God of Magic was now in the use of Lucas's body. He was feeling the energies in his body, and as he was sure that only mana was present, he exploded in joy. 

"What a majestic feeling. This is nothing compared to when I was in Encanta."

Lucas could feel the slight mana in the surroundings, but there was no fun in draining this measly amount. And as he concluded what to do, he started floating and flew straight to the sky. He inspected the area, but he didn't find any usable mana. The amount was a pity.

The reason there was no usable mana was that the people around him were practicing more Qi. They circulated Qi in their bodies to the point where the mana is rejected by their bodies. And as this happened, Lucas couldn't see any potential use for them.

He ignored them and just ventured through the whole sky. There was no fun in killing them. They were still livestock, but they had a different use for him later. 

He flew straight and sensed every bit of land he could see from above. He passed through cities and villages. He went over mountains and rivers, but no superb amount of mana was present.

And as he continued flying, he stopped in the most northern part of the Southern Region. He looked below and saw ordinary people with small present cultivators.

He then realized that cultivators didn't have any usable mana. And just as he knew that there were more average humans in this realm, he also knew that he could get more mana.

He smirked and chanted some chants, and a light flickered in the sky. He raised his left hand above, and rock emerged. Slowly, the rock became huge, and fire surrounded it. Then, molten rock was created and it was floating in the sky.

This huge rock was a meteorite, and it created a huge shadow for the people below. And just when they were curious and confused about it, they all went out and looked at the sky. 

Everyone looked above, and they saw a small human figure and a burning rock above him. The scorching heat reached them and made them alarmed as well.

"What is that?" They all asked themselves and tried to assess it more.

"Isn't that a huge rock? Where is that going?"

"If that falls, we are going to die."

"That is impossible to fall because no one is willing to make everyone their enemy. If that falls, the person behind it would be fighting against the whole continent."

"But what if the person behind it was crazy? He would be suicidal."

"Fuck! We are going to die if that happens!"

As they were talking, Lucas launched the meteorite at them. The huge meteorite fell down in a slow movement that created a deafening sound for them. The pressure in the sky became hazy as if it were making wavy images of everything in the surroundings.

And as this meteorite fell on average people, cries filled the ground. A huge explosion was created, and a massive crater was left.

After a few seconds, there was no life left around the crater.

Lucas had seen everyone die, and as he landed, he absorbed every little bit of mana that was released from their bodies. Even though he used a huge chunk of mana to create that meteorite, he knew that he could still get more.

He then decided to observe the site. He felt the hotness of the ground as well as the agonized cries that were left on the ground. He could see their cries after death. Even so, he didn't feel any remorse. They were livestock for him, and it was glued to his mind.

And just when he decided to leave, cultivators started appearing. They were all alarmed by him, and just when Lucas was already floating, he stopped and looked at this group of cultivators.

They also flew to level with Lucas's position, while those who could not fly were left below.

"Who is this man? Why does he pose some kind of threat when he doesn't have any Qi in his body." A cultivator said that was immediately hushed.

"Do not underestimate him just because you cannot feel any Qi from him. Remember that there are masking techniques to hide any sign of Qi." One reasoned.

"Yes. But before that, let us question his reason for killing everyone. How come he was able to do that? Was it because of a treasure?"

Lucas stood still in the air and just gave them some uninterested eyes. His eyes were also inspecting them, but he could not feel any usable mana from them. But there was some mana since they seemed to be not masters of Qi.

Lucas stretched his neck and shoved his hands into his body. His wardrobes started changing to more of a mage's style. His white robe appeared, with an unhooded hood. Then, golden linings appeared that gave him a divine aura. 

And just as Lucas did this, everyone was baffled. They were speechless, as they had never seen this kind of ability before. Even if it was just a treasure, it was too hard to ignore.

"What was that? Is that even possible?"

"He changed his clothes without any other movements. He just did that with his hands swaying in the air."

"That is too much. He should be in the General Spirit Realm."

"That is a mystical art. Should we fight him? I think if we killed him, we would get some rewards from the Five Great Families."

Lucas was just listening to them, and just as he observed, he noticed that greed was starting to cloud their minds. He knew as he could see their eyes looking at him as if he was a prize. 

But even so, he just continued being calm and looked at them endlessly.

"Hey! Why did you kill everyone here? Who are you?"

"If you don't answer us, we will kill you."

"No. If you don't tell us who you are, we will torture you and give you a hard time."

"That is given, but if you have something on your mind, you should tell us before everything ends for you."

Lucas noticed how hyped they were. He knew that it was going to be fun to play with them, but he was not interested in it in the meantime.

"What can you do to me? Tickle me?" Lucas responded with no certain expression.

When they heard it, they were all insulted.

"Tickle? Do you think our number is just too measly to compare with tickles? I see... You must have been crazy."

Lucas smirked, then nodded. "Yes, I am crazy."

Lucas grinned and then shrugged. Within his two hands, two sickles appeared, and they started rotating, making a visible circle. It was made of green, and just by looking at it, an aura of wind could be seen.

Lucas raised it and showed it to everyone. And just as they looked at it, they were all amazed.

"Oh... What a good technique you have there! We changed our minds. If you give us that technique, we will spare your life."

"No! If you give us that technique, we will compensate you and turn our blind eyes to what you did. We are people with power and it is normal to kill measly livestock, right?"

Lucas sniggered, then gave them a smug face. "What did you say? Don't compare me as if we are alike."

Lucas swayed his hands, and the sickles moved in a swift manner. It created a vacuum sound, and as it flew straight at them, they were unprepared for what could happen to them.

Lucas targeted only one person, and as it went to him, he lifted his sword to protect himself, but he was not expecting what happened next.

Everyone didn't expect it as they didn't know what the technique was that Lucas performed. Too bad for them, it was not a technique but a magic spell called "Wind Sickles."

And as these sickles passed through, a line was drawn at the man's waist, detaching the upper part of his body from his lower part. 

His defense was useless, and in the end, he died.

Everyone was baffled and speechless. Their words couldn't get out of their heads as they didn't know what they had just witnessed.

'What was that? I didn't see that coming?'

'That technique? It was powerful. I must get it.'

'I should run, or else I will die from this technique.'

Lucas was just silently looking at the different emotions that were painted on their faces. And as he had felt uninterested in watching them, he finished it immediately.

He shoved his hands and a few sickles appeared again. Then, the vacuum sounds became stronger, and everyone looked at Lucas.

The sickles multiplied, and they were slashed by it. When this happened, blood rained and polished the land. The cultivators left below looked at them with a blank expression.. They didn't know what had happened, but what they were sure of was that the cultivators had died.

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