
Roger’s pirates’ ship did not stop here, and after seeing Roger and Renault walking away, they drove the boat out of here.

The Roger Pirates have disbanded, and they are also going to disembark, and their destination is not the island just now, so they have not disembarked.

Renly led everyone to the next destination, and before Roger left, he asked him to send everyone on the ship to where they wanted to go, which was the last captain’s order!

[Half a day after the departure of Roger’s Pirates].


“The deputy captain is not good… Not good!! ”

Bang bang –

On the calm pirate ship, there was an impatient shout, and he saw Bucky hurriedly running out of the ship.

He also hit something on the splint, directly knocked himself into the crack, and his head had flown to Renly’s feet, but his body was still a few meters away, looking both terrifying and a little funny.

Seeing the frizzy Bucky and his split head, Reilly asked with a black face: “Say it!” What the hell is going on? ”

Bucky’s head flew up from the splint, looked at Renly and said with a sad face, “There is nothing left in our treasury, it is a treasure that I have so hard to find!” ”

The people on Roger’s pirate group are not very interested in treasure, so every time there is a loot, it is Bucky who collects it, and the others look at his appearance as a miser and simply let him manage the money.

As long as there is a fight, they are responsible for fighting, and Bucky, a rookie fighting scum, is responsible for picking up treasures in the back, and he is not wrong to say that these are things he managed to find.

Hearing Bucky’s answer, Renly asked with a look of disbelief on his face: “We have not landed on the island in the past two days, and there is no possibility of someone stealing treasure, so are you blind?” ”

Seeing that Renly didn’t believe him, Bucky explained with a worried face: “What I said is true, deputy captain, you can go to the treasure house to see, there is really nothing in there!” ”

At this time, everyone on the ship heard the movement on this side, and all of them quickly came to check the situation, they thought there was an enemy!

After Mitsuki Ota came over, he didn’t see the enemy, only saw Renly and Bucky, looked at the two and asked suspiciously, “What’s going on?” ”

Hearing Mitsuki Ota’s inquiry, and seeing everyone’s inquiring gazes, Renly glanced at Bucky and explained, “Bucky said that there is nothing in our treasury now!” ”

When Jabba heard that it was a treasure house, he said with a lack of interest: “If you want to know if it is true, just go to the treasure house and see if it’s good!” ”

When everyone on the ship heard Jabba’s words, they all went to check on the treasure house, although they were not very interested in the treasure.

But they also have to eat, drink and live, and without these treasures with Bailey, they drink the northwest wind?

After everyone came to the treasure house, they looked at the empty treasure house, and they were all stunned in place.

What the hell is going on here?

What about their big pile of treasure?

After Mitsuki Ota was stunned for a while, he looked at Bucky and asked, “What the hell is going on with Bucky?” ”

Bucky heard Mitsuki Ota’s inquiry and replied with a sad face, “That’s how it was when I came in, I don’t know!” ”

Seeing that the treasure house was really empty, Renly pushed his glasses and said with a black line: “Everyone doesn’t need to guess, only that little bastard can do it if he can empty the treasure house on the ship!” ”

When Mitsuki Ota heard Renly’s words, he immediately understood, and his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot and said: “It’s really that little bastard’s style of doing things, if there is revenge, you will be rewarded, and you don’t forget to pit us before leaving!” ”

When everyone heard the words of the two, they thought of Renault’s ability to control the flight of ships, and it was easy to control a little wealth to fly in the sky, at this time, they still did not understand, day and night defense, family thieves are difficult to prevent!

“Bastard… Renault!! Bastard!! ”

Then there was a roar on the ship of Roger’s pirate group, which lasted for a long time before gradually subsiding.

【Snow Peak Island】

“Aa Aa

Renault, who was thousands of miles away, was following Roger aimlessly on Xuefeng Island, the island where they landed today, and suddenly sneezed several times in a row without warning.

Roger looked at the snow all around, and thought that Renault couldn’t stand the weather, and asked with concern: “Little Reynold, if you feel cold, I’ll go buy you a dress, right?” ”

Renault refused without thinking: “You hurry up and buy your things, although my physical fitness is not good, but my ability can isolate the cold, so there is no need to buy clothes at all!” ”

Renault didn’t sneeze coldly at all, probably because the bastards had discovered that the vault was empty, and they were scolding him now!

Roger heard Renault’s words, looked at Reynolds carefully, and sure enough found a faint layer of green energy on his skin, it seemed that he was not lying.

Thinking of this, Roger, looked at Reno and said in amazement: “Your ability is the same as the omnipotent, control, flying, attack, are very powerful, these others have the same is powerful, you can do it all, it is really a convenient and perverted ability!” ”

Hearing Roger’s strong sigh, Reno rolled his eyes and said directly: “Since you like it so much, then you also eat a devil fruit!” ”

Roger shook his head vigorously when he heard this, he was just curious, but he didn’t want to really be a dry duck.

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Reno asked, “What are we doing here?” ”

As Roger walked forward, he replied, “I’m going to meet Whitebeard, there is a tavern here where the wine is very good, of course, you can’t go empty-handed to meet Whitebeard, bring him some greetings.” ”

When Reno heard that he was really going to see Whitebeard, he thought to himself: Roger really wants to meet Whitebeard, and after seeing Whitebeard this time, he should go to find that Portcas D. Lujiu!

I don’t know if Roger knew this woman before, or after seeing Whitebeard, this matter is probably only known to them!

【Ding! 】

[The host has a new clock-in task].

【For details, please go to the taskbar】

As soon as Renault thought of the clock-in task, the system immediately jumped out to prompt that he had a new clock-in task.

When Renault heard the prompt of the system, his eyes lit up instantly, and he immediately opened the taskbar to check it.

– Asking for flowers – asking for monthly passes – asking for evaluation.

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