Lucas decided to buy his own cultivation technique. Since he decided to walk down the path of cultivation, he needed a foundation for cultivation, and it was that technique.

There are different types of techniques, as there are also existing ranking terms for every item. Items have a gauge of importance, starting from Spirit rank and ascending to Mortal, Earth, Heaven, and Celestial.

Now that he will buy a technique for cultivation, he still has things to decide.

Cultivation techniques aren't something that you can change in the way of your cultivation. Techniques are imprinted to your foundation, meaning, it will take a long time to convert your technique and would waste too much time, even halting permanently.

Lucas started to see the Saber City. If he is right, people would act the way he landed in Duster City.

Thus, he decided to land in front of the guards in order to have a little privilege in their time.

As the guards and people saw a flying human figure, they acted on their instincts and pointed it out.

"Look! An expert is coming!"

"Move! Vacate the area!"

"This is my first time seeing a cultivator fly without the assistance of treasures! Much less, an expert who flies on his own!"

"Let's see who was the expert!"

Everyone was mesmerized by Lucas' figure. Even though he wears a strange outfit, they can forget it as he is handsome enough.

They were also surprised by his young appearance. Though it is not a matter of seeing one's appearance in the cultivation world, they can still feel youthful in him.

Lucas just smiled that everything from his anticipation worked. He landed majestically and faced the guards at the gate.

The guards approached him before bowing before him.

"Senior! Welcome to Saber City. Can we ask if you need our help?" One of them asked.

"I want to ask where I can buy techniques. My acquaintance said that I could find better techniques here." Lucas said.

"Yes! There is, Senior! It is the Golden Pavilion!" A guard answered and pointed him in the direction of the building.

"Thank you," Lucas said before leaving them.

Lucas headed immediately to the shop. There, he saw a 3-story building akin to a pagoda.

"These roofs are strange to me. But let's not mind it; I must buy a technique so that I can start cultivating." He mumbled to himself in an inaudible tone.

He stepped into the building, but alas, fate started moving in a bad direction when he met someone arrogant and disrespectful.

When he bumped a youngster, he retracted immediately and apologized. "Sorry."

However, the youngster was kind of a green stalk in the hay. Standing out, he even yelled while his veins were popping out.

"Who dares to bump me?!"

'Oh, so he must be hurt if that is so?' He thought while observing the youngster in front of him.

Lucas just acted on his instinct and apologized again. Alas, the other one isn't a simple egg.

"Who are you?! Why did you bump me?!" He exclaimed.

Lucas just sighed, as it is common for him to meet someone who is filled with arrogance.

"I didn't bump you. It was an accident. You can see it, right? The crowd in the path." Lucas responded.

However, the reactions of the bystanders was surprised. They gasped when they heard Lucas answer the youngster nonchalantly.

"He must be crazy. That's Felip Cai. He's dead since he answered him."

"What a pity. That crazy, strange, and expensive robe will be confiscated, I bet."

"Well, who dares offend the son of a renowned tycoon? His family is blooming with influence nowadays."

Lucas returned his gaze to the mentioned Felip Cai after hearing some gossip. Now that he looked at him one more time, he was a rich-looking boy, as his flamboyant garments were screaming with wealth.

However, for Lucas, it wasn't important, as he only wanted to finish this immediately.

Arrogance is normal for those who are proud people. As they are both different matters, it is also linked to confidence.

The youngster he is encountering is someone whose pride and confidence are mixed. Since he knew that no one could touch him in this place, he could yell anytime he wants.

"Look. I don't care who you are. I already apologized and it was sincere. If you are looking for a mess, better get out before… sighs." After remembering that he doesn't like bullying the weak, Lucas halts his talk.

"Bastard. I don't care if you are from a wealthy family too. Look at yourself. Your garments are strange, so I bet you are a foreigner. So better kneel before me before I kill you."

Wait a minute. Lucas doesn't like bullying the weak, however, it depends if the one he is meeting is not weak.

But alas, it's not important, as he knows that power comes in different ways and he didn't want a mess, so he remained calm at this moment.

"I don't care. I already apologized; my job is done." Lucas said, almost irritated at his tone.

"Oh no. This guy is sick! He is offending someone from the Cai Family!"

"He is done. I wouldn't even dare to look at his eyes, yet this strange egg is looking at him fiercely!"

"What's going to happen to him? Will he be going dead at this moment?"

Another explosion of gossip echoed, reaching Lucas' ears. Despite ignoring it, he couldn't just remain unbothered by it.

"Wait. Is it just I or something is wrong with my senses! He doesn't have a cultivation base!"

"Now that you mentioned it, I can't feel any Qi from him!"

"Dumbass, he is a mortal, just shorten your words!"

Before starting to move his own feet, Lucas sighed for another time. But Felip Cai is an insistent type of person. He demanded Lucas to kneel again.

"Where are you going?! I said, kneel!" He exclaimed in irritation.

Lucas hovered his gaze at Felip's feet. He raised his eyebrow before looking at him again.

"Why would I?" As soon as Lucas sneered, another boom of words exploded from the audience.

"He is crazy."

"Yup, crazy!"

"Felip Cai is in the Warrior Spirit Realm. There's no way a mortal like him can face his rage."

Although there is pity in their voices, no one dares to intervene in the scene.

Lucas thought a brilliant idea. It appears he might be wanting to tease Felip.

"Make me," Lucas said with a teasing grin.

Noticing that Lucas wasn't agitated by his threats, Felip was enraged more now that Lucas was wearing an eerie grin.

A few seconds later, violent energy emerged from Felip's body, exposing his cultivation base.

However, Lucas wasn't bothered by it, more of it, he just nonchalantly observed Felip explode in anger.

"Very well."

At first, Lucas tried to emit some of his killing intent.

An invisible pressure exploded from his body, almost removing the breath of the normal people watching them.

However, since Felip was covered by his energy, he didn't feel any pressure coming from Lucas.

"Bad luck for me, I guess," Lucas mumbled when he noticed that Felip was unaffected by his killing intent.

It must have taken centuries for him to emit killing intent. Although he was minding the people around him, so he lessened the pressure, it was still powerful enough that a mortal could lose his breath being exposed to his aura.

"You will know my name! NO ONE DARES OPPOSE FROM THE CAI FAMILY!" Felip exclaimed as he rushed to Lucas with his fist in the air.

Lucas just inspected his attack and calmly chanted a spell to strengthen his body.

'I was thinking of saving myself from using a spell so that I could try cultivation. But I can't let myself die in this situation, right?' He mumbled inwardly.

"Strengthen." Lucas chanted as his bones lit up from mana, strengthening his whole body to the next level.

Lucas lifted his arms open, waiting to catch Felip's fist. When Felip saw this, he grinned in success because he could feel the victory coming to him.

But to his surprise, Lucas caught it easily, without even budging from his position.

When Felip saw this, he was baffled. Even the audience, who had remained silent since Lucas' pressure, gasped in surprise.

No one can believe that a mortal with strong killing intent, even without cultivation, can catch the full fist of a Warrior Spirit Realm cultivator.

"This was it? What a puny move." Lucas finally showed some arrogance.

He lifted his catch and effortlessly swung it to the outside of the building.


A noise merged, coming from Felip's buttocks hitting the ground.

"I don't practice arrogance. Because if I did, anyone who offended me from my world would live in chaos, even those innocents." Lucas mumbled in a low tone when he realized what he had just done.

Alas, it was too late for him to regret, as he finally did the taboo in his diary – do not judge with arrogance, just be confident but not too arrogant.

He just smiled, shaking his head as he recalled that nonsensical promise he made to himself to remain at peace in his mind.

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