The visaist emits "good" inside to the surrounding reaction. Explain the route properly and you'll have a rundown with Nobelick. So little is known at this stage.

And there is no certainty that what Beric has stated from earlier is true. That's why it doesn't take the form of a formal convocation.

Connect information full of such joints and even give the impression as fact.

The visaist caught a glimpse of one end of why Morocco had not been elected Governor General and Beric had been chosen for this stream.

Already, the air on the floor leans towards Beric. No one suspected that the first-place decision was appropriate, and it was also becoming yet-free as to why it had led to conclusions unknown to even the Governor General.

As a matter of course, there was an atmosphere in which if we were to have more knowledge than anyone else in this room, we would have no choice but to discuss it now.

Even those who take an obvious attitude towards the Major General began to have such a painful air that everyone could feel it. There is a sense of urgency about how many drops can withstand without zero afterwards as if it were water poured side by side into a cup and about to overflow.

You know it is Major General Morwald himself who would be at a disadvantage if he cut the weir.


"Well, that makes sense, Your Eminence."

Visaists weren't the only ones surprised by the Molwald throwing down a drop.

Because I don't see the benefit of coming here and doing a chicken race to hunt myself down.

"But, wow, his first place is when he's already offered to retire. The Governor said he was admitted to a college under military protection as a chain of connections."

Molwald's expression, which protrudes one finger belly, turns his gaze to Beric as he mocks.

"Apparently, I think his first place is too much underestimating his chosen power as a magician."

"It's lamentable," Molwald muttered as he took the cigar out of his nostrils and began to whine with his fingers.

There are many who cannot overlook that word. The end of the Major General's mouth rose ugly in the form of incitement to it.

"Major General, whatever it takes against the magicians of our country, then I will be rude."

"With all due respect, it's not like the Major General doesn't know what he's doing because he's also number one. Not once or twice have my men or their lives been saved."

The Major General, who listens coolly to a number of statements similar to such a curse, grinded through its fruitful whole nerve and waited for words that would come out sooner or later.

I banged my desk with both hands and stood up momentously. The man has a number of medals on his chest. Even in the Colonel's position he was a moderate figure who supported him as a Bellick.

"Major General, your troops should also have been saved thanks to Lord Ars, forget about that!! I guess it's because Alpha today is also able to lead the most powerful magician that has been given this much credit. Not to say it's not..."

"Yeah, I don't want to. I don't want to."

Having found one target, Molwald gives a nibbling and derisive consent. And I tasted the scent of the cigar with a face I didn't eat and lit it on fire.

Largely aspirated smoke fills the lungs and cloudy white smoke is exhaled. He set aside his sleaze and ashtray as if the senior officer next door were Major General's men.

"Of course it is. I am not underestimating my first-place strength. If Ars Regin is undoubtedly the # 1 in our country, it is as reliable as it can be..."

It was the visaist who broke in that disturbing air. Because this seemingly zero-eyed glass of water was pulling water out of the bottom, and the momentum leaning towards Bellick was returning calm.

"What do you mean?"

Calmly, therefore, anger cages because of the dos black things that still gush up at the bottom of my belly.

"Oh, visaist. Don't you think the Lord too? A magician with all that power retires from the army? Then what will you do after that, leave it alone by another country? I'm thinking, more responsible, for Alpha's sake, that the spineless thing to contribute for humanity should name a single. What can you expect from a magician who needs a reins?"


One of the senior officials finally raised his anger around each patient crossing the limit.

"Because of the silence!!

Bellick's one drink quiets the place back, but this was an unexpected silence for him. Because I was forced to set up a place for everyone to listen.

Still finding a moment of stagnation unfavourable, Belik hurries the trump card that Morocco would be sparing from earlier.

"What are you trying to say, Major General Morwald? When you push yourself to a disadvantage depending on what you do, you are advised to proceed with your knowledge."

"Hum, then turn to the impudent Viceroy... does everyone know where Ars Regin is right now?


Gilli!! Beric's back teeth rubbed hard against each other. Rather than a blind spot, I now have a feeling that this stream will completely flip over to the Major General for the surprise of bringing it up.

"What do you mean," replied Eagle Deep Fried and Molwald, shaking his face full to the surprise high-ranking official's voice, "what is it?

"Ars Regin is in Lusarca right now. We can't all know what this means."

"Major General Morwald!! Let's not talk about speculation. Even I allow it as a vacation."

"That's why I have to say it's impudent. I underestimate too much about the fact that singles travel to other countries. It's a good spot to be clueless and out of hand. If you ask, it's just the single magician and his partner."

It was not Beric who finally revealed his outrage at this, but the visaist sitting across from Morocco. I shook my right hand up.

