
Reynolds has already told the Navy that the address of his battle with Big Bear is O’Hara, and they didn’t pay attention to it, did they think that Big Bear was just a rookie pirate, so he didn’t put it in their eyes?

Renault’s guess is really possible, after all, the people who know about this matter are either generals or lieutenant generals, and when they discuss Big Bear, it is estimated that they have brought it in two words!

It’s just that Big Bear is not an ordinary newcomer, and although the strength of Big Bear is not as strong as in the future, it is still no problem to open with the lieutenant general!

Although Renault does not know how strong the big bear will be in the future, after all, the future big bear has not really shot at all, but even if the big bear does not have the strength of the general in the future, it should be no problem to have a move with the general, right?

Thinking of this, Reno showed a contemptuous expression, looked at Kuzan and said with contempt: “Big Bear is a well-known pirate on the Great Voyage, and he suddenly ran 31 to the West Sea O’Hara, haven’t you discussed what he is going to do?” ”

Renault has no psychological pressure to sell dragons again, after all, he is familiar with it once and twice!

Kuzan heard Renault’s contempt, and also realized the important information that their navy missed, and now the pirates are all rushing to the sea for Roger’s treasure, either prosperous and rich, or dead on the road, with a momentum of not hitting the southern wall and not looking back, few pirates will retreat.

Big Bear suddenly turned around and ran to the West Sea, there is definitely some hidden secret in this, if he went with the dragon, then all this would have been explained, why didn’t he think of this before?

Thinking of Kuzan here, in the face of Renault’s contempt, he did not get angry, but asked again: “Are these all your guesses, or have you seen it with your own eyes?” ”

Reno heard Kuzan’s inquiry and said with a mocking face: “These are your Navy’s own affairs, and they have nothing to do with me, and I am not obliged to answer your questions, so you better stay cool!” ”

The reason why Renault sold Big Bear just now is to divert the topic so that these two and five children will no longer pester the source.

And now that the topic has been successfully shifted, these two and five children still want to set up news from him, this baby is afraid that he hasn’t woken up yet, right?

Kuzan heard Renaud’s answer, although he hated his teeth, but he couldn’t do anything about Renault, he knew that Renault’s words had come to this, even if he asked no more, there would be no result.

So Kuzan did not ask questions again, but turned around and walked to the small house, and said as he walked: “This is indeed our Navy’s own business, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to say it, then when you want to say, you come to me again!” ”

The reason why Kuzan did not continue to ask was because the matter of Big Bear going to the West Sea was already very clear, and the reason why he wanted to ask Renault just now was just to get Renault’s affirmation.

Reno looked at the back of Kuzan leaving, thinking of what he said when he left, and secretly said in his heart: These two hundred and five are so ugly, thinking is quite beautiful, saying that it is impossible to say the drop, it is impossible to say the drop in this life, the second five zai you still die this heart!

Gion, who was pinching Renault’s shoulder, saw that Kuzan had left the balcony, so she lowered her head and asked Renaud: “You just said that Vice Admiral Kuzan went to the West Sea to kill ordinary civilians, what is going on?” ”

Gion has been holding back since Reno asked that sentence, and he can’t wait, so when he saw Kuzan leave the balcony, he immediately asked Reno what was going on.

Reno heard Gion’s inquiry, raised his head and glanced at her, then narrowed his eyes and said: “I don’t do loss-making transactions, if you want me to tell you, you can do it, but you have to promise me a condition!” ”

Gion was anxious to know the answer, so he didn’t think much about it, and directly agreed: “I promise not to say one condition, a hundred will do, you can tell me what happened just now!” ”

Reno heard Gion’s answer, and asked again with a smile: “This is what you said, a hundred conditions, I didn’t force you!” ”

Seeing Renault’s expression, Gion suddenly had a sense of foreboding in his heart, and quickly repented: “What I just said doesn’t count, I can only promise you one condition!” ”

After emphasizing that he had agreed to only one condition several times, Gion asked cautiously, “What conditions do you want me to promise you?” ”

When Reno heard Lei from Gion asking about the conditions, he immediately pretended to be afraid and said: “I’m afraid to live here alone in the evening, if you promise to move over and live in the room next to me, I’ll tell you what happened just now!” ”

When Gion heard Renault’s conditions, a hesitant expression appeared on her face, it didn’t seem good for her to live with a girl and a boy.

But he’s just a kid, and he just lives in the room next to him, so it shouldn’t matter, right?

Gion’s face was full of hesitation, and for a moment she didn’t know whether to agree or not, and she also thought about not asking Reynolds, but asking her sister.

But when she thought that her sister had never told her these things, she estimated that she would not tell the truth if she asked her.

That’s why she didn’t think about asking her sister anymore, but wanted to get the real answer from Renault.

But she didn’t expect Renault to propose this kind of condition to 297, although the conditions are not excessive, but she is still a yellow flower girl, how embarrassed to agree to this condition!

Seeing her hesitant look, Reno spoke again and assured: “I’m just afraid of living in such a big house alone, so I let you come and live next door to me, one room at a time, you don’t need to worry, I’m not letting you come and sleep with me!” ”

Although Reno said so, he secretly said in his heart: I don’t need to worry when I am awake, but when I sleepwalk, you have to be careful! The kind of sleepwalking that sleepwalks when you sleep in your own bed and wake up in another bed

Although he is old now, he can’t do anything, but eating tofu is also conducive to his healthy growth!

After hearing Renault’s assurance, Gion finally stopped hesitating and stammered, “I… I’ll move over later, can you tell me now? ”

When Reno heard that Gion finally agreed, his heart instantly blossomed, and the reason why he wanted her to move over was not just to think of the leopard girl sleeping.

During this time, he didn’t want Gion to have too much contact with the Sengoku them, otherwise he would be debunked before he left here, and the fun would be great!

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