Lucas started revealing his plan.

First, they would kill everyone who was waiting at the escape route so that citizens would have a place to flee to. Then they will handle the rest. As for the backup plan, if the bandits got alarmed, they could just kill them instantly without letting them notice the danger.

Finally, Lucas settled the plan and started to initiate it. As for Felicity, she was still clueless about what Lucas meant by absorbing them.

'Lucas must still have plenty of secrets. Well then, let's continue to observe where his talent's limit is.' Felicity thought while following Lucas out of the mansion.

"Arthur, tell those cultivators you hired that they will be needed to guard the citizens' escape. And as for spies that might be lurking with the extra guards you have, tell the reinforcements to look out for those men without mentioning that I will take care of everything. Who knows which side the spies are?" Lucas said.

Then he continued. "And don't worry if the spies are from both sides. I will cast a curse… err… formation around the whole escape route so that if they try to hurt another person with the intent to kill them, they will immediately lose their breath."

Arthur was still agitated about everything. As for what Lucas said, he didn't have any luxury to be surprised since he doesn't know how to measure Lucas's power.

Instead, he only asked if he was sure that he would go to this level to help them.

"Don't worry about it. It's my personal interest, so don't be bothered with it," he said before leaving the mansion and heading straight to the escape route with Felicity.

When they got to the location, they stealthily observed the people waiting on the side of the forest.

Since this side of the forest is safe and monsters don't lurk, it was made as the safest escape route for the city.

"The citizens will be here in 10 minutes, so I will finish this immediately." Lucas muttered while Felicity was just silent and eagerly following his commands.

Lucas activated his eyes' ability to see through using the third energy. At least it was comparable to Felicity's. However, it was time-restricted since his energy would not be sufficient to look at 1 km away.

Lucas just shrugged and looked at Felicity. Just a second after activating his eyes, he turned them off when he recalled that she could assist her as an eye.

"Felicity, how many people are on this side?" he asked.

"2,000." Felicity answered.

"Good enough. The cultivation base?"

"Apprentice to Warrior stage. There are only a few Master stages but they barely reached the first level."

Lucas nodded and recalled his other abilities. As he got plenty of abilities to settle with, he decided to seal everything that could exhaust his core since he wanted to limit the passive of his absorption body.

His body has the ability to absorb energy. However, it was meant for mana, not spiritual energy. But for some unknown reason, it still automatically absorbs when he cultivates, making other spiritual energy enter his core.

However, the only ability that activated itself was his absorption body. Other abilities are required for him to activate it himself, like the different ways he can use his eyes.

It would also be chaotic if the abilities that fuel his absorption ability were the cause of his death due to the massive amount of spiritual energy absorbed into his core. Thus, it was the reason for him to create a pool for the third energy.

Furthermore, he also decided to seal others since the only one he can't seal is his absorption body. Thus, it makes sense if he can slow it by sealing others, and he can also focus on cultivation.

Well, it was quite a messy reason for him to seal his core, but it was important since he was eager to live with other immortals. So, he needs to survive without dying from exploding.

"Thank you." Lucas said before flying.

He activated a spell that made him invisible. Felicity just made a dazed expression after witnessing another mystical art that Lucas can perform.

"He became invisible," she mumbled.

While in the air, Lucas started chanting another offensive spell. He fueled it with his third energy and implemented a command that said if this attack comes into contact with people who are emitting the same particle of energy, it will absorb a portion of it.

Though it was impossible to do, he could at least try if he could still without unsealing his core. He can only use this if his core is completely unsealed.

However, he really keeps in mind the relationship between his energy within his body. If a time arrives where his three energies are equal, he can at least try to tranquilize everything.

He can't risk letting his core run amok from accepting spiritual energy. Even though his core accepted spiritual energy and gave birth to third energy, it was still uncertain since the phenomena happened when his core was partially sealed.

If he at least tries to unseal his core, the time should be the day when his three energies are on the same level of dominance, thus making him tranquil.

A few moments later, he finished his spell and conjured a ball of light that was only the size of the point of an index finger.

Felicity, who was still observing the area with her Celestial Senses, was amazed by the beautiful light, but it was cut short when it started to show its purpose.

The bandits inside the forest pondered at the lights that appeared in front of them. They couldn't feel any danger from it.

"What's this light?"

"Hey! Who's playing with a treasure?! Can you at least not bother me with this light?!"

"Why is this so beautiful?"

Seconds later, after their wondering, the light moved instantly, passing through their foreheads.

Everyone didn't realize that they would immediately die. While others who experienced death later than others tried to dodge or cover themselves from the light. But alas, it still passed through any material, killing them.

While on Felicity's side, her eyes just remained wide, surprised by the outcome of the light balls' appearance.

"That's cruel." she mumbled in surprise.

Meanwhile, Lucas was just flying still above them.

"Absorbing light balls is a spell that I can fully activate with the help of my other abilities, fueling my absorption body. However, since I didn't unseal those abilities, I can at least use 5% of its capabilities." then he sighed.

Spiritual energies started to approach him. Even if it was just a little bit every second, the number of batches that came to him was at least enough to cover the dismay he felt.

Then, he started meditating and controlling the spiritual energies coming to his body. He first absorbed half into his core, then moved it to his third energy pool. While the other half were sent straight to his dantian.

He felt numerous breakthroughs, almost incomparable to the rate at which he progressed in his second cultivation session.

Those 2,000 cultivators that he sucked the energies from pushed him to the 1st level of Master Spirit Realm of his cultivation base. While his third energy pool reached the 2nd level of the Master Spirit Realm.

"This is enough.." he mumbled after descending to the piles of corpses of the bandits he killed within a snap.

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