gap between her lips was formed, she spoke. "Fuck you. Sleep."

As if she had cast something on him, suddenly, Sect Elder Long lost his consciousness, falling asleep within a second.


Sect Elder Long's eyes moved in a sluggish manner, opening them as well as feeling sore in his nape, as if he had just been out in an awkward position. However, he was not wrong. Just as he opened his eyes totally, he saw himself sitting on a cold floor.

His hands were tied behind him. Also, his legs were tied so tightly that he wasn't able to stand after waking up. His body was leaning on a wall, and thinking about it, that must be the reason why he felt sore.

"Where am I?" he asked himself.

He looked around him, but he only saw darkness and only a limited light from which nowhere was coming. And as helpless as he was, he tried to perform a technique, but he was blocked by something that negated his energy.

"What happened?"

"Oh, you are awake?"

Sect Elder Long heard a familiar voice, and as he looked for it, he opened his mouth in surprise, seeing a familiar female before him.

"How dare you, Sect Elder Bi! Why did you do this to me?! Untie me, or else I will report you to the Sect Leader!"

Sect Elder Bi just moved back from the threats. However, she was so unyielding that she only smirked and lowered her stance before him, saying, "What could a lifeless body possibly do?"

Sect Elder Long hissed, then just retracted his head. He then thought of another word and, as an idea went into his mind, he spoke it out loud.

"I will let you touch me, but after this, let me go. I promise you that I won't report you."

Just after hearing it, Sect Elder Bi laughed out loud, as if there was no tomorrow for her to laugh. And as strange as that laugh is, Sect Elder Long raised his eyebrow in confusion.

'I can't think of any idea why Sect Elder Bi was doing this... But from what I can remember before this happened, she pushed me to bed as if she wanted to do something.' Sect Elder pondered.

"Why would I touch you? Yuck, that's disgusting..." Sect Elder Bi said, but surprisingly, her voice confused Sect Elder Long as it wasn't the voice of a female, instead, it was a man's.

"Wha-! What are you?!" he asked instinctively, but Sect Elder Bi only sniggered, then later uttered some words.


In an instant, Sect Elder Long's jaw dropped in stun. He saw something... An illusion maybe? And what's more, if it is an illusion, how come he couldn't discern it?

Sect Elder Bi's face became one of a man. He had dark-colored hair and his skin was fair. And he also had the pretty face of a man that made Sect Elder Long feel familiar with it.

"Who are you? You are not Sect Elder Bi!" Sect Elder Long shouted.

The man only nodded with a smile and then said, "Yes, I am not Sect Elder Bi. I am Lucas Wei. Remember me?"

Just after listening to his name, Sect Elder Long's eyes widened in surprise. He felt familiar with his face because he had just seen him an hour before. It was from the monitor and a participant from the Profound Symbol Sect.

"Wha-! How dare you treat me like this?! If you release me now, I will forgive this insanity!"

"Forgive? What a kind word coming from you, who is powerless."

"Powerless...? Let's just see how far you can spout after I destroy this tie. I am certain that it was negating my energy, but a half-assed suppressing array can be destroyed after a fluctuation."

Sounding confident about it, Lucas smirked.

"Try it, if you can," he said, with a heinous smile curling upon his lips.

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