Sailing: Angry At Uta, Tricking Luffy Into Being An Undercover Agent

Chapter 31 Fierce Battle With The Devil, Uta, I Will Kill You!

Locke's face was serious,

At this time, his strength can't even reach the cadres of Red Hair Pirates.

Better than Rob Lucci on Enies Lobby at best, but not by much.

After all, in addition to cultivating the Six Forms to the top level, Lu Qi also had the bonus of Zoan Devil Fruit at that time.

The Demon of Songs is constantly releasing its own power,

His purpose is to assimilate the song world with the real world. When the real world is merged into the song fruit, he is the only master of the world.

A large number of music soldiers poured out like they don't want money.

Thunder and lightning formed by terrifying energy spewed out in all directions.

With Locke's strength at this time, it is very risky to rush to approach Uta who is on top of the demon of song.

But there is no better way now,

There are not many pure good people in the Pirate World, and the Allegia who love peace and music are one of them.

Although I know that Uta will disappear after his physical strength is exhausted,

But the education he received in his previous life made him unable to watch a group of innocent civilians die in front of his eyes.

Especially now that it's not a dead end, Locke still wants to try his best.

Locke took a deep breath,

A few handprints were quickly formed on both hands, and the physical strength was quickly transformed into Chakra flowing in several acupuncture points on the body.

"Earth Style Light Heavy Rock Technique!"

In an instant, Locke's body suddenly became light and insignificant under the blessing of ninjutsu,

Then he cast Moonwalk again, leaving a series of afterimages in the air.

Lagi Lu and the others below were stunned for a moment, then shocked:

"So fast!?"

Locke, who has already learned Paper Arts, is like air under the blessing of ninjutsu.

The airflow from Moonwalk directly makes it move quickly in the air like a rocket, avoiding music soldiers and energy attacks.

But the number of soldiers is too many,

Soon the front of Locke was densely surrounded by enemies,

The music soldiers are like a wall, blocking Locke's figure firmly and preventing him from approaching.

At this time, the cadres in charge of support finally arrived.

Lackey Lu also howled:

"Konoha fluid technique! Meat bomb chariot!"

Lagilu, who was already spinning and hitting people, became even more terrifying under the impetus of Professor Locke's Chakra.

Punch behind him kicked out,

The fleshy ball that Lackey Lou turned into was like a bowling ball that scattered the musical soldiers standing in front of Locke.

Yasopp and Beckman are constantly shooting to prevent the music soldiers on the wall from filling the gap.

The rest of the people desperately blocked the impact of the falling thunder, preventing the Demon King of Songs from causing more casualties.

Seeing this, Locke rushed towards the head of the Demon King of Songs.

And the Demon King of Songs seemed to be enraged, and the two huge keyboard arms grabbed Locke straight.

A red light flashed in Shanks' eyes,

The slash that belonged to the swordsman engulfed Conqueror's and Armament Haki and directly broke the two arms.

Everyone cheered as Locke rushed to the brain where Uta was sitting on his forehead.

They thought that the reason Locke asked them to cover him was because of the ability to awaken Uta to control the demon of song.

Everyone looked at Locke expectantly,

Locke shouted at Uta:

"Uta! Look at me! Remember what I told you!"

Uta, staring blankly, turned blankly to look at Locke in the air.

"Locke... big brother?"

At this time, she was subjected to the powerful mental impact of the demon Wang Qiang, and her consciousness became very blurred, and she couldn't control her actions at all.

Locke's eyes sharpened, and he yelled at Uta:

"Uta, I'm going to kill you! Beat me if you want to live!"

The Red Hair Pirates below looked dumbfounded,

That's why you asked us to cover you?

Sending himself to the door to irritate a confused Uta?

Sure enough, Uta was furious when she heard Locke shouting, and her whole body was covered by the dark energy of the Demon King.

The whole person screamed:

"I'm going to kill you all!"

at the same time,

The Demon King of Songs evolves again,

The originally broken arm recovered instantly, and even two pairs of arms grew out.

And the originally dark night sky began to become colorful, just like a fairy tale world.

The strength of the Demon King skyrocketed again!

The song world has begun to invade and assimilate the real world!

It could have supported the cadres to be instantly repelled by the surge in strength.

Not even Shanks slashed through the Demon King's barrier again.

King Gordon of the Kingdom of Allegia looked at the Demon King in despair and cried:

"It's over! It's all over! The world is going to be destroyed!"

The ship doctor Dege, who was healing Gordon, picked up Gordon's collar and shouted:

"What the hell is going on?! Why did Uta become like this, do you know any secrets!"

Gordon desperately explained the things about the Demon King of Songs and the world of songs and songs.

He looked desperately at the two worlds that had begun to assimilate and said:

"The only way to defeat the devil is to attack the devil in two worlds at the same time. This is the only way to defeat the devil,"

"And the spiritual world and the material world must attack it at the same time, otherwise he can infinitely copy himself in another world, and achieve true immortality."

Everyone's faces were ashen, and they couldn't enter the so-called spiritual space at all.

At this time, the body of the Demon King of Songs has also been repaired.

Four huge arms slapped the Locke dangling from his forehead like a mosquito.

Shanks' face changed drastically, and he jumped straight towards Locke.

However, a red energy beam of light suddenly spit out from the mouth of the Demon King of Songs, directly blasting him away.


A loud noise spread throughout the entire island.

The crowd shouted to the sky in shock and anger:


ps. Ask for data

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