Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World

Chapter 170 - Retaliation Of The Clans [3]

The clan leader of the Iliman Clan released a sigh and then let Gabriel speak what he had. 

"Okay, you are here as the clan leader of the Ju Yue Clan. What do you want to talk about."

"I want to know why you turned a blind eye when my clan was attacked by the Bo Lin Clan. You were supposed to punish them, but yet, when I retaliated on my own, you sent people to execute me."

The Nisan Clan Leader sniggered and mocked Gabriel. "Why would we do that? That is obviously a fun thing to do, the least we would do. We would be trampling on our pride if we did that."

Gabriel became silent and then realized why they did it. They were afraid of him. If he had become stronger than they were, then their power in the Great Mao Mountains would be threatened.

He understood it well, but he is hoping as well that they would understand what he did.

"So... you did it for such a reason? Okay, I understand. But I hope you understand that I was only protecting myself. I killed your elite squad for self-defense," he stated.

"That is where you are wrong, Ju Yue Gabriel Fang. What you did was a crime. You didn't only pay heed to our rules, but you also obstructed the justice system."

Gabriel cut the Nisan Clan Leader off and said, "Do you own the Mao MOuntain?"


"Then, why are you deciding on the justice system of the Mao Mountains if you turned a blind eye when the Bo Lin Clan attacked my clan?!" Gabriel shouted.

The pressure surrounding them was overbearing. He almost exploded with his spiritual energy, making the weaker clansmen move backward from the pressure.

Gabriel's eyes turned red this time. He was infuriated, yet he was controlling himself not to attack them. Suppressing his anger would be greater than causing another commotion between other people.

"W-What? What is wrong with you, kid?! Can't you understand that your clan is under us? What we decide is what your clan should follow."

Gabriel was stunned. The pressure suddenly disappeared as he processed what he had heard. He was too stunned that his eyes were wide.

"What? What do you mean by that? You don't own the Great Mao Mountains, yet you have the audacity to believe that we should abide by your rules?"

It was ridiculous for Gabriel. He couldn't believe that their duality was too unbearable. Who are they to think of themselves at the top of the staircase? Were they greater than them?

"So, what are you going to do? Will you attack us as well? How would you do that?" Iliman Clan Leader asked.

Gabriel smirked, then turned into a grin. He then raised his head with his teeth clenched and looked at them with blood-thirstful eyes.

"You asked for it," he uttered, then abruptly pulled his sword. He swung it in every direction.

[Stallion of Formless Art Combined Forms]

It was a storm. Every speck of dirt in the village flew away, as did the blood that polished them. The bamboo fences flew as well, with heads stuck on the pointed parts of them.

The shouts covered the whole area, with Gabriel standing still while he moved his hands. He was grinning in joy as he looked at the upheaval of life and death that he had created.

He witnessed every one of them destroy their vocal cords with their shouts. He noticed how helpless they were under his attack. And Gabriel realized that he should have done it soon.

Their heads were already clouded by their arrogance. He knew that he should not put justice in his hands, but they were too biased if they thought of putting the responsibility in the Mao MOuntains in their hands.

Their standards were doubled. They were only thinking of themselves in the first place. That is why Gabriel thought that this was only natural.

And after a few minutes of barrage attacks, he stopped and looked at the disastrous scene he had created.

It was like an abstract painting with no definite starting point and ending point. It was only red, brown, green, and bodies.

He let out a sigh and then turned his back to them and stated, "I am letting you go. Just forget that I asked you to talk with peace." He then revealed his cultivation base, which was already at the middle level of the Master Spirit Realm.

He left the village and jumped off the high cliff, landing in the trees below.


No one knew what really happened between Nisan and the Iliman Clan officials. When their survivors saw their bodies, they could only cry from the horror that had fallen on their clans. 

The other ranking clans didn't know what to do. Should they use the chance to take over the leaderless clans or not?

They didn't know. What if what happened to those clans happened to them as well?

In the meantime, they decided to let it go for the moment and observe it. At the same time, try to benefit from it.

Meanwhile, in the Ju Yue Clan, after a week of mourning, they decided to pack their things and bid farewell to their deceased clansmen. They created a wide fence around their village to protect these buried bodies.

They decided to leave the village and the mountain to find opportunities on the mainland. It was what they could only think of. Their numbers were just in the hundreds, and living in such a dangerous environment won't suffice.

"We will go to the Heavenly Demon Sect. If they don't accept us, we will live in the forests again, but we will trade with the city inhabitants." Gabriel stated in front of the clansmen.

"How will we do that, clan leader? We don't have any prior knowledge of living in the city. And for sure, they would bully us."

Gabriel let out a sigh and took out a book from his bag, showing it to everyone.

"This is an observational study of the only scholar of the clan. Can you remember his name?" Gabriel asked.

They all widened their eyes in surprise as a name rang in their minds.

"The deceased clan elder Jo. He had observed mainland society. But how will that help us, clan leader?"

"Mainland society doesn't try to pick a fight with huge groups of people. We will pose ourselves as a sect that is on a journey. If they try to ask the name of our sect, just don't answer them. It will give them curiosity and it will lead to agitation."

"Are you sure about that, clan leader? What if they discover that plenty of us don't have any cultivation base?"

Gabriel let out a laugh and then stated, "Can't you see your body? We honed ourselves with external arts. Cultivation is not everything in mainland society. There are also people who don't have cultivation."

They all nodded in unison and put their trust in Gabriel. And until then, they were all set to journey to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

'My master was a friend of the Heavenly Demon Sect Leader. I hope that they'll accept us.' Gabriel wished deep into his heart.


Spiritual energy is important if a person wants to be a successful martial artist. However, one kid was swaying his limbs in the air with strong energy, yet it wasn't spiritual energy. It had no color, only intensity.

This kid is named Jake, and he was a previous beggar in a city in the Central Region. However, he ran away from the city as he was afraid of the kids' families that he beat up. He ran away from the terror that their family could bring him.

He knew that they were rich and he was only a poor beggar. Fearing that he might get punished, he lived in the woods for almost a week and just continued doing what was making him happy.

Jake just did what was drawn in the book that was given to him by some unknown elder. And as he followed what was drawn in the book, he felt as if he was being energized by every movement in it.

He smiled and performed another movement, then let out an exhale.

Jake was focused on his practice. He raised his right foot and stretched it as high as he could. He then felt his body liking it, and then suddenly dropped his right foot to the ground.

He smiled, and again, he raised it once more, but in a slightly faster manner. And as he raised it as high as he could, he dropped it and switched to his left foot with a small leap.

He felt his blood jump with joy and performed it again. But this time, he continued what was drawn in the book. It has three major movements, and he performed two of them.

This is a combination movement, as he expected since he didn't know some of the symbols written as labels.

When he raised his right foot and shifted with his left foot, when it touched the ground, he twisted his hip 180 degrees in a counter-clockwise rotation, then kicked with his right foot. His body turned back to his invisible target.

This was a kick sent backward, but Jake didn't care what its name was; he just continued practicing it until he rested.. And still, he didn't know why his movements were giving him energy despite not eating for about a few days.

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