
[A few days later – the first half of the Great Voyage]

A small boat is flying at a low altitude, only about ten meters above the sea, without any power, but it can always fly in the air.

There were two people on the boat, one big and one small, it was Roger and Renaud, and Renault went to Roger, only had time to have lunch, and was dragged out to sea by Roger in the afternoon.

They have been flying like this for several days, except for a break and stop, and the rest of the time is basically rushing.

The reason why they ran so far and came to the Great Route to find the navy was because they didn’t want people to find out Lu Jiu’s identity, so the farther away from the South China Sea now, the better.

Reynolds was lazily lying on the boat, looking at the boundless sea around him, and asked Roger: “Uncle Roger, are we just on the sea like this, aimlessly looking for the navy?” ”

Renault had discussed with Roger before departure, and after coming to the Great Route, he tied Roger up when he encountered Naval Renault, and then handed it over to the Navy to receive a bounty.

But they turned around the Great Route for two days, and they didn’t know if the sea area here was too big or how, and they were stunned that they didn’t see the ghost shadow of a navy, let alone a living navy.

Roger heard Renaud’s inquiry, and also felt that it was not a way to go on like this, so he opened his mouth and proposed: “It’s not a way to keep looking for it aimlessly like this, otherwise let’s find an island with a navy, right?” ”

Renault also thinks this method is good, it is difficult to find a navy that moves at sea, then look for a navy that will not move on the islands!

Thinking of Renault here, he immediately stood up and shouted as if he had been stimulated: “Uncle Roger sits tight, I want to drive full horsepower and strive to reach the next island before dark!” ”


As soon as Renault finished speaking, the boat rushed out like a rocket, and from a distance it looked like a cloud of green energy was flying.

[A few hours after “June 17” – near Alabastan]

Renault flew at full strength for several hours, and his domineering aura spread thousands of meters away, like a radar, scanning where there were islands.

Suddenly, Renault’s eyes flashed red, and he said excitedly to Roger on the side: “Uncle Roger, I found the island!” ”

After Reno finished speaking excitedly, he flew directly towards the island where he saw the domineering sweep, and the speed was a few points faster than just now.

When Roger heard Renault’s words, he glanced at Reynolds a little unexpectedly, and secretly sighed in his heart: Even I didn’t find where there were islands, but this little bastard could find out, it seems that his sight and smell are the same as his ability, it’s not simple at all!

Just when Roger lamented Renault’s domineering, a small black dot appeared not far from them, and as they approached, the small black dot was getting bigger and bigger.

Renault steered the ship around the island and finally found the location of the port, where a warship was parked.


Renault immediately laughed when he saw the naval warship, and thought to himself: Even if there is no naval branch on this island, they can contact the navy and ask the navy to send a bounty.

Thinking of Renault here, he immediately parked the ship a few hundred meters away from the port, and before he got the bounty, Renault could not expose his ability, otherwise as soon as the navy saw this ability, it was estimated that he could remember the person who saved Roger’s pirate group some time ago, so they could only row over.

Roger also saw the warship in the port, and immediately stretched out his hands and said: “Put the prepared handcuffs on me!” ”

Reynolds felt sour when he heard this, but he still handcuffed Roger, and with assurance: “I will definitely send my sister-in-law to a complete place, you can go with confidence!” ”

When Roger heard Renaud’s words, and saw his expression, he scolded angrily: “You little bastard, give me the momentum when you asked me for a bounty, what are you doing now?” ”

Reno did not pretend to hear this, and after handcuffing Roger, he rowed the boat towards the port.

【Alabastan Port】

The warships parked here in the port seem to be replenishing supplies, and are moving things to the warship box by box.

At this time, on the splint of the warship, there was a man with very strong purple hair, supervising the navy moving things.

He is Admiral “Zefa”, he did not come here to carry out a mission, but just passed by here to replenish supplies.

Now Alabastan is very prosperous, not the country that can’t even drink water in the future, it is one of the world’s powers, with a very large population and a very large island area.

Just as Zefa was supervising the navy to move things, a red light flashed in his eyes, and then he looked towards the sea behind him, and immediately saw a small boat slowly approaching.

After Zefa saw the people on the boat clearly, his face instantly became serious, his body immediately collapsed, and he was secretly surprised in his heart: How could a man of that level appear here?

Zefa stared at the boat close to the port, to be precise, staring at Roger, Renaud’s child, if not also on the boat, he probably didn’t even look at it.

Renault’s small figure was rowing very hard, and after a while, he came to the distance of about ten meters from the warship.

