Pilitro, in his monster form, and Quatro, in his monster form as well, arrived at the back of Fort Ling. Quatro had found the infiltrates of their fort, and as they had noticed them, the smiles on them couldn't be hidden anymore. They were delighted by their realization of their location.

Regidor, Bi Nam, Min Lao, Happy Su, and Lin Jinhai, on the other hand, had silently walked to the sides of the fort as they successfully passed through the waves of soldiers during the war. Their faces were delighted, smiling in joy as they were not discovered.

"Even though I wanted to underestimate them, I must say that they did a good job of creating a defense against our invasion. It seemed like they had expected us to come after they discovered all of our spies. Now, I can't help but wonder how they did it. The spies from the Shadow Battalion were the best when it came to spying." Happy Su commented while on their path.

Happy Su had just an average build, but his aura was strong enough to be compared to the other commanders. His appearance also seemed to be that of a pirate, with a scar on his face and a sly expression sticking to his facial features.

Happy Su's path was blocked by Lin Jinhai, who was a swordsman specializing in water mystical art control and who was also the tallest and skinniest among the commanders.

"Even though they discovered the spies, the five hidden commanders were good at it. The only difference was that they left sooner, which gave us a disadvantage." Lin Jinhai said.

Other commanders looked at Lin Jinhai and nodded in accordance with his comment.

"When I think about it, the Eastern Continent must have stood and survived well. Looking at their progress, even though it was weird, they were good at it." Bi Nam commented.

"Tsk. They were not even that good. But, I am hoping that they have at least one good product. I mean, women!" Then, afterward, Min Lao laughed.

Others could only slap their foreheads as they watched him laugh in joy. He seemed to be unbothered by his words, but Regidor, who was the most silent of them all, pointed his fist at Min Lao. Despite having an ugly appearance, just like Min Lao, he had the purest intention.

"You don't speak that way to the future subjects of the emperor. We are here to invade, not to take them as slaves and toys." Firmly saying it, Regidor made Min Lao silent.

Min Lao only glared at him and shoved Regidor's fist away. Then, he moved to the other side, his head shaking in disappointment. "You are such a kid, Regidor. Now I understand why people call you an incompetent commander."

On Regidor's forehead, veins popped out from his anger. He gritted his teeth while being hostile to Min Lao. "What did you just say? Try insulting me. You will see what the Senses Battalion could do."

Other commanders had decided to intervene with them, facing them with their worried faces. They had stopped the further break of their argument, but Min Lao didn't let them hold him down. Instead, he continued to yell at Regidor.

"Says the commander who just replaced the previous commander who died from stupidly invading the Central Region. Do you think that distracting them would give you advantages and also take their wealthy families under your control? That's stupid."

Regidor clenched his fist and retorted. "At least I didn't have the spies that were discovered and died in their stupidity in this land. Right, Min Lao?"

"Hey, stop already." Lin Jinhai intervened with an authoritative tone. "We don't have time for that."

"Are your egos important now? We still have to damage their fort inside." Bi Nam reminded them, but his face was just calm, trying not to be affected by their argument.

Lin Jinhai didn't stop making them pause with their argument. He darted at them with his bored eyes, almost glaring at them. "I said, stop. We are here on a mission."

"Yeah, you should probably stop by now." A sudden voice loomed from a far distance. They were instantly stopped, looking in this direction.

Even though the voice was not loud, it was audible to them despite being far away. And, as this had threatened them, they were urged to stop. They'd forgotten about their argument and had their weapons ready in their hands.

Bi Nam had his short sword, while Min Lao held his sword that was already unsheathed around his waist. Lin Jinhai had made water around his sword, and Happy Su had flowers around him, with thorns that gave an obvious hostility.

Regidor had his senses raised as high as possible and attempted to look for the person who was talking from a distance. But, as he had discerned the location of the sound, he was blocked. He squirmed as he felt pain in his eyes from that attempt.

"What the fuck!" Regidor cursed as he moved backward in an unstable manner.

"What is wrong?" Bi Nam inquired, not taking his gaze away from the direction.

Later on, the person who was behind the voice revealed themselves. But the difference was that it was not a human, but instead a monster. They had seen Quatro, nonchalantly floating towards them. From his appearance, they already knew that he was a monster.

"What the hell is that monster? Have you seen that kind in your life? Looks disgusting." Bi Nam commented.

Lin Jinhai shook his head. His eyes were seriously looking at Quatro, preparing to attack him.

"Well, even with how disgusting or monstrous that monster looked, we are five, and that one is alone."

"That kind of monster. Just where did that come from and how could it talk like a normal human being? "

Quatro ignored their words and just laid their sight on them. He then lowered his stance and just nonchalantly approached them. And afterward, Min Lao's sword was covered with black mist.

"Let's catch him. I am interested in his species, and maybe The Cannibal Hero would be pleased if we showed him that monster to him." Min Lao suggested, showing Lin Jinhai to the side as he was still blocking him. "Move to the side, moron."

Lin Jinhai gritted his teeth and continued to look at Quatro. A few seconds later, Quatro's aura became dark, and that eventually made them feel threatened for a short time.

"Hey, what is he doing?" Bi Nam asked in a clueless tone. Min Lao only shook his head and dashed over to Quatro, his sword technique coating his sword. And just as he was about to slash, the dark mist that was covering him followed his sword.


The sound of his slash resounded just as Quatro was hit by it. But, Min Lao was stopped in his slash as he saw his sword stuck on Quatro's body. He was bewildered. His eyes were wide and they were trembling in disbelief.

"What the hell..." He muttered in doubt as he moved backward, letting go of his sword that was deeply stuck. He then vigilantly went back to the group and asked them for their help in assessing Quatro.

"What do you think about it? It seemed formidable."

Quatro's appearance changed into a bored eye, then said something to them in a ridiculed tone. "How could there be a human like you so weak?" It was only to provoke him, but Quatro seemed to understand Min Lao so well that he thought he would be provoked immediately.

'Seems like they were not that impulsive in actual fights.'

Quatro looked in different directions and called for Pilitro. 

"Brother, you can step out now. They are not that strong after all."

"What?" Bi Nam felt ridiculed at that one, but he let it pass as he still didn't know what they should do in this situation.

"Hey, that monster seemed to be smart. Let's attack him together." Regidor suggested.

Happy Su nodded, then stretched his arms in the direction where Quatro was. The thorned flowers started flying into him, as well as behind them was Lin Jinhai's sword, with him gripping onto it with hostility towards Quatro.

Quatro changed into a human form, defending himself with his arms and sword in the air. He caught the swords and dodged every thorn. And as Lin Jinhai felt little because of it, he hissed.

"You are a magical beast, aren't you? How could you have a human form?"

Quatro looked behind them, and there, a huge thud reverberated. Pilitro landed from a high jump, which drew their attention as well.

A few seconds later, they realized that another monster had appeared, and this one looked more dull and disgusting compared to Quatro.

"What the hell is that monster? Another one, really?" Min Lao hissed.

Bi Nam shook his head and then divided his vigilance. "Be careful, we don't know their intention. But let us make sure that we will kill them."

Regidor nodded, then clashed his two fists together.. With a grin, he said, "Let's go."

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