"Mages are not pawns or dolls!! Don't put it in the wrong place."

The rage of the past three giants and the disgraced visionaries wore a big hole in their desks.

Morocco carries a cigar into its mouth for a breath when it recovers from a cold sweat but slight stiffness.

"Visaist, you're not the lord. The magician is certainly not a doll but a pawn. It's the army that runs the pawn. But being a single magician can't help treating you as a puppet. And it's our job not to let them know. Let's not forget, our grief is to take the territory back from those monsters. What if I don't use what I can use for that? Let me get this straight..."

High officials from both neighborhoods of the visaist are keeping their distance open. Because a hard, big fist is making your desk look mistletoed.

(It's a good way out and a big deal!! I don't need a fool to satisfy my ambitions. Turning my wits around makes me more demonic than demons.)

Still, I didn't open my mouth because Beric was stopping it with his eyes.

Everyone on this occasion watched breathlessly for the moment as to what words were spun out of the Major General's mouth.

"Isn't Ars Regin going to be saddled by Luther Luca?"



Distrust of Ars increased at once. I assure you with no certainty in your position as Major General, there are not so many who can calmly judge Bellick in this setting even if he finds it to be a lie. If this is brought back, it will crack inside the army.

Belik also responds relatively calmly to Morocco.

"Major General Morwald, isn't that speculation? Seems different from the Ars I know."

"Go to another country, you'll keep enough to wear a cat. You can see that you know too much about the inside of the army as you have found out from previous stories. The likelihood of departure increases if only the Governor knows what information can be viewed. I can't think of a reason to do that. And don't see the possibility of connecting with Klama."

Few high-ranking officials were still exposed to discomfort. I don't have a body of argument like a disease.

Of all the statements that are only disrespectful, Morocco chooses only one to disprove.

"Molwald, you're going to insult Lord Ars, or I won't listen to you in silence!!

"Attach Major General!! The samurai-style fright..."

"Ki, you!!

"Then let me get an answer. It is a fact that, based on previous information, there is a good chance of a departure. If it's not the same, why can you trust it? You're offering to retire. Lacking first place now, Alpha's weakening is visible. No, no, it would be better if we still crossed into another country. But I don't see any reason to let Krama get away with infiltrating the academy while the number one force is so isolated."

"Huh... that's in view of the damage"

"We should track it down and change places. If your first-place strength really matches that, it's even worse. Isn't that a little exaggerated? Is it ineligible as first place, or is it really connected to Klama? Isn't that why you let him get away"

Beric sighs when he has no choice but to do this. That was at the same time determination. The audience is already beginning to listen and think.

There's nothing I can say about Als staying in Alpha for sure. No, it couldn't have been like that from the start. The Mage is the contradiction and contradiction of its proud humanity. If that's the only magician I can say I am.

After figuring that out, I guess Molwald is saying. So if we can only base ourselves on strict facts, Ars' actions are perceived as willingness to disobey. It would be no different in any country for retired military personnel to incur corresponding confidentiality.

It was also true that what the Major General was saying was outrageous because of that. If it keeps flowing, the army should fit in with a temporary mess. To the extent that so far, even if Morocco had been exposed to relentless criticism, it would have created discord within the military, Beric had a hooky concern in his heart, even if he had anticipated so.

The mouth fires cut by Morocco, which have taken advantage of this opportunity, will be devastating. I had such a hunch. But Beric decided to be ready to ride it, aware of the struggle that springs up inside him.

"Come on, I also understand what Major General Morwald said"

Major General with stunned senior officials and a mockery and victory grin.

What this word means suggests is the possibility of hanging an unprecedented single magician in a military law conference. The words actually unleashed in everyone's anticipation of that were suggestive of a completely different path.

"At this point, let me be clear. I don't think Ars would mind leaving this country. Respect it if it is the will of the person. What do you mean, discharged? Major General, Ars is out of military service, where are the deficiencies? If you think about what you've accomplished so far, praise me and question the right place."

"Huh... I told you, Rick"

Major General Morwald's voice, whispered so loudly, crossed only between them. This is a declaration of war. It was a complete manifestation of readiness to crack the army.

It's not a simple story if you think about Alpha when it comes to whether you can really let go of Als to Beric. In a personal way, what I just said must be for real. But if you think about it in the position of Governor General, you still have to keep it.

But it was with a different purpose that I dared to be genuine on this occasion.

The floor was modified to its original orbit, leaving only smoky sparks to dissolve. There are a few who remain apart from those who leave the room with their heavy feet facing the door.

Visaists are one of them. undoubtedly become the most influential man in this in the sense of being put at a glance.

