"Master, where are we going now?" Lukros asked as he looked behind their track.

The three elders were still following them, but neither of them was making it obvious that they had already noticed them.

"They're still following us? What persistent fools." Lucas remarked as he saw Lukros's annoyed expression.

"Yes, Master. They are indeed persistent. Should we kill them already? If it bothers you, I will kill them."

Lucas just scoffed at Lukros's remarks, as if he was a fool to make a word of them. Lucas shrugged his shoulders as he initiated their continuing venture.

"Forget about them. We don't need unnecessary combat. Based on their appearance, I believe they are formidable foes, so drawing attention to ourselves is unnecessary. After all, we are near the Center Region, where the first family of the five great families is."

Lukros raised his eyebrows. "First family? Were they strong then, Master?" Lukros asked.

"I can't say that I can easily kill them, but compared to my unlocked abilities and the energy I presently have, there will be a fight. And also, remember that I don't underestimate my enemies; I am just cautious of my surroundings." Lucas commented.

Lukros just nodded at that notion, and as they reached their destination, Lucas suggested.

"Have you eaten a cuisine in this world? Let's eat some."

"I haven't, but I am open to suggestions, Master. I will eat."

As they landed, he activated an invisibility spell and removed it when they were away from the public.

Lukros willingly followed him as they blended with the population of the city.

The city was full of people, and as they moved on their own agendas, Lucas and Lukros did as well.

"Let's stay at an inn." Lucas pointed to an inn just near them.

Lucas led Lukros and entered an inn. Even if they didn't need it, it served as their diversion to make the elders leave them.

However, no matter how many diversions they make, they will still follow them.


"Have you seen that? That weirdo's master was an array master." Duha commented as both of his siblings nodded.

They all followed Lucas and Lukros. Even with their superior stealth abilities, they weren't complacent and observed them from afar. And with that observation, they discovered that Lucas knew about arrays.

"Those profound ways of fixing the characters, it seems like he really was an array master," Usa said.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean that even if he was just an array master, he is still weak. After all, array masters have good Qi circulation. He must have been hiding something in his sleeve."

"Don't make enemies in the air, Tulo. He might be just an average young master who has a small talent in one field."

Tulo scoffed and uttered, "Don't be ridiculous, Duha. You are the one who is the most complacent among us, and the most careless. Do you think I will listen to you?"

Usa became aware that there was tension between them, and as Duha was about to answer, Usa cut them off.

"Easy, take a breath. We are not each other's enemies, so let's just continue observing them. They entered an inn." Usa said.

Duha and Tulo just glared at each other as they eyed Lucas and Lukros once again.

"Be careful, he is an array master, so traps are just an easy feat for him." Tulo said while on their way.


"Master, where are we going? It seems like this trip you are on is so important that you don't want to bother those annoying eyes of the elders." Lukros uttered while resting inside of their inn room.

"Did you see what I did earlier? Those profound symbols and lights that were drawn on the irregular terrain?" Lucas asked.

Lukros nodded. "I saw it. What about it, Master? Wasn't that just a magic circle in this world's form?"

Lucas sighed as he noticed that Lukros was a bit ignorant of the fact that magic doesn't exist in this world. The concept of magic might be similar to the world's standard but different in structure and process.

"If I may remind you, this world doesn't have magic. This world only had cultivation and, through it, they learned martial arts and also mystical arts that you could say were magic. But different in some aspects."

"However, what you saw earlier was an array. Array formations are formations that can have an effect and produce one. That also said, could be equivalent to magic circles to perform a spell."

"And that's why I am traveling. I am looking for an ingredient that could help with my research about an array that can gather mana and merge it into an equivalent form of energy to the new form of energy you had, and I as well."

At that long explanation, Lukros just nodded simultaneously. And just as they noticed that the sky was turning orange, Lucas asked Lukros.

"Are you still changing when it's night?" 

Lukros nodded. "For some reason, not that I am ultimately limited in this world, I can't bring myself back to human form. I don't know, as I get more energy, it gets harder to maintain human form at night, I eventually come back to dragon form."

Lucas sighed and stood up.

"Let's go. Before you turn back to dragon form, let's kill those elders."

Lukros's eyes widened. "You mean, now? Why now, Master?"

There were thoughts that had been running inside Lucas's mind. And as he thinks of the future more often, he couldn't let those things hinder his way of creating a sect solely for mages in this world of cultivation and martial arts.

"It's because they might be an obstacle to me. You see, I want to create a guild of mages in this world and gather talents as well. For some reason, I feel like the time in this world is a bit slower and would bring me more enjoyment."

Lukros just paused at Lucas's eyes and smiled afterward. He nodded, then stood up.

"Shall I make a trap?" Lukros suggested.

Lucas just shook his head. "I don't want to set a trap. I want to fight them. After all, I have never experienced a real fight in this world. Let's just keep vigilant before alarming them that we know that they were observing us."

Lukros nodded as Lucas led the way out of the inn and into the nearby forest. As the dense forests full of woods came along with the wet leaves from the gust of the wind, Lucas's senses tingled. He smiled and looked in one direction.

They are now away from the city, and as wanted, no one will be affected by the fight and no blood will splatter from innocent people.

"Get out now. We've already noticed you since the beginning, so it will be useless to hide stupidly." Lucas suddenly said, as he still kept his eyes in the same direction.

And just like that, slowly, three figures appeared, with the giggling sounds of their laughter resounding.

"Kukukuku... You have a good sense as an array master. Were you that weirdo's master?" Duha uttered as he played with his tone and walked out of a tree.

Lucas just smirked and stared at one of the three who also had the same outfit and face as Duha. Although he didn't know them, he felt that the three of them had some significant affiliation with the cultivation world.

"Let's be over with this. That servant of yours did some playing with us. We didn't want to kill him, but he just cut our patience, and we hate those who don't keep their promise." Usa said.

Lucas just nodded teasingly and laid his eyes on the last one, Tulo.

"You are a problem for us. And not just because you seem to know us, you are also annoying in our eyes."

Lucas scoffed and uttered after them. "Did I just make an enemy out of nowhere? What a surprising turn of events, but I am not worried." 

As Lucas bluntly slayed their words, Lucas's hand lit in profound azure colors. And in the next seconds, three balls of light of the same color appeared, floating around him.

"These three are enough." Then it disappeared in an instant.

In a slowmotion perspective, the three siblings widened their eyes because of the unexpected turn of events. They just didn't expect that Lucas would know something so rare that it serves as a legend for other cultivators.

Instead of running away from it, they just put some Qi throughout their whole bodies and used the same movement technique as each other, successfully dodging it.

In real time, they all gasped and looked at Lucas with disbelief. Lucas smirked, noting that the three of them had just dodged his attack. And as Lucas doesn't underestimate his enemies, he raises the difficulty of the attack he next makes.

[Ball of Death]

The three balls of light became six and turned nine. The three could just widen their eyes in surprise, but not giving up, they used a martial technique to destroy the attack before it could damage them.

[Manifesting: Windfury Palm]

A huge palm of azure blue light just destroyed the trees in the surroundings as they made a formation technique, using their group to create a strong attack. And as the wind around the huge palm passed through Lucas, who just moved to the side, every tree it passed through was only left with damaged roots.

In making another attack, Duha drew his swords and used a martial technique to injure Lucas. But just as before he could try to attack Lucas, Lukros appeared before him.

"You might have forgotten me," then a smile came after it.

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