Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World

Chapter 18 - Young Master Lucas

Lucas was just nonchalantly looking at the guards while Felicity was wearing a bored face.

The guards who intercepted them looked at them from head to toes. Seeing that they were wearing average clothes, they decided to bombard them with questions.

"Who are you?"

"Lucas and Felicity."

"Don't know you. Why are you here?"

"To see the Lim Family."

"Don't care. What's your purpose?"

"To see the Lim Family."

"Who are you?"


"I don't care. Now scram!"

Felicity clenched her fist behind Lucas, who was answering them. The way the guards speak is too arrogant and disrespectful. Even if they don't know them, they can't just act that way. They are just guards.

It was indeed true that they were just guards. However, for these guys, being a guard for the Lim Family is a privilege and an honor, and they can't let any insignificant people get near their master's residence. Thus, they act this way and keep their ego up.

This kind of situation is common in the cultivation world. People with power, and even those who are just leeching, are arrogant and prideful. Seeing someone who is lower than them, they would not leave a chance to not make obvious the disparity between them.

Of course, it was unreasonable that Felicity didn't like it and never practiced it. Although she was arrogant, she wasn't rude.

Felicity knows what the outcome will be.

When she was about to speak, Lucas stopped her.

"I got this. Just calm down, don't work with your fists all the time." Lucas said as he little knew the nature of proud cultivators.

Meanwhile, the guards who were looking at Lucas shifted their eyes to Felicity, who took their attention afterward. They gazed at her up and down and bit their lower lip, noticing her peerless beauty.

Although she was unbelievably beautiful, they could just wonder why they didn't notice her first and immediately looked at Lucas.

However, it wasn't important to them. They just talked with each other and Felicity was the topic.

"Hey… Look. That woman right there. Isn't she hot?"

"Yeah. Hahaha. I bet we have the same thoughts."

"Let's play her for a moment. Maybe they won't mind us paying them since they're just poor. I bet she would even feel honored to be paid by us."

"That's a nice idea! Let's try our luck then."

Felicity, who can hear everything from afar, almost popped her vein in her forehead from irritation. The one thing she doesn't like was being stared at with lust.

Heaven knows that she is sweet, but she can be cruel at times when she's irritated. But alas, she was so stupid that she prioritized her 'previous friends' back in her realm.

"What a scum. Don't mind it, Felicity. I will take care of this." Lucas mumbled at her.

However, Felicity has glaring eyes that even Lucas was almost stabbed by it.

"I don't really like being looked at that way," Felicity responded.

"I can see it. But let me take care of things for you. This is a job for men." Lucas said.

While the guards were preoccupied with Felicity's beauty, Lucas approached them.

"Well… well… that's not a nice thing to do. You must be gentlemen since you are guards. And thinking that you were just doing your jobs to not let an unknown person inside. However, I was wrong. So… let me do the job of being a gentleman!" he roared before revealing his cultivation base. 

Even though Lucas has different pressures that he keeps; for example, killing intent. Exposing one's cultivation base is what's common in this world. Since he learned that it was what Felip Cai did, he just copied the trigger for revealing it.

A strong pressure exploded from Lucas's body. As the guards were hit by his pressure, they gulped in agitation, feeling inferior in front of a man who was younger than them.

They helplessly took out a talisman and tore it to alarm the masters in the mansion.

Meanwhile, inside the mansion, Arthur Lim felt a strong pressure that could rival his cultivation base.

He took a halt in what he was doing, then rushed towards the gate where the pressure came from. But before he could do so, an alarm from their warning talisman lit up the sky with the alarm.

"We are under attack!" he cried, then continued climbing down the stairs as their mansion was elevated.

He dashed towards the direction and was baffled when he saw who was supposedly attacking their mansion.

"Young Master Lucas?" he mumbled in confusion.

He inspected Lucas's demeanor and was uncertain if it was really him. But when he felt the unknown aura around Lucas, he was certain that it was the one who had saved his daughter from being bedridden.

He continued to rush to the gate and when he got there, his guards reported and pointed at Lucas, who was about to attack them.

But they were just surprised when they received a slap instead of praise for protecting the estate.


"You bastards! Why did you offend him?!" Arthur roared in fury as he saw that Lucas was really pissed.

"B-But he was attacking the mansion, Master. Did you not see it?"

"Idiots! He was the one who saved my daughter. Now, how can I repay his kindness if he was offended by my guards?!" he continued.

"But he was just a commoner. We didn't think that he was the one who saved the young lady."

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Continuous slaps coming from Arthur's hand back. Their faces redden from the impact that hit them. They were baffled and terrified when they finally realized that they had hit their master's nerves.

Lucas, who saw Arthur coming, hid his cultivation back and walked towards the gate to greet Arthur. 

A smile emerged from his face and said, "Forgive me, Arthur. And again, if you don't mind my clothes."

After settling his servant, Arthur approached Lucas with an overwrought expression. His lips were trembling and he could not build the words he wanted to say.

However, Lucas was so benevolent that he just called it a mere play. After all, he wasn't offended by it. Instead, he wanted to enjoy looking at the terrified faces of the guards that acted arrogant in front of him and disrespectful towards a woman.

"Y-Young Master Lucas, please forgive my guards. I didn't know that you were coming, so…"

Before he could finish his words, Lucas cut him. "Don't mind it. I was at fault too, since I came unannounced. Even though I really can't announce it to you, at least, thank you for greeting me here."

Arthur was still unsettled that his knees were too soft to continue to walk. When he spoke, his words stutter.

"T-Thank you, young master! I will surely pay for this benevolence you showed towards my guards. I can't hire anymore, so thank you for not punishing them!" he exclaimed in a fast manner with his eyes closing.

Lucas just scoffed and patted his shoulder.

"It's not my job to scold them. It's yours, so after this, you can decide whether you like to punish them or not." Lucas said with a soft tone in his voice.

Though he wasn't really bothered by it. Lucas still doesn't like extremely arrogant people. People just become stupid when they being arrogant.

"I-I will surely punish them later," Arthur said, then continued. "What's the purpose of this young master coming here? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, I am just here to visit before I continue to go to the east. And I am also curious about Pearl's condition. How was she?" Lucas asked.

Felicity, who was listening to them, pondered, 'Pearl? Is she his woman? It doesn't matter, but why am I bothered with it?'

"My daughter is well and thank you to you, young master. She is gracefully walking and living her life to the fullest." Arthur said, then bowed slightly his head.

"Don't give me too much credits. It was your daughter's dedication that she got to enjoy her life right now." Lucas waved his hand before putting it back on his side.

"Then… please have a rest again in our house. With…" Arthur looked at Felicity and almost made his jaw drop in surprise by merely gazing at her.

"Your companion...." he followed with his voice unsure.

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