Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World

Chapter 73 - Jackal Mountain Sect [3]

One of the personnel opened the capsule. 

As it opened in half, the mist inside spread throughout the whole room, giving Ellisa a sense of nostalgia as well as the cold temperature from the capsule.

The mist slowly disappeared, revealing a familiar face in a sleeping face. When Ellisa was sure who it was, she smiled and caressed the face of the individual. 

It was a brother of her from another kin. A vampire to be precise. But looking at him, she knew that something was wrong.

'Was it perhaps the effect of Master's words? Ureff doesn't drink human blood and because of it, he was in this state that makes his mana unstable.'

Ellisa's eyes were filled with worries. And as she assessed Ureff's condition, she gritted her teeth.

"What have you done to him?" she asked, but her voice was as if not calming for a question. It was enraged.

The personnel didn't answer. They were all just afraid of her, and their mouths were sealed because of it.

With no answer received, Ellisa swayed her hands once again. A magic circle was drawn, and she put her palm on Ureff's forehead.


Abruptly, Ureff's eyes opened, static and frozen in his place. He didn't move at that point.

When every personnel saw it, they were as if statued for the second time. They felt the fear and the chills they felt when they were experimenting with Ureff's body before.

"Wake up, brother," Ellisa said with a smile. 

Ureff's eyes followed her voice, stopping at her face. For the next few seconds, he smiled, showing his sharp fangs.

"Sister Ellisa...?" he pondered.

"Yes, Ureff. Are you thirsty?"

Ureff slowly caressed his throat before nodding.

"Yes, I am. How did you know?" he asked.

Ellisa just smiled without answering. Her face then turned to the personnel, and she smiled once again.

"Come and have a feast," she simply said.

"Can I?" Ureff asked, which Ellisa answered with only a nod. "Thank you."

Ureff immediately jumped off of the capsule and pounced on one of the personnel. Meanwhile, Ellisa was just silently enjoying watching the scene and didn't even budge at how wild Ureff was.

They all screamed. Fear and agony drowned their systems, and even though they wanted to fight back, there was as if a mysterious aura from Ureff made them feel that they couldn't fight back.

"He wasn't this strong before!" they cried.

Ureff grabbed the neck, twisted it, and chomped down the flesh of his target. When he was finally done with killing one, he moved to another and used the same tactic and patterns.

But even if it was repetitive like that, they couldn't do anything. Even if they fight back, Ellisa worries them.

Ureff was strong, but Ellisa was stronger and that's a fact that all the personnel knew even they just saw her once.

As Ureff feasted on them and satiated his thirst, he wiped down the blood that covers her mouth and faced Ellisa.

"Master won't be angry with this, right?" Ureff asked. However, the weak vampire before was different now. His stance was a bit more poised and classy.

"You never asked that question, Ureff," Ellisa said.

"Well, technically, I don't. But Master is my only will."

Ellisa scoffed after hearing Ureff's words. It was as if it was a joke for her, but Ureff was silently glaring at her with uncertainty.

"Enough with this. Did you also follow him?" Ureff asked.

"Yes. We both are stupid to use that legendary sword. We die normally but we still used it for some formal reason." Ellisa answered.

Ureff didn't reply immediately, he tried to assess the things he knew and things he doesn't know.

"How long have you been in this world?" he asked.

"So you knew? This isn't the afterlife that we were thinking of." Ellisa responded.

Ureff nodded then finished wiping off the blood. He sat on the capsule he was lying down earlier then replied.

"This world is different. There was an energy that felt strange to me. Even though I don't much use mana, I still know that this energy is different." 

"Yes, but let me ask you, Ureff. How did these humans catch you? Even with how weak you were, vampires are naturally agile." Ellisa said.

It was bothering her since earlier. And as she inspected the area, she still doesn't know what kind of power these people from this world had.

"They have something called "array formations." Similar to magic circles, but different in structure and purpose, however." Ureff explained.

"So, it was like that. Perhaps you didn't know how to escape from those arrays, right?" 

Ureff nodded to Ellisa's quesiton.

"I wasn't able to do much. And after it, the aura that was spilling from my body from the uncontrollable rampage in my blood got stronger. Well, if it was in our world, it would be dangerous for me to be like that. And I was thankful it happened because if not, you wouldn't find me."

"I didn't find you. I coincidentally noticed your energy and was bothered by it. You're still careless no matter how pure you are, vampire."

Ureff just snickered, then shook his head. He stood up, then took a robe from one side and wore it, enough to cover some of the blood on his body. However, it was still visible even with the dim light.

"Where were you going?" Ureff asked.

"On the way to some sect of a cultivator that I helped. I am thinking of studying this place so that I can easily find Master." 

"I see... That's way better. But what is a cultivator?" he asked.

Ellisa sighed and then explained things to him. Even those things about spiritual energy and how she attained it, making another form of energy. When Ureff understood it, he revealed something else as well.

"That new form of energy, I think I got one from draining their life force." Ureff then pointed to the corpses of the personnel.

Ellisa hung up for a second then thought of it. She tried to assess and conclude things as their body have differnet systems working. And when she was finally sure what to say, she shared her thoughts.

"Perhaps taking it from them also includes the spiritual energy. Both of us were lucky to have weaker cores, but what about Master? He had a stronger core and if it happens, it might amok to try to eject that energy." Ellisa said.

"Master is a genius. He might have noticed that merging them is the best possible way, even it will weaken him since he have to seal some of his core." Ureff added.

Ellisa nodded then swayed her hand to draw a magic circle.

"That's reasonable. But let's continue the talk on the way, shall we? We have a friend waiting outside." Ellisa remarked.

"That cultivator you helped?" Ureff asked.

Ellisa nodded in agreement with his question.

And with it, Ureff followed Ellisa out of the pavilion. But just when they got out, there were already plenty of cultivators waiting.

There were approximately a thousand of them. Ranging from the Apprentice Stage to the General Stage, they all wore the same expression, fierceful.

When Ellisa and Ureff got out of the pavilion, they were surprised by the number of cutitvators, but not even once were they scared of them. Because now that Ureff had already drank human blood, his energy was at its peak and ready to use.

Also, Ellisa already had her energy reserved. Not that she wasn't confident that it will be useless, but she knew she doesn't need to use one.

'I activated a magic cricle earlier though.' Ellisa thought.

Confidently walking out of the pavilion, the cultivators pointed their weapons at them. Just the two of them versus a thousand cultivators.

Well, it was a sect, so it's reasonable why there were plenty of cultivators. However, there was still something lacking from them, and it was a leader.

"Surrender, trespassers! You are now an enemy of the Jackal Mountain Sect. If you try to resist, we will kill you. Both of you are criminals in the eyes of the sect!" One roared.

But Ellisa and Ureff were just static and expressionless despite the provocations. 

Ureff faced Ellisa and said, "Should I kill all of them? There was the sun, but even though it might weaken me a bit, I can still win against them." 

Ellisa shook her head, then calmly pointed at the sky.

"I already activated a spell earlier. It will be too bad for you if you don't move, though. Well, because I will be absorbing their energies."

Ureff widened his eyes as soon as he heard it. He already realized what was Ellisa's plan. And even if he was just okay with it since the cultivators will die, he wasn't good with the absorbing.

"Does that mean you won't be going to give me some?" he asked.

Their ideas matched. Because of the emergence of the new form of energy from mana and Qi, they knew that it was useful to contain. 

"No... You can have some."

Then in the next seconds, a symbol was exposed in the skies, radiantly giving a golden light to the whole land of the sect.

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