Walking in a hallway with golden lanterns serving as light, Yuna was greeted by her subordinates as she passed each corner of the hallway.

Each of her subordinates was a cultivator at the peak of the Master Spirit Realm, wearing Tang suits as their indoor uniforms. 

They greeted her, and as a reply, she just nodded at them. 

After a few minutes of walking, she finally reached her destination. In front of her was a giant double door made of cement but reinforced with spiritual energy. 

On each side of it were two cultivators, standing and guarding it. They greeted her as well, and as soon as she answered, they drew some formations on the walls. Then, slowly, the door opened.

The door was lit in red and gold lights in accordance with the golden lights. Behind the wall was lit with red and golden lights. 

Just as it was opened, Yuna entered it, and in the next seconds, it closed again. The room came back to dark again.

Yuna sighed, then flicked her finger, and just like that, lights in every pillar of the room started lighting up the room.

The room was wide and had seven pillars at the center as well. Then, at the center of all of the pillars was one person.

That same person was a female with jade-like beauty. As her fair skin was exposed by her thin dress, Yuna could only shake her head.

"What are you doing, Lia? Didn't I say to keep your clothes properly worn?" Yuna uttered, and as she stepped forward, the person at the center smiled, exposing her peerless beauty that could even be a rival of Yuna's.

"And, what's with these pillars? Did you use another mystical art?" she asked.

Lia, at the center of the room, only snickered as she flicked her fingers and the room started reforming.

The pillars disappeared, and closets and furniture appeared at their respective locations.

Also, at the center of the room, what Lia wore started changing, as did her face.

"Lia... Were you mad at this time, as well?" Yuna asked.

Lia only remained silent as she stepped forward to Yuna with a face different from before. It was a face that had been visiting Lucas, Ruby Sun.

As seductive as her face was, and with two lumps of bounty mountains on her chest, she slowly approached Yuna, who was just following her with her eyes.

Ruby's hands started touching Yuna's face, which she didn't mind, and as it moved slowly, after a few seconds, she flinched.

Yuna touched Lia's hands and put them down as she faced her after a few seconds.

"What's with you, Lia? Why are you doing this?" she asked.

Lia remained silent and then smiled. She disappeared and appeared on the bed at the other end of the room.

"I am not mad at you, Yuna. It's just that you were so slow, that I started to wonder if you were even holding onto your promise." Lia said.

Yuna remained silent as she looked at her with no particular emotion. She then sighed afterward, then lowered her body and kowtowed to her.

"Lia, was this enough to show how I am sincere with what I said? In a few years, I will make the eastern continent the most organized continent, and then we will begin the attack. We were still suffering from the results of our ancestors' actions in the Great World War. I will create the second one. Please wait for it." Yuna said.

Lia just kept her eyes on Yuna as she breathed out.

"What about that promising one? Lucas was it? Are you thinking of making him join us?"

Yuna's eyes widened as she heard Lucas's name, which she didn't expect to surface in the conversation. 

"What do you mean? Did you sneak out once again?"

Lia only snickered before answering, "I did. So what about it? You were so slow that I am starting my own move."

Yuna sighed and said, "It is still dangerous, Lia. You know that the other continents were still targeting you as you were part of the exempted divine beasts that didn't ascend after reaching the second realm of cultivation."

"I know. But still, they don't even pose any threat to me."

"Even still, your blood is enough for them to become strong. With just a drop of your sacred blood, they'll be able to raise their cultivation." Yuna said.

Lia then smirked as she eyed Yuna. "Then, why are you offering Lucas two drops of my sacred blood? Do you trust him?"

Yuna was shut off, then she lowered her head and said, "It's because he's a disciple of my friend. I trust my friend to make him the successor of his sword techniques."

Lia just eyed Yuna as she ridiculed her inwardly.

'Disciple my ass. That kid was even a mysterious one that I couldn't resist holding him for my own good before others eyed him!'

Lia shook her head as she also caressed it. 

"Yuna, the manipulation of the information of the past wasn't enough. I am getting more exposure, and as you were afraid of, even Lucas discovered the purpose of my blood. How come he knew it if he was a successor of your friend? "

Yuna remained silent, then stood up. "I don't know. Perhaps his unique cultivation plays a great role in it. He might be facing a bottleneck in a way that he was desperate to breakthrough."

"Bottleneck... A critical stage when they can't surpass their boundaries. I don't think so. That boy has a much more mysterious and otherwordly aura around him." Lia said.

"I don't care. As much as it is beneficial for me to raise the power I have, I am willing to grant him your blood. Just trust me on this, Lia. The Dimensional Storage Mystical Art he had, it was needed."

Lia became speechless as she looked at the desperation Yuna had. And as she concluded her resolution, she sighed, then stood up from her bed.

"I see... Just like your father, you still see me as an important fellow, Yuna." Lia said, with her voice slightly lower than normal.

She was as if whispering to her, but in a way that seduced her in the process.

"Lia, please believe in me. I am here to ask for your blood, so please grant Lucas your trust as well."

"I can't think of another answer, Yuna. I will say yes as I am interested in him as well. Just be careful. The northern continent started to move. After this, they will definitely send another one, stronger than before."

"I know..." Yuna said, followed by her soliloquy.

'If only we hadn't suffered so much in the First Great World War, we wouldn't be in this state where criminals were still dividing our unity. Even the dark sects that were pardoned because of their crimes in the past are still disorganized. We need to hasten things before the administrator arrives.'


A few months ago, approximately 6 months in total, Lia was just doing her everyday routine, laying down on her bed in her room when suddenly, she felt a tremendous otherwordly aura, as if coming from someone in the second cultivation realm.

It was just in the Immortal Realm like her, and on the same continent, that made her worry for the safety of her continent. As a result, she located that source, and after observing it, she slightly felt complacent.

"It was only a cultivator from the upper heavens that descended. I was worried." 

Lia was about to leave the place when she suddenly laid her eyes on the young man beside the female cultivator. He was a bit mysterious as she couldn't look at him properly without being disoriented.

"What kind of body was that?" she pondered as she tried to look at the constitution of the young man.

Because of him, she decided to observe them more, which gave her the idea of trying to converse with them.

As a result, she created a secret shop that might be possible for them to enter. And as she finally saw them up close, she finally realized what Lucas was.

"Someone from a different realm... These two were great tools, but the young man was more important than that female one."

Of course, what she meant by tools was as comrades. But she, as a divine beast she doesn't know what comrades are. And as she thought of it, she became more intrigued by him.

As a result, Lia decided to follow Lucas, and she became surprised by how fast his progress was. Even with his foundation in mystical arts, she was intrigued enough to consider using him.

But it was too early to show things to him. Lucas was as if he was trying to live his life differently from what he used to. It was only a feeling, and Lia was patient with it. Sowing is different from reaping. What you reap is a more important result than the sowing.

Of course, it wasn't that thoughtful mindset, but Lia couldn't think of a more appropriate approach. She just wanted to see more results from Lucas.

And after a few months, Lucas finally connected with Yuna, which was convenient for her.

"He seeks my blood.... I am getting more excited!"

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