Just after opening the curtain, nothing inside can be seen. At a glance, nothing in this darkness appears in their eyes. But the shopkeeper just made a smile at them.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves first?" the shopkeeper said.

"Well… I'm not against it. But it depends on what you are talking about. You know, my identity is quite important." Lucas uttered in a relaxed tone.

The shopkeeper raised his eyebrow in curiosity. From what Lucas said, it sounds like he is making his identity sound regarded.

Also, in the cultivation world, you can't judge people by their outer appearance. Thus, you need to look at what's inside them.

"Peak of the Master Spirit Realm? Yet you call yourself important?" the tone of the shopkeeper changed to a more serious one.

The shopkeeper was trying to get into the serious talk, while Felicity was just observing him. There's nothing good about this shopkeeper. Isn't this place just a tailor shop? He's making it sound like a hideout for an organization.

Also, he just looked at Lucas's cultivation with ease. It implies that he may have higher cultivation or be close to it.

"You… peeked at my cultivation base? I guess you aren't a simple individual, shopkeeper. But… I lost interest in your modeling offer. I will just find another shop." Lucas said in a slightly irritated tone, as he sensed the shopkeeper was just playing with him.

The shopkeeper paused when he saw Lucas turning back.

"Wait! I'm sorry young boy… Okay~ I won't tease you again~ Here."

The shopkeeper pressed a button, and the light in the room came on, illuminating the entire contents.

Lucas was speechless when he saw the different styles of robes. It wasn't different from the common style. However, the shout of wealth is with the robes.

He wasn't interested in the outer appearance value of the robes in particular. But when he yelled "wealth," he was referring to the formation built into the robes.

Clearly, this wasn't really normal garments but a special product from what the shopkeeper said.

"What do you think of these products? Seeing a talented and handsome guy like you is rare in Morning Sun because of the habits of businessmen to focus on their wealth." the shopkeeper said before something became different about him.

His face became more feminine and his body became slimmer, with two mountains residing on his chest.

"You're not he but she?" Lucas mumbled.

Felicity was dumbfounded at this moment. Knowing that she failed to see through the shopkeeper, it could mean that the shopkeeper could rival her prowess.

Felicity instinctively covered Lucas, baffling him. She changed her appearance back to normal, exposing her peerless beauty.

Lucas was surprised, knowing that Felicity should not act this way even though he was in danger. However, he could not blame her since he, too, was wary of the shopkeeper. It could also be a mystery to him why he followed the shopkeeper.

Perhaps he was driven by the word 'special' or 'free' since he knew that buying methods were expensive so he needs to save money.

Nonetheless, he should not be preoccupied right now.

"Felicity?" he muttered.

Felicity looked at him in the corner of her eyes. "Forgive me, Lucas. But this shopkeeper wasn't a normal being."

Lucas was silent for a moment. Then, he looked back at the shopkeeper, who had a different appearance.

"I see…" he mumbled after realizing what just happened. "Don't worry, Felicity. She is not dangerous." Lucas said.

"What did you say? Since she changed her appearance, it could mean that she also has the same cultivation base as me. And his… err her purpose is a mystery."

From what Felicity said, the shopkeeper raised her left eyebrow then laughed softly. "You are such a worried brat. I clearly said that I offered him modeling. Since I am just leisurely living my life, I want to recruit him to endorse my products. And you surprised me with your potential."

For a few seconds, the shopkeeper pulled another curtain, exposing 3 different robes inside a display glass that could be comparable to what royals wear.

The robes have different colors. They are all primary colors, red, blue, and yellow.

"Those robes... They are independent enough to be sold. Why would you need a model?" Lucas asked.

"At first, I thought of selling this, but I can't, so these 3 garments will be my reward for you after I sell the special products."

Lucas didn't respond immediately. He just looked at the robes inside the glass display glass. These 3 robes have profound execution skills. The linings, the way of weaving the cloth, all of it was just a majestic way of execution.

However, what took Lucas's attention was the aura the robes were emitting. Compared to the special products, these robes have more built-in formations for those who know their purpose.

"Do you mean what you said?" Lucas asked, can't ignore the importance of the robes in front of him.

"I mean all of it. So, what's your answer? " the shopkeeper asked.

"I accept your offer."

When Lucas said it, Felicity's eyes widened in disbelief. There was obviously something suspicious about this person, yet Lucas still accepted her offer.

The suspicious variables aren't just because she can change her appearance, but also because her shop was just an anomaly.

Why would she hide these products and display the normal ones instead? Wouldn't it be beneficial if she showed the beautiful products?

"Why are you doing this? You are suspicious, you know that? If you won't answer my question, I will destroy this shop." Felicity threatened.

"Hahaha. Don't be too reckless, little missy. I am just here to offer him modeling. What's wrong with it?"

"That bullshit again?"

"Bullshit? Don't worry, I will tell you everything after the deal. What Lucas needs to do is wear one of the special clothes and assist me in selling it. If they saw his handsome face and the beautiful robes I have, the job is done." the shopkeeper said.

Lucas was left silent.

'This is quite tempting. I already agreed and the offer was amazing. Right now, I don't have to worry about my defensive wardrobe. I can just save my money for techniques.' he thought.

Lucas sighed. It was as if he was powerless at that moment. But then, he recalled the things he wanted to do, and it was to enjoy his life in this world.

"Then it's a deal," Lucas uttered, freezing Felicity on her stand.

"Good. I am Ruby Sun. Nice to meet you."

"Lucas. Nice to meet you."

While Felicity didn't speak, and just shook her head in disbelief of Lucas's.. It was obviously a messy and shady encounter, yet Lucas was calm about it.

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