Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World

Chapter 183 - Ambassador's Legacy

In the darkness of the highest realm of the Four Heavens, a single immortal stood. He was floating in the darkness with his spiritless expression written on his face.

He wore white robes that reached his ankles. The arms of his robes were wide, and his robe shouted an extravagant impression of an item. And just as his presence was present in this darkness, his unbothered aura was leaking out of him.

His face was just an average one. He didn't have any unique facial features or any other indication that could make anyone remember him.

He held his stance and faced three entities that were behind the darkness of this realm.

He exhaled deeply, unbothered by their presence, and darted his hazel-tired eyes.

"I am already here, Ruler of the Four Heavens, the Divine Emperor. Here I am, the Mortal Heaven's ambassador, Xiulang, the successor of the previous ambassador, Chonglin."A gravelly, yet appealing voice loomed in this darkness.


Slowly, the darkness disappeared and three huge entity figures, similarly to humans, appeared that were the size of mountains when on land. And as Xiulang gazed upon them, his eyes remained immutable.

"You dare to throw that attitude in front of me?! What have you done to the Mortal Heaven that the universal bridge was open? That was a problem for almost a thousand years by now, yet you remained unbothered by that fact."

A deafening voice that was filled with an infuriated tone rumbled in this realm, making the other two entities cover their ears from the impact of his tone. 

"You need to calm down, Brother. This mere insect shouldn't manage to bother your tranquility." One spoke that seemed to have the second position out of the three of them.

The eyes of the Divine Emperor, who had skin covered with gold, shifted to his side, looking at his brother, who spoke with concern.

For a few seconds, he didn't speak, but then, as he realized that there would be no result to gain if he shouted, he slowly lowered his voice.

"You need to get punished for what you have done, Xiulang."

Xiulang, who stood like an insect in front of the gigantic entities, remained silent and unbothered of the infuriation of the Divine Emperor. He then let out a sigh, and then lowered his head unwillingly.

"I apologize for the result of my actions. However, I am here for an appeal."

The Divine Emperor gave him suspicious eyes. His gaze was just as threatening as they were, yet this kind of aura was useless to Xiulang, who seemed to care less about his life. He remained silent.

"What appeal? Depending on your answer, I'll spare your life."

Xiulang flinched, his fingers hidden in his robes flinched, as he learned that his life was in danger. But, he was not afraid of death. What he was intrigued about, which made him react, was that the Divine Emperor didn't care about life.

'Pathetic. He didn't know that I was the immortal that could manage the Mortal Heaven, yet he dared to think of me as his mere object.' A rebellious thought came from him.

"I am here to plea for my life. For what I have done has made you misunderstand my goals." He said, but deep within, he was ridiculed for mentioning pleading for his life.

'Just who is this Divine Emperor? He hasn't even made a significant contribution in the last thousand years.'

"So, care to explain why I need to listen to you? What did you do to deserve your plead?"

"I recollected the people of Mortal Heaven's potential to become the next ambassador. I made them pursue greatness and become strong, for them to also support you."

The three entities remained silent, but then, when the Divine Emperor thought of something, he immediately made a word of it.

"And what will happen to you after someone succeeds in your position?"

"I will cross the universal bridge to close the connection between those worlds and our world." Xiulang confidently declared, which surprised the Divine Emperor.

'I judged him too much. I was fixated on fixing the universal bridges, yet Xiulang had already thought about it and was willing to sacrifice himself in order to close the bridges. I am moved.' The Divine Emperor thought, with his eyes showing sympathy for Xiulang's resolution.

The Divine Emperor gave Xiulang discerning eyes and then exhaled a deep sigh.

"I get it. You are now dismissed."

Xiulang lowered his head for the last time and then disappeared from this realm, leaving no trace behind. And just as Xiulang vanished, the Brother of the Divine Emperor shared his thoughts of suspicion.

"Do you believe that what the Ambassador of Mortal Heaven said was true? Wasn't all he said just excuses to cover his irresponsibility."

The Divine Emperor glared at his brother and said, "You dare to judge and doubt my decisions? You are stepping over your boundaries, Brother."

His brother lowered his head and shook it. "I am not doubting you, but I am doubting that immortal's words. He could be just lying to us, and secretly using the bridge to go to other worlds."

The Divine Emperor became silent and had his thoughts preoccupied with what he suggested. His thoughts reached the point that he was contemplating, and then, as soon as he realized, he shook his head.

"That would be impossible. The more the universal bridge is used, even with different pieces and treasures, the more it gets wide and the more the worlds will collide. That is something discernable even from afar, Brother."

His brother became silent as well and tried to understand what the Divine Emperor said. Then, he nodded as the light in this realm started to disappear as well.

"I understand. That is the most plausible idea."


Xiulang had found his way back to the Mortal Heaven through a tunnel that allowed travel through different heavens. There were lights around him, colors of different scales, and pressures of different intensities of the different Qi that were powering the tunnel.

Xiulang had his arms crossed and was contemplating what had happened a few fragments of time earlier. He was ridiculed by the Divine Emperor as it was his first time meeting him.

'How could the Divine Emperor, the Ruler of the Four Heavens, act like a spoiled brat with no background knowledge behind his head? He was jumping into simple conclusions.'

Xiulang was disappointed in him as well, and he wasn't even thinking of meeting with the Divine Emperor in the near future. Well, because it was obvious that the Divine Emperor was due to cease his existence.

Xiulang had a legacy on hand, and it was to create a fuss in the Mortal Heaven where the subjects were world leaders of different continents. Furthermore, he was tasked with creating the legacy of the next ambassador of the Mortal Heaven.

It was the same as the Immortal Heaven, but Xiulang's legacy was more difficult than the Immortal Heaven's Ambassador's.

"Not jumping into a simple conclusion, I at least think that the other world where Lucas White came from is more amusing than this one. His world was just simple and more about enjoying living on it." Xiulang mumbled, then remained in his position until the next month, when his travels ended.

The tunnel slowly disappeared and he appeared somewhere, covered with green grass and a wide plain. He felt the wind touching his skin and the clean air flowing through his nose. And as he looked around him, the sky was just white.

There was nothing else in this place. There was just a wide green plain and a white sky with no clouds or even birds flying. He was sure that he was again in his realm in the Mortal Heaven.

This realm was his place, his room, his office, his living quarters, his base, his home. This was the only place given to him to observe the mortals in the Mortal Heaven. But yet, why did he dislike the thought of being an ambassador?

He liked it at first, back when it was his first hundred years. However, just after five hundred years, he got tired of living. That was why he initiated the legacy that someone offered.

Out of nowhere, entities with cultivation above the Celestial Realm appeared before him and offered him a legacy and the ability to outdo the Divine Emperor's ability to hear other people's thoughts.

He was doubtful of it at first, but as he sought a challenge in his life and wanted to have a different life after being an immortal, he accepted it.

There was no other option than to follow a different path apart from being a cultivator. That was why he gambled his life on crossing between different worlds using the universal bridges. 

And so, where he had his first mission, to put a trigger called "piece" which was in Encanta, "God Slayer," near Lucas's fate for him to be able to cross and arrive in the Four Heavens.

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