Only senior officials on this occasion were prepared to dive through the storm from now on. The visionary, who looked over to indulge in it, asked Teng himself, who opened the curtain of the war with one beat.

Visaists should not be the only ones who had doubts about the presence of Major General Morwald on this occasion in the first place.

"What are you thinking, Beric?"

I asked like a former comrade without honor.

Bellick joins hands on his desk, his determined eyes looking far away. It was as if I had expected this time to come.

"We're going to be busy, Visaist. And so is everyone."

"I know that. Is it more true that Ars is traveling to Luther Luca than that?

"Oh, they used it well. Of course it doesn't mean Ars is moving to Luther Luca. Too bad I can't tell you it's a complete lie."

"That's a rumor."

"Exactly. But only a few know it. I had no idea you'd come here and plot Ars without putting him on the arrow. If Shirai had known the same singles, he wouldn't have been confused by words without roots or leaves like this one."

Luther Luca has no intention of doing so. You will soon find out. That's all Beric cared about. It's all clear whether we suspect Ars or not. What's the point of such a win?

"Either way, it was a great opportunity to get rid of the tumors nesting in the military."

Beric didn't want to miss this opportunity either. Even if it brought the army together, Molwald was still overpowered. It's a lot for that power to turn to the outside world, but he doesn't know the outside world and has the same values for the magician as he did earlier.

I couldn't have let such a person sit in the viceroy's seat.

Still, a man named Morwald is enough to be located in the Lieutenant General, albeit former. He was a cunning person in that sense.

"But pan Rick. The Major General is now biting..."

"The army will crack, but it should calm down immediately, which the Major General understands. Then this time it should be seen as a complete time buyer. They'll set something up soon."

Nor did the visaist expect this to unfold until he left the mansion. An internal division is about to break up the Alpha army trend.

Since its demotion, Molwald has not stood up to the table. Now I think of it as if even the blade had been sharpened for a period of time.

Not just the Visaists, but all the senior officials who remained on this occasion made up their minds to prepare for the fight. A proper martial arts officer should know all about it. Morwald said he was good at killing his men.

That he is a character breaker who thinks nothing of it.

Bellick had a verse in mind as one of the reasons for coming here and challenging the Major General head-on. Ask everyone for that confirmation.

"Do you know that there is a unit called Kruelseis in the Moroccan private soldier?

Even the late Rick, a private soldier, was unable to examine its constituents, but his movements were becoming more active. Trends may also be made during external missions.

Consequently, the war effort in Morocco has grown rapidly here recently. No, the signs have been there for a year.

Bellick anticipates his opponent's aim to make a monologue.

"I guess my biggest goal would be my leg loss. But by the time we get there, we'll have to have a decisive downfall and Molwald himself."

"Oh, sure, he'll go up as the next candidate, but he's lacking in decision making"

Beric took over the visaist gavel in his brain and let it unfold. Nowadays Rick holds the post of Governor by appointment of Cicernia, the Head of State. At the time, Beric's achievements were significant, so his internal counterpart was only about a small fire.

Now then...... past accomplishments have faded and now even the type of accomplishments has changed. I am gathering support because I have command of single magicians like Ars and Letty.

It is the direct boss of a single magician, but hence the singular feat has gained strength as a steward of the Governor General.


Not only senior officials around him but visionaries wait in silence for Beric, who suddenly turned out to be a harsh idea.

And it turned into a look that I was always convinced as if the thread had broken.

"Are you going to put up a single?"

"Belik, whatever it is... how do you prove it"

Say it yourself. Visaists notice. The single magician is called to account for his prowess as well as his accomplishments. Then the proof that we're winning is really a simple story. Let them compete.

Because I know Ars, I know that lacks realism, but if you ask me, that's the most efficient thing.

Worst of all, if only we had close prowess, we could retreat Ars as a traitor. If Ars were captured as a rebel, it would be no more damage as material for Bellick's loss of leg, his immediate superior officer.

If that goes as the scenario suggests, Morocco will be able to hold the position of Governor General in full.

"But that's impossible. It's not like Ars doesn't have the will and the evidence. Results are visible to the extent of suspicion."

Although realistically unsuccessful.

"I guess. Still the quickest possibility."

The high officials arriving at the side of Morocco are mainly aristocratic. The symbol of the difference in perception about the magician is him and Beric.

"Beric, what would you do?

"There's more to it than having Ars show up for once. This is going to cost you more than you need."

That's how I joked. It was Beric. It was also true that I didn't need to stand as long as I looked.

Hmm, once his nose was rough, the visaist just didn't expect to take care of it so far. Now he rubbed his jaw with the intention of poking it even in a fulfillment. It was recently becoming a habit, but the jaw of a freshly shaved tulu leaves a shortage and a hint of anxiety.

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