
The ships of Roger’s Pirates are rushing towards the navy at full speed, and they want to take advantage of the current dispersion of naval forces and rush into the encirclement in one fell swoop, otherwise when the naval forces gather, it will not be so easy for them to rush in.

Just as the Roger Pirates were advancing at full speed, the navy finally discovered their arrival.

Sengoku looked at the pirate ship that was getting closer and closer, and directly ordered the phone worm in his hand: “All the navy listen, the Roger pirate group is attacking from the front of the port, leaving several warships patrolling the back of the island, and the other warships are all gathered here in the port!” ”

After Sengoku finished giving the order to the phone worm, he looked at a few people on the side and said: “You guys first drag the strong people of the Roger Pirates, I want to let the lieutenant generals go and eliminate the ordinary pirates first, leaving those difficult bones, stay behind and slowly find a way to solve them!” ”

“Do you understand?”

“Got it!”

After the Warring States ordered everyone on the warship, they looked at the pirate ship that was rushing towards them, and thought to themselves: It seems that the Roger Pirate Group wants to break in to save people, the combat power of the frontal navy can only play a role in pulling the team, if you want to win and leave the Roger Pirate Group here, you can only pray that the hole cards prepared by the five old stars are a little more reliable!

Because the high-end combat power of the current navy is not much different from the Roger Pirates, if the World Government is not reliable in preparing the backhand, then their Navy and the Roger Pirates belong to killing a thousand enemies and self-inflicting eight hundred.

The Warring States don’t want this to happen, their navy has the responsibility to maintain the world, and this kind of thing must not be done once high-end combat power is exchanged!

Because the stronger the naval strength, the stronger the control over the sea, and on the contrary, the weaker the naval strength, the weaker the control of the sea.

Thinking of the Warring States here, I secretly decided in my heart: if the world government is not reliable, even if the Roger Pirates run away, the navy’s combat power cannot be lost too much here.

It’s not that the Warring States don’t dare to fight with the pirates, but the pirates in this era are rampant, eliminating the Roger Pirates, as well as the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Flying Pirates.

Only eliminating one Roger Pirate Group has no effect at all, if eliminating Roger Pirate Group can make the world peaceful, then he will not hesitate to take the Navy to play with Roger Pirate Group, but this is simply impossible!

Leaving the living forces of the navy, it can also contain the pirates on the sea, if their navy falls, the world will be absolutely chaotic.

While Sengoku was thinking about these bad things, the ships of Roger’s Pirates had already rushed into their attack range.

Sengoku: “Prepare … Target pirate ship… Shoot! ”

“Poof… Poof…”

The twenty warships in the vicinity had already aimed all their guns at the ships of Roger’s pirate regiment, and when they heard the order, they did not hesitate to attack.

For a while, the sky around the pirate ship was covered with black cannonballs, like black rain, scrambling to fall.

The people on Roger’s pirate group saw the shells falling down the sky, although they had experienced a lot of this kind of thing, but ordinary members still couldn’t help but panic, after all, the shells fired by twenty warships were really a bit excessive!

You must know that the Demon Slaying Order is only ten warships, and ten warships can bombard an island, which is twice as much as the Demon Slaying Order!

If ordinary members knew that hundreds of warships came to the Navy this time, it is estimated that they would be more panicked in their hearts!

“Everyone prepare, give me all the shells to intercept!”

Roger stood majestically on the bow of the boat, raised his hand and gave orders without looking back.

“…… Search…… search…”

Renly and Mitsuki Ota, the two great swordsmen, jumped directly onto the sails, ready to intercept the cannonballs overhead.

“Brush… Brush…… brush…”

When the cannon came not far from them, the two great sword masters directly split out one after another sword qi, forming a huge sword qi net, and all the falling shells were split in two.

“Boom… Rumble…… Rumble…… Boom…”

The shell that was divided in two exploded directly in the air, and for a while the entire sky was full of smoke, and there were sparks in the smoke.

Renault, who was squatting in the corner, looked at this scene in the sky and couldn’t help but praise: “These two old bastards are worthy of being famous swordsmen, such a dense number of shells falling, they all solve it so easily!” ”

However, if he is allowed to solve it, it is estimated that he will solve it more easily and happily than them, because he only needs to wave his hand to use his power to bounce off these shells.

His Nian Power attack method is not strong, but a large-scale attack, he said second, no one dares to say first.

On the sea, the entire sea water will be his weapon, and if he shoots with all his might, he will blow them up in minutes.

However, he is not proficient enough in power now, and his physical fitness is too poor, so he can only develop indecently for a period of time.

After he develops, no matter which force is his family’s back garden, he can come and go whenever he wants.

Just as Reynolds was thinking about who to harm in the future, the ship of the Roger Pirates had rushed to the face of the navy, but they did not mean to stop, and they were still moving at full speed.


Roger, who was standing at the bow of the boat, finally pulled out the knife at his waist and raised it above his head, looking like he was going to use the knife to cut a way.


Just as Roger was about to chop down, a figure suddenly rushed out of the navy’s warship and laughed: “Hahaha… Roger…… Let’s go to the sky and play! ”

The figure rushing out of the warship said that he wanted to go to the sky to play, but the person rushed straight to the pirate ship, and if no one stopped him, this person would definitely board their ship.

Rushing out is the naval hero Karp, who is trying to force Roger to go to heaven to fight him alone, so he deliberately rushes to their pirate ship.

Roger saw the figure rushing over, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he wordlessly ordered Renly: “Renly will leave it to you here, I will stop this bastard, I can’t let Karp, this old bastard, board our ship, otherwise our ship will be hammered by him in minutes!” ”

“Don’t worry, the ship will be handed over to me here!”

Reilly, who was still on the sails at this time, immediately responded with assurances after hearing Roger’s words.

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