Reno raised his head and looked at the man on the warship, and immediately recognized it, and directly shouted Zefa on the warship: “Uncle Navy, I caught a pirate, can you exchange the bounty for me?” ”

Zefa, who was still staring at Roger on the warship, heard Renault’s words, and was directly stunned in place, where is this little broken child, why is it such a tiger?

When Zefa came back to his senses, he directly cursed in his heart: It’s good that your little broken child was not caught by the pirate, and he caught the pirate, and this pirate king navy can’t catch it, is it also something that you can catch a little broken child?

Thinking of Zefa here, Li ignored Reynolds, and directly asked Roger with a solemn face: “Roger, what is the purpose of your coming here?” ”

“That… That’s One Piece Roger?! ”

“How did you encounter such a monster here?!”

“How could a man of this level appear here?!”

“One Piece King Roger is here, so is his pirate group also in the nearby seas?”

“I heard that the last time the Navy surrounded the Roger Pirates, they didn’t succeed, they won’t be coming to take revenge on our Navy, right?!”

“If that’s the case, aren’t we going to be finished?!”

As Zefa’s shouts fell, the naval soldiers who had been moving things also spotted the boat approaching.

When they saw Roger on the boat, they were all frightened and their legs went soft, and they all looked at Roger with horror on their faces and talked about it.

Roger heard Zefa’s inquiry, looked at Zefa with a foolish expression, and shook the handcuffs with his raised hand and said: “Admiral Zefa, didn’t you hear his words?” Are you deaf or foolish? ”

Zefa saw the handcuffs on Roger’s hands, his brain was buzzing, and he didn’t pay attention to what Roger said.

Zefa stared at the handcuffs on Roger’s hands with wide eyes, and he found something that shocked him very much, that is, the handcuffs that Roger was wearing, handcuffs made of Hailou stone.

But even so, Zefa did not believe that Roger had been caught by the child, he was guessing in his heart about Roger’s purpose in doing this, and he was ready to fight at any time.

Seeing that Ze Fali ignored himself, Reno directly scolded: “You navy are all bastards, pirates that I finally caught, you don’t even exchange me for a bounty!” ”

When Reno said this, he directly took out a key and said: “Since your navy doesn’t exchange my bounty, then I still catch a fart pirate, just let him go!” ”

Zefa saw the key that Reno jumped out of, and was about to open the handcuffs, and quickly shouted to stop it: “Don’t… Children, don’t open the handcuffs, if you want a bounty, I can exchange it for you, but I have to confirm it before I can change it for you!” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Reno saw that Zefa had finally taken the bait, and his heart was already happy, but on the surface, he hesitated for a while before agreeing: “I can let you check and confirm, but I heard this guy say that his bounty is very high, are you sure you can really exchange it for me?” ”

Zefa’s face froze when he heard this, there were indeed not so many Baileys on his warship, but he still assured: “I don’t have so many Baileys on my warship now, but I am a naval admiral, and I have the right to mobilize all the funds of the surrounding naval branches, so you don’t need to worry about the bounty!” ”

Reno pretended to be thinking, and after thinking for a while, he reluctantly agreed: “It’s not easy to check here, let’s go to the port, but I only give you half a day to prepare Bailey, after this time I will still release this guy!” ”

“Okay, okay… Half a day, half a day! ”

Zefa did not pay attention to Renault’s threat at all, and after a few casual perfunctory words, he asked Renault to take Roger to the port.

Reno took Roger to the port, Roger only said one word during the whole process, Zefa checked and confirmed, and found that there was no problem with the handcuffs, and the person was also the famous One Piece Roger.

Zefa felt that this was not at ease, and asked someone to bring a pair of handcuffs for Roger to put on, and then began to contact the naval headquarters, asking the headquarters to send support to help press Roger back.

After making these arrangements, Zefa began to contact the nearby naval branch to bring the bounty over.

Reno just quietly watched Zefa from the sidelines, and did not disturb his arrangement, as long as he did not forget his bounty.

Zefa made more than a dozen calls in a row before stopping, and the reason why he made so many calls was because a single naval branch could not take billions of Bailey’s money at all, so Zefa transferred the treasury of a dozen naval branches to put together the money.

After Zefa arranged everything, he looked at Roger with a strange look and asked: “Roger, I really can’t figure it out, why would a strong man of your level be caught by a child?” ”

Although Zefa also found that this child was not ordinary, maybe more than a dozen naval soldiers were not his opponents, but it was not a star and a half away from a monster of Roger’s level!

