Chapter 24 The melee begins, frantically picking up attributes

"Congratulations host, you picked up 5,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations host, you picked up the 6050 Devil Fruit attribute!"

"Congratulations host, you picked up 2500 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, you picked up 300 domineering attributes!"


As the battle between the vice admiral and the cadres of the red-haired pirate group such as Jesus Bu begins.

Others are not far behind.

A large number of elite soldiers of the navy and the elite pirates of the red-haired pirate group also entered this battle.

People interact with each other.

Many Devil Fruit Abilities are also directly activated abilities.

There are countless collisions between armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering.

"That's so cool!"

Lin Yan couldn't help but sigh a few times.

But to hide people's eyes.

He quickly retracted his smile again.

Although the previous confrontation between Yellow Ape and Renly could burst out more than 10,000 attribute points every time.

But after all, it was just a battle between two people.

Unlike the current large-scale dogfight.

Lin Yan only felt that a dizzying amount of information kept flashing in his mind.

The values are high and low, but the speed is really fast!

Hundreds of messages can flash through in a second.

Properties are also growing extremely fast.

Such a large area of attribute points dropped, if it was changed to before, Lin Yan would not dare to think about it.

But now it's real.

Lin Yan even had some doubts about continuing like this, saying that he didn't have to become a god in the flesh!

A large amount of strength and qi and blood attributes dropped, making Lin Yan's body feel obvious changes.

He could sense that his body was slowly getting stronger.

Now Lin Yan is very excited.

The mood is even better.

The rising strength makes him more confident.

At this time, Lin Yan really experienced the feeling of constantly getting stronger.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up the armed color domineering from the squirrel!"

Suddenly, a piece of information completely attracted Lin Yan.

"It's actually armed color domineering!"

Lin Yan paused for a while, and then his face showed surprise.

I thought excitedly.

In the two years since joining the Navy, Lin Yan has constantly picked up attribute points and become stronger.

But only the three-color domineering Lin Yan has not been obtained.

This also shows in disguise how sleepy the tricolor domineering wants to get together!

And in the pirate world.

In addition to the Devil Fruit, the most famous is the domineering system.

Especially in the New World.

Not a bit domineering.

You're embarrassed to go out!

Although some fruits have very perverted abilities, they can give unimaginable powers to those who take them.

But those strong people who cultivate domineering to the top are the most powerful figures in this pirate world.

Lin Yan, who used to be a man, wanted to obtain the domineering power of the three colors countless times.

It's just a pity that it has always backfired.


A trip to the Chambord Islands.

See and smell color, overlord color, armed color.

The domineering tricolor is all put together.

Lin Yan didn't even feel if this was an illusion.

Is it really that easy to put together?

Think about it too.

Two years later.

Always nestled in Marin Vando to pick up properties.

Marin Fandor survived to death, that is, where ordinary soldiers trained.

What is this scene right now?

This is the war that broke out in the collision between the top four emperors and the top navy.

In such cases.

Even if the probability is infinitely small, it will increase infinitely because of the increase in the number of people!

[Character: Lin Yan].

[Rank: Colonel].

[God-level pickup system].

[Thunder fruit: LV60 (590W/600W)].

[Qi and blood: LV57 (565W/570W)].

[Power: LV48 (475W/480W)].

[Agility: LV37 (369W/370W)].

[Swordsmanship: LV22 (110W/220W)].

[Physical surgery: LV42 (419W/420W)].

[Navy Six: LV67 (320W/670W)].

[See and smell domineering: LV15 (137/150W)].

[Armed color domineering: LV0 (0/10W)].

[Overlord color domineering: LV10 (80/100W)].

[Comprehensive evaluation: Naval Substitute Admiral].

Looking at the armed color domineering that he just obtained.

Lin Yan how to see how to like it.

With a tricolor domineering franchise.

In the future, he will be promoted to the pinnacle of the new world.

Another full confidence!

Lin Yan knew that he was getting closer and closer to the ranks of the strong.

As long as he cultivates this three-color domineering qi, then he will no longer be a simple substitute general.

He also has the opportunity to become the top combat force of the Navy.


This trip to the Chambordi Islands is too important for Lin Yan.

"How nice it would be if Shanks and Karp and the others joined the fight!"

These top powerhouses have a common problem.

That is, the generals of both sides will not easily use their means.

It's like right now.

Shanks stood steady as Tarzan and stood against the Sengoku.

And the Warring States also let the people below charge, and he sat in the Chinese army!

The two of them are the same as the war on top, and the whitebeard and the Warring States confrontation.

Lin Yan was quite helpless.

If only they could join in!


This thought is just a thought!

Although can't pick up their attributes.

The other human attributes are also completely enough!


[Ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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