Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World

Chapter 67 - A Continental Dispute

"Ancestral Princess, we have some concerns to tackle." An elder reported to Felicity, the next day she arrived at the Zhu mansion.

Felicity was just in the open yard, cultivating when an elder approached her. Although it was dangerous to meddle with her while cultivating, she wasn't that mindful about it since she was using a special cultivation technique that let her have half her consciousness looking out for her body.

So, when the elder reported, she peeked, then stabilized the spiritual energy she was gathering. 

She soothed, then completely opened her eyes and looked at the elder who wore a royal blue simple robe.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It was about Miss Mary's condition. We think it would be better if we could get a sample from her brother since White Tigers are also rare in this realm, as they are in Mortal Heaven."

"Then, you can get it from Larry. He was just training for her." Felicity said, then she expected the elder to leave but when he didn't Felicity raised a question.

"Is there any problem? Do you have more to say?"

The elder gulped mouthful saliva then bowed at Felicity.

"I don't have any words to describe what happened yesterday. I think that my brother deserves what he got, but can I ask for a selfish request?"

Felicity already knew where this condition was going to go. Although she didn't really think much about the punishment she must give, she wanted to at least use the elder yesterday as replenishment if ever the life force of the head's son wouldn't be enough.

Well, the heir wasn't much use, so Felicity made a suggestion to change the 'trash' with a better candidate.

"What is it? Stop beating around the bush." Felicity irritatedly said.

"Can I ask for a different punishment for him? It is not we question your decision but my brother was a help that made the Zhu family survive in Cloud Continent."

Felicity didn't reply. She just continued listening to him since she didn't really think that the other elders would step up for him.

"If you can give us a chance, we will give you anything in exchange for my brother's life force."

"Then, what can you offer?"

Although surprised, the elder didn't show his expression. He gulped once again, then kowtowed more.

"We will gather different people to fulfill the life force needed by Miss Mary."

Those words got Felicity's attention. Not just it was contradicting, it was vague and annoying for her.

"How could that be a punishment?!" 

Felicity was starting to raise her voice that the elder couldn't help but jolt. Her eyes were as if darting nonstop at him. That also made him unable to raise his head.

"We will have him gather the bodies of those who were at the top. Especially one from the most prominent families in the Cloud Continent, which is greater than him."

Felicity reduced the pressure she was emitting and looked calmly at the elder.

"I see... So in exchange for his life, he must get someone in exchange that's way greater than him. So, what will you gonna do about it? It will result in a continental dispute if you do that."

A continental dispute was about prominent families being at war. Not just around a certain region but all around the continent since an Ancestral bloodline is present in one included family. Of course, Felicity didn't underestimate other families' capabilities to gather information. That's why she thought of it since a continent dispute only happens if the family that started the scheme was with an Ancestral bloodline holder.

"We already knew about this. But we will be talking about tremendous measures and strict protocols for him to succeed in this one."

"What bullshit. Did you think it wouldn't put the family at risk? Are you willing to make the family disappear in the Immortal Heaven just for an individual who couldn't even recognize an ancestor?"

Felicity was getting more enraged about it. Not that she was making it obvious, but her face was unreasonably calm. It was the scary face of those ladies with power.

"We are all aware of it, Ancestral Princess. Please forgive us. We won't bother to entertain this idea again."

And with it, the elder became silent until he left the room. Felicity just didn't see him disappear. Instead, she was thinking of a possible method of punishing the elder that disrespected her.

She was well aware that lessening the life force of that elder will weaken the foundation of this family, and thus, she reconsidered the idea. But still, her pride and the regulation couldn't be ignored.

She wasn't the same Felicity before; now, she's become stone-hearted.

"For fucking sake. It's too atrocious." Then she sighed and returned to cultivating until the night came.


"How was it?" Felicity asked Larry.

Larry just returned from his training, but while letting Larry train, she left him an order to search for a potential overseer of Mary.

Larry isn't enough to guard Mary. Not just because this information might reach those greedy people, this might result in more difficult problems.

For this reason, Mary's blood in this realm is way more important since she is a living form of the impossible. She is half-human with the blood of a magical beast. 

Unlike Larry, who had a beast form, he wasn't considered to have a greater side of human blood. A small portion was shared with him, unlike Mary's, whose was balanced.

Larry shook his head after Felicity's question.

"I see... Don't think about it too much. If you can gain more power, I will have you solely be Mary's bodyguard until she heals. But since you are still weak in this realm, it is better for you to train." Felicity said.

Larry just smiled and nodded. Even though Larry was already a thousand years old, he was still immature since he lived on his own after his bloodline disappeared.

"Larry, by the way, can I ask another favor?"

"What... is it, Elder Sister?"

"Find me a unique cultivation technique that will work in Mortal Heaven. I am still worried right now. I should hasten my cultivation since I know that someone heard the news of an ancestral princess visiting in Immortal Heaven."


And with that, Larry left Felicity, who was still cultivating.


"Hmmm... Where am I?" asked a young lady to herself, stumbling upon an unknown place.

She looked at her surroundings and then inspected them well. After finally checking the area, for her, it felt like she was in a different place. Currently, she's looking at some unfamiliar grass that looks like wood.

"A wood?" she pondered then touched the 'wood' that has an image of a piled cylinder that reached and even taller than the normal trees in the surrounding.

What she was looking at was bamboo. However, because of her lack of knowledge, she thought of the tallest grass as wood, or in short, a unique tree.

The young lady had dark brown hair, just like her almond eyes, and she also had a V-shaped face.

She pondered again how the environment was uniquely strange for her. What she can only remember was stabbing herself.

"Well... It's better to look for Master. I think this place is the afterlife that she was looking for."

And thus, she decided to look for her master in the 'afterlife' but after a few months of searching, she lost some motivation.

"How can I find Master in this strange place?! The hair of the people was all black. They have weird names, and most of all, they don't have any single mage here!"

But that distress of her will be suddenly cut when she witnessed a fight. A fight between cultivators.

She looked in a nearby direction to look for the source of the explosion. While she was calmly stabilizing herself, she heard another explosion. And thus, she decided to look for it.

But not until she discovered something. A person who wasn't even a mage can fly?

The young lady left her mouth open, spectating as the fight between two mysterious individuals continued. She just was right there, hidden behind the tall bamboos.

When the fight was finally over, the winner has been decided. A man with white robes fell down, just near her position. 

She was nervous at first that the mysterious floating individual might have seen her but fortunately, that person left with him glaring at the helpless body of the man in the white robe.

The young lady doesn't know what to do. The man wasn't dead, he was just helpless, panting for air with his damaged body lying on the cold ground.

She just gritted her teeth and then just forgot about deciding what to do. She ran towards the location of the man in a white robe. When she checked his condition, she just sighed.

"Thank goodness you aren't dead yet," she mumbled but was cut off in the middle of her words.

She still doesn't know what to do. Will she help him?

'For heaven's sake,' she hissed to herself then started lowering her level to the man's.

'Helping doesn't need any reason. If he turns out to be a dangerous person, I could just kill him but if he is not, I won't be able to save him anymore.'

And thus, she decided to heal the body of the man with her hand glowing green, soothing the throbbing pain from the wounds. There was also a profound aura covering her whole body like a mist, then suddenly, she stopped.

'This will be good.. I need to ask him about what just happened.'

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