Chapter Thirty-Two Redhead's Thoughts, Are You Going to Retreat?


Deputy captain of the red-haired pirates.

The ability is good, the strength is outstanding, and with his particularly terrifying intelligence, he has helped Shanks come out of desperate situations several times.

It is Shanks' right-hand man, one of the true cornerstones of the red-haired pirates!

There are rumors in the outside world that this guy Ben Beckman has royal strength!

Imperial level, naturally, refers to having the strength of the four emperor level.

This is a very scary thing.

The redhead himself is a powerhouse at the level of the four emperors, and now there is one more Beckman.

One pirate group, two four emperors!

Don't say anything about the navy.

If the news is true, the red-haired pirate group is completely ahead of the other four emperors!

But at the moment, Ben Beckman's opponent is, after all, the long-known naval hero Karp.

Even Ben Beckman is a little powerless, and he has no bottom in his heart.

However, his face was forced to be calm and calm.

Look at Karp here.

I saw Karp rubbing his iron fist with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you know how much I look forward to this day?!"

Karp said viciously.

This group of guys will pull Luffy into the path of sea thieves.

Karp didn't know how long he wanted to beat them up.


The other party has been staying in the new world.

This also left Karp with no way to start.

It's a rare opportunity today.

How could he have missed it?

This is also one of the reasons why Karp took the initiative!

After all, Karp is a long-established naval hero, and its strength naturally goes without saying.

In the battle that defeated the sea overlord Lockes, Karp still held a very important position.

Even after all these years, the title of naval hero still resounds throughout the sea.

Pirates are still scared when they hear the name of Tekken Karp.

Beckman and Karp confronted.

The surrounding aura fluctuations began to sweep through.

It seems to know that Karp is difficult to deal with.

Beckman decided to take the lead.

He teleported one step at a time, disappeared in place, and came to a corner.

Ben Beckman shot Karp directly in the head.

"Congratulations to the host, you picked up the 19,000 speed attribute!"

"Congratulations to the host, you picked up 20,000 speed attributes!"



Lin Yan was still distressed, Huang Ape and Leily, two guys who didn't want Bi Lian, openly performed the Body Cultivation Sword Technique here.

Suddenly, there was movement in the system.

The attribute directly broke through the sky.

Turn your head and look.

Lin Yan was excited!



This naval hero Karp is going to do something to the people of the redhead!

For the grudge between Karp and the redhead.

He heard a little.


He's going to get his wish!

Karp got his wish.

Of course Lin Yan is happy!

Hurry up and fight.

Multi-burst attribute!

Watch Beckman take the lead and burst out 20,000 attribute points.

Lin Yan nodded.

There are such attribute drops with one hit.

It is also worthy of the status of the deputy captain.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the red-haired Shanks' most proud second-in-command.

The strength of this level is indeed very strong.

Sure enough, the Four Emperors Pirate Group did not have simple cadres.

Of course.

This blow is very powerful.

But Karp simply raised his eyelids!

That's it?

A pitch-black block-like armed color domineering color covered Karp's arm.

I saw Karp grinning.

Then he flashed and actually caught up with Beckman's particularly terrifying speed.


Looking at Karp in front of him, Beckman, who was moving at high speed, was shocked.

But he didn't have time to react.

"Bone Fist Meteorite!"

Karp struck a bone fist towards Beckman's face.

Terrifying arrogance.

Even really the air began to distort!

There was even an extra punch that sent a powerful shockwave.

The earth has sunken because of this.

"Congratulations host, you picked up 80,000 power attributes on Tekken Kapu!"


It is also thanks to Lin that he did not have a sip of water in his mouth.

Otherwise, it will definitely spew out.

Lin Yan was sluggish.

One, ten, hundred, thousand, thousand...

80,000 attributes!

Karp directly burst out 80,000 attributes with one punch!

Just these 80,000 attributes.

Lin Yan can pick up ten days and eight days in Marin Fando.

Flower Q!

So much???

Is this the naval hero Tekken Karp!

At this time, Lin Yan had a little admiration on his face.

Worthy of being a naval hero!

Naval leaders of the old days!

That's too strong!

Lin Yan took a deep breath.

This is the most attribute point he has picked up so far!

It can only be said that Karp is worthy of being the man who once defeated the sea overlord Locks.

Although defeating Rocks had the help of others.

But after all, it is the most evil being who tries to rule the entire sea and become the king of the world.

Since he can defeat Rox, then the strength naturally goes without saying.

Even though Karp is a little old now, his strength is still very strong!

"Naval hero Karp, really strong!"

Lin Yan looked at Karp not far away with an admiring look on his face.

To know.

Even the previous battle between the yellow ape and Hades Renly had a maximum of 20,000 attribute points.

This is not to say that the two are not as strong as Karp.

Perhaps these two people also have spare power.

Not using all the power.

But Karp here just looked casual and burst out with 80,000 power attributes.

That's scary!

With a single blow, a high-value attribute point that Lin Yan had never seen before.

This can say that this lieutenant will have a lot of moisture!

As Karp punched out, after breaking up Ben Beckman's offensive.

The remaining fist wind knocked many pirates out.

At this time, under the powerful offensive of the navy, the pirates have already retreated with some defeat.

Originally, morale was not comparable to that of the navy.

The number of navies is a huge advantage, and it is reasonable that the pirates are difficult to support.

At this time, many supernova and elite cadres of the red-haired pirate group were also a little unable to support.

A battle of this magnitude is not something that can be solved by individuals.

What needs to be looked at is the overall level of strength.

At first, the level gap between the red-haired pirate group and the navy here was not so large.

But with the moment when Lin Yan defeated Jesus, Bu and Lachilu, it began.

The tide of war has already changed subtly.

Let's not talk about the importance of Jesus' bu and Lachiro to the red-haired pirates.

You must know that at the beginning, Jesus Buke suppressed the existence of several vice admirals.

Naturally, Lachiro is also on the same level as Jesus.

But even so, the two were killed by Lin Yan one after another.

One can imagine how much the morale of the red-haired pirate group has been hit.

At this time, Shanks had mixed tastes in his heart, after all, these fallen were the elite of the red-haired pirates.

But losing one is very distressing for him.

His purpose in coming to the Chambord Islands today was to help Luffy out of the siege.

If the red-haired pirate group is accounted for here, it is something he does not want to see.

At this time, the numerical superiority of the navy was too great.

If the fighting continues, the situation will be very unfavorable to the red-haired pirates.

The redhead at this time was a little unwilling, but he knew that he couldn't be angry.

Even if the red-haired pirate group launches a final counterattack, the navy will only be greatly damaged for a while.

Because the Navy is affordable.

There were so many naval soldiers in the Chambord Islands.

But there were not many of his red-haired pirate group plus the cadres.

He didn't have the capital to accompany the navy.

Look at the situation.

The red-haired pirate group is gone.

Many supernova and elite cadres also fell to the ground.

A trace of regret flashed in Shanks' eyes.

He knew that the scene at this time would definitely make them mired in the mud.

You have to plan ahead!


[Ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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