"Jake, Gabriel, are you fighting again?" With an annoyed expression, Thomas, the sect leader of Flower Dark Sect, asked as he arrived at the training ground. He then saw Jake panting, confused, while Gabriel was smirking, as if he had just finished punishing someone.

'For fucking's sake, I still can't understand why I get tired when I fight against him. It is weird as it doesn't normally happen, even against Master.' Jake questioned his capabilities after he met Gabriel, infuriated.

Over half a month ago, when the Xiao Dynasty was established completely, Jake, being with Lukros, met Gabriel, who was following them since Gabriel's master was related to them.

In their first encounter, there was nothing much to it. But after training and handling things before the war near each other, Jake grew annoyed with Gabriel. The reason behind it was complex, as Jake couldn't stand looking at Gabriel being proud as a disciple of his master's master. It just indicated that Gabriel and Lukros were equal.

Everyone knew that Jake was just being childish to think of it, but he was taking it seriously as he saw Gabriel as his rival. Gabriel and Jake were the only geniuses, or young and talented people, on the continent. And as Jake grew envious of him, he wanted to test who among the two of them was the best.

But, every time they fight, it results in a draw. Jake's mysterious energy could fight against Gabriel's heavy blows.

"I am not fighting against him, sir. This kid is just so annoying that he always wants to see who among the two of us is the best." Gabriel hissed, wiping his sweat off of his skin.

"It is because you don't know your place. Being a disciple of the grandmaster doesn't mean that you are equal with my master." Jake retorted.

Gabriel's face wrinkled from confusion. "When did I say that I am equal with Senior Brother Lukros?"

"See?! You just said it!"

"It is a normal way of addressing people, dumbass! He is my senior if you can't understand that." Gabriel replied without raising his voice, composing himself while he turned his back to Jake.

Gabriel then faced Thomas and clasped his hands, then lowered his head. "I will be going, sir."

Jake stomped furiously, as he still couldn't get what he wanted. He just wanted to see who was the best among them, but still, he couldn't get anything.

'Is it time to move away from him? I am really infuriated by the bastard.'

"Jake, you should calm down. There is nothing to get in competition with him or anyone." Thomas said with a profound tone and shook his head.

Jake could only sigh after hearing Thomas's notions for the nth time. He then picked up his things on the ground and bowed at Thomas afterward.

"I will be leaving, sir."


As Gabriel made his way back to the living quarters of his clan, a soldier lower in rank than him reported.

"Captain Fang, Sect Leader Long is looking for you."

Gabriel nodded, then changed his direction to Jeric's office. It was a little far from his location, making him fly to reach the destination in a short time.

When he arrived, he immediately reported his arrival. "Sect Leader Long, I have arrived."

The door slid open, revealing Jeric's seat from afar. He stopped doing some of his paperwork and then faced Gabriel.

"Gabriel Fang, you are promoted."

At that sudden announcement, Gabriel was as if struck by lightning, paralyzed in shock. He looked at Jeric with a stiff expression, agape, and slowly gathered the words from his mouth.

"I-I am promoted? How?" Gabriel asked.

Jeric smirked and stood up from his seat. "It was an order from the above and also a recommendation from me as the backer of your clan. You have so much potential. Congratulations. "

Gabriel was still in disbelief that he didn't know how to react. He couldn't think of a proper answer to Jeric's words. What he could see was Jeric's happy face, while approaching him as if a proud father of his child's achievement.

Gabriel couldn't deny that he was elated about it, but he was still bewildered by it as he didn't think much of his potential. And just as he got curious about his current rank, he asked.

"What rank am I already, Sect Leader?"

"General. And you will be dispatched as the commander of the battalion in Camp Xie, near Port Ling." Jeric stated, instantly making Gabriel smile.

"I understand, Sect Leader. Then, I will do a great job in the position that was given to me." Gabriel said with confidence, lifting his chest to be proud of what he had achieved. And just watching him, Jeric couldn't help but snicker and ruffle his hair.

"Stop acting cool. Prepare and have a farewell with your clan."

Gabriel nodded firmly after it.


While it was currently raining, Gabriel arrived at Camp Xie wearing a cloak and covering his head with a hood. He was soaking wet and had to rush into a nearby building. And as he arrived there, the crowd suddenly turned silent and looked at him.

Everyone was at least a decent soldier, but only a few of them were profound cultivators, as what was more common in them were external martial artists who had no cultivation.

Gabriel felt every gaze from them, and as he paced to the nearest counter of the building, which turned out to be a pub, their eyes were still bothering him. He let out a sigh and then approached the counter.

"I came from the Heavenly Demon Sect. I am Captain Gabriel Fang." He introduced himself.

The counter manager just looked at him and raised an eyebrow, which made Gabriel confused for a second. He was surprised by that reaction, but he didn't pay any heed and waited for a reply.

"So... ah... Captain Fang? I don't know you, sir, but I think you visited the wrong building."

"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked.

"This is not a building for the actual soldiers, but for the mercenary soldiers. And what is common here is that we don't follow any words unless you are the commander." The counter manager strongly said, limiting Gabriel's confidence in his power.

Gabriel just went silent and had to take a deep breath before he took over his irritation. "I mean, I am the new commander, so what are you going to do? If you don't want to listen to me, tell me where the main building is. I don't even care, just tell me where."

The counter manager stopped cleaning glass and smirked. He looked at one mercenary soldier and then called him. "Hey, Luping! Come here! We got someone here who had a rank and was calling himself the new commander."

Luping, the guy who was called, approached them with a delighted and playful face. He rested his elbows on the counter and faced Gabriel. "You are a ranked soldier? What rank?"

Gabriel faced him as well and darted his eyes. "Captain."

"Any identification that would indicate that you are a Captain?" Luping inquired through a playful tone.

Gabriel became silent again and closed his eyes. And in the next second, he opened his eyes, emitting his killing intent to everyone.

The density of the building became heavy as the rough sound of the rain accompanied the agony of the mercenary soldiers. They panted and seemed to be choking from the pressure Gabriel was putting on them. And just after a few seconds, Gabriel stopped and then had a boring look at Luping.

"Was that enough?"

Luping clicked his tongue after chasing his breath and answered, "Yes..."

Gabriel smirked and then faced the counter manager, who was currently quivering from the fear Gabriel had injected into him. "So, what about it? Can you tell me where it is? "

The counter manager nodded afterward, followed by his soliloquy. 'Fuck! This shit has killed plenty of people just to have that pressuring killing intent? Who would be able to create such a strong aura from a mere glare without any Qi on it?'

The counter manager became afraid of Gabriel, which influenced his way of speaking. "A-Across the small f-fountain. T-There is an old bamboo building. That is the main building."

Gabriel smirked and then turned his back. "I lost my interest in staying here." He muttered, then left the building without another glance at the building.

Gabriel followed the directions despite the rain bothering him. He just acted heedlessly of the interaction with the mercenary soldiers since they were just temporary soldiers. Paying much attention to them wouldn't benefit him after all.

And as Gabriel arrived, unlike the situation earlier, the crowd in the building didn't pay any attention to him, as if he was just another soldier. Even though he was soaking wet, they continued what they were doing.

Some of them were drinking alcohol, some of them were gambling. However, what caught Gabriel's attention was that they were able to have a small sparring ring in an old bamboo building. Due to his curiosity, he scanned the building and was surprised to see what was in it.

'Is it reinforced with spiritual energy?!'

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