"Why do we have to be sacrifices to that god!"

"You know it's dangerous, but you still want to go up by yourself! Is there something wrong with you? Do you know that God, with a bang, a straight line of that~~! Such a big beam of light fell down."

Nami yelled at them frantically after hearing the decision of Luffy and others.

Luffy nodded solemnly:

"Here, as the captain, I have to say something about you, who told you not to pay the entry fee when you come!

Nami: (North ¯ dish ¯)!!

Bang bang bang~!

Nami raised his fist and growled at the bruised Luffy:

"What do you think we spent so much Bailey on!!"

Except for the treasures obtained from the pirate ranch for the town residents who were oppressed by the pirates, most of the rest went into Luffy's stomach.

Luffy apologized to Nami with a bruised nose and face:

"I'm sorry, so Nami, are you going to go through that God's trial with us?"

Nami: "(+¯炿¯)! To hell!!"

"Damn! There are more troubles."

Nami boarded the Meili angrily, "I want to be a hostage with Brother Locke, who knows how dangerous the trial of the gods is, anyway, the god will not touch us before you die, right?"

Luffy grinned reluctantly and said:

"What, it's so indifferent, there is no such thing as taking risks in life."

Nami: "(艺¯炉¯)! Only you think so!"

Yamato: "I think so too!"

Nami: .....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Nami jumped aboard the Merry,

Chopper transformed and pulled the anchor up from the sea.

next second,

The huge lobster caught the Mei Li and disappeared before Luffy and others with a whoosh.

Luffy looked at the Meili going away with bright eyes and clenched his fists excitedly:

"It's amazing~!!! If I had known earlier, I would also be a sacrifice~`!"

On the side, Yamato's eyes were also shining with adventurous light and agreed:


Usopp sighed aside:

"Why do I have to go to the dangerous trial with Luffy, who is obviously very weak..."

Zoro, Sanji and others immediately cast contemptuous glances.

Why didn't you talk about yourself when you were shooting at that sniper.

Then Luffy and others walked towards the entrance of God's Trial led by Conis.

Luffy waved his fist excitedly,

This is the adventure he wants.

"I really want to go to Apayado, that inaccessible place.

Conis said with a puzzled face:

"Aren't you worried? Maybe you will die."

Luffy laughed and said:

"What's the matter, people will die one day."


She couldn't understand Luffy's brain at all. In order to survive, she and her father had violated their conscience and sent batch after batch of Qinghai people to the trial of God.

The white beret troops are also constantly looking for troubles from Qinghai people to convict them and let them participate in the trial of God.

It was the first time for her to take part this time.

In this way, the guilt in her heart deepened.

When a few people arrived at the port,

Luffy and Yamato hold on to an anchovy boat and insist on using it to participate in the adventure of God's Trial.

Conis said to several people with a face of embarrassment:

"This ship is not mine, and I can't rent it to you..."

Luffy and Yamato suddenly rolled on the ground of White Cloud like children:

"No, no! I'll go on a gondola! I'll go on a gondola!"

With a swipe, Kuina put a knife across the middle between Luffy and Yamato and said in a sinister voice:

"What do you use?"

The two of them shook their heads one after another with frightened faces livid.

As one of the earliest companions following Locke,

At this time, Kuina has developed the Hundred Healings Mark, and her strength is definitely one of the best in the former Straw Hats.

At least the current Zoro hasn't beaten her once.

Immediately, everyone boarded the Black Crow Maru and another small boat that was made out of nowhere.

Conis on the shore slumped on the ground with a pale face, and finally asked:

"Really, don't go to the trial, you will die!"

The faces of Luffy and others changed drastically:

"Shut up and stop talking!"

Locke had told them that once they separated, he was no longer shielded from his position.

This also means that Luffy and others will be exposed to surveillance again.

Luffy suddenly shouted with a serious face:

"Shut up! Say no more! You will be in danger!"

And the blue thunder light began to gather in the sky, illuminating the faces of Luffy and others below.

The residents of the kingdom of gods below retreated in horror:

"."Not good! Heaven's punishment is coming! Run!"

Yamato and Kuina looked at the sky together.

Luffy and others also followed closely and saw the white light in the sky.

Luffy stared at Lei Ting with wide eyes and muttered:

"Is this the punishment of God?"

Huge pillars of thunder fell from the sky on Conis,

Luffy looked at the attack with a look of shock, then picked up the collapsed Conis and was about to run out of the range of the Thunder attack.

However, although the speed of Thunder Fruit cannot reach the real speed of light,

But with Luffy at this time, it is obvious that he can't keep up with Enel's Thunder.

After all, in terms of fruit ability alone, Enel has already developed it to Ultimate.

If it weren't for the lack of knowledge, I didn't learn Haki.

At this time, Enel is definitely a powerhouse at the imperial level.

Even so, with Thunder Fruit's terrifying attack power and speed, he can also be in the front line.

If it weren't for the poor combat experience, I still like pretend.

His speed alone is capable of cutting Luffy into a sieve with a fork (awesome).

Thinking that Logia was invincible, he went to face Luffy's fist.

He is obviously a mage, but he fought melee with Luffy, a meat shield.

But this time it was different,

Compared with the original book, Usopp and Sanji are not the only ones who follow Luffy.

Yamato and Kuina took out the Mace and Wadao at the same time.

The two appeared under the sanction of God at the same time,

Haki and Chakra swarmed into their weapons at the same time as the Sky Island residents stared in shock.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

"Thousand Bird Blade Raikiri!"


Horrible explosions soared into the sky!

The huge Heaven's Sanction was first cut off by the same thunderbolt.

Immediately, he was beaten into a storm by Yamato with a terrifying flat A!

Kakashi's high-density lightning attribute change that splits the lightning in half, and the tyrannical Haki who has a cute and multi-sensei blood directly wiped out the sanction of the sky!

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