Roger and Renault had already colluded on the way here, so he lied and came with an angry look and said: “My body has been hollowed out by the virus, even a stronger naval soldier can take me, not to mention this little bastard who is more like a monster than a monster!” ”

Zefa had already found an abnormality when he checked it just now, but he didn’t expect it to be so serious, but he still asked suspiciously: “Even if you have no chicken power now, but with those crew members of yours, even a hundred brats of this level can’t catch you, right?” ”

Roger heard Zefa ask about the pirate group again, and said directly very nakedly: “My pirate group was disbanded half a month ago, otherwise how could I be caught by this little bastard!” ”

The reason why Roger said this is that he doesn’t want the Navy to find out where he has gone for most of the past half a year, but the Navy doesn’t know whether he believes it or not, in short, try to cover his wife….

Reno saw Zefa there to paraphrase Roger’s words, and he was not worried at all, he just quietly waited to collect the money.

Anyway, Roger can’t betray him, the Navy can’t take him even if there are a hundred suspicions, if the Navy wants to use strong, he doesn’t mind letting all the naval branches disappear, don’t ask, ask is to throw stones.

Renault is not afraid of being caught by the navy, unless he is killed on the spot, otherwise the advance city can’t lock him up, not only can’t lock him down, as long as he is locked in, the next day he can make the advance city a legend and disappear into this world.

【Ding! The host has a new check-in task]

【For details, please open the taskbar by yourself】

Just when Zefa worked hard to set Roger’s words, Reno stood aside and felt bored, his system prompt sounded.

When Reno heard this task prompt, he had a bad premonition, but still ordered the system: “The system opens the taskbar for me, let me see what deadly tasks there are!” ”

But don’t be the task he has in mind, otherwise he won’t be able to complete it in a short time!

[Punch-in task: Ask the host to go to the Navy headquarters and stay at the Navy headquarters for a month to complete the check-in task]

When Reno saw that he was going to the headquarters of the Navy, he secretly cursed in his heart: Sure enough, this damn check-in task, he still has to arrange Lu Jiu’s affairs, and there is no time to do this task in a short time!

Renault just guessed that it was the headquarters of the Navy, because in addition to Roger, he only had the Navy left today, and Roger had already triggered the mission, so only the Navy was left.

It is also an address punch task, this kind of task is the first time he has done it, and the rewards should be very rich!

It’s a pity that he can only see if he can’t do this task now, and if he wants to do it, he can only have time to do this task after he returns from going to the East China Sea.

Zefa asked Roger for so long, but nothing came out, so he didn’t ask any more.

Although he did not continue to ask, he did not leave Roger for half a moment, and stayed here for Roger as if he was afraid that he would run.

【Time Rushes – The Next Morning】

In the port of Alabastan, there were only a few ships yesterday, but today there are more than a dozen warships, all of which are navies that rushed over overnight yesterday night.

Yesterday night, Renault did not fall asleep for a while, and seeing that the sky was already dawning and so many warships came to the port, he asked Zefa: “Has your navy gathered the bounty?” ”

Zefa heard Reynolds ask about the bounty, and after hesitating for a moment, he still answered truthfully: “The bounty has been made up, but so many Baileys, how are you going to take away a child?” ”

Renault heard that 0.7 until the bounty had been gathered, his eyes immediately lit up, and he began to urge: “You don’t care how I took it, you quickly take me to get the bounty!” ”

The reason why Reno is so anxious, in addition to him being poor for too long, he also wants to leave here early.

After all, the longer he stays here, the more likely he is to show his horse’s feet, so it’s better to take the money and run away early!

Zefa saw that Reno was so anxious, so he could only take him to see the bounty first, stabilize this kid first, and then say, if there are any doubts, it will be solved later!

It didn’t take long for Renault to be taken to a place where more than a dozen boxes were piled up, each the size of Renault.

After Zefa brought Renault here, he pointed to these boxes and said: “There are 5,564.8 million Baileys in these boxes, which just happens to be Roger’s bounty, so many Baileys you can’t take away alone, you better think again how to take these bounties!” ”

Zefa still has a lot of questions about Renault, so he doesn’t want to let Renault go.

The reason why he brought Renault here was that he felt that Renault was a child and would definitely not be able to take these things with him, so he took Renault over to see the bounty with confidence.

After seeing these boxes, Reno didn’t listen to Zefa’s nonsense there at all, went directly to the boxes, opened a few boxes and inspected them.

After Renault saw that it was all Bailey, he directly touched it, and the shot was as fast as lightning, and every box was touched by him, and instantly disappeared in place, as if it had never appeared.

When Zefa saw this scene, he directly stared at Reno with wide eyes, looked at Reno with a shocked face, and forgot to stop Reno for a moment.

Reno didn’t care about Zefa at all, touching the box vigorously, the box in front of him became less and less, and his smile gradually became perverted.

When Zefa came back to his senses and tried to stop Renault, the box in place had disappeared without a trace.

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