

Suddenly there was a sharp sound of breaking the air from high in the sky.

In the eyes of the many people in the port, the bear's paw-like shock ~ wave quickly approached from a distance.

Accompanied by a crisp sound like a bubble bursting.

A figure landed smoothly and smoothly without injury.

"Lord Karp, is Marshal Qin Hao here?" The soldiers couldn't help but ask.

When the shock wave exploded, the smoke and dust generated obscured the vision, and they could not see the appearance of the people who came at all.

"Well, although the breath is a little weak, it is indeed his replicator."

Karp, who was standing at the front, gave an affirmative answer when he heard this.

Although the speed of the shock wave is very fast, and the person who was previously wrapped in it is still high in the air, it is generally impossible to see the appearance of the person.

But that's just for ordinary people.

A master like him, his five senses have been exercised to the extreme.

Those eyes are more poisonous and powerful than most snipers


As his words fell, footsteps were heard from inside the smoke.

A copy of Qin Hao, who had a lieutenant general-level medal hanging on the Great Gun of Justice, walked out.

"Is this Dressrosa?"

"It is indeed quite suitable for vacation tourism, but I can let the body come and experience it in the future."

Qin Hao's replicator held the frame in his palm, and after taking a look at the scenery around him a little, he commented.

He never came in the second half of the Great Voyage.

And because of the unique climate and different social conditions, it has a very different style from the four seas and the first half of the sea.

Whether it's the landscape, the architecture or the people.

However, Qin Hao's replicator was just casual.

He knew his mission when it was copied, so he walked straight forward without hesitation.

"Indeed, it is indeed Lord Marshal who came over in person."

"I didn't expect that Lord Qin Hao would command next, it was too grand."

"No wonder I let Lord Karp personally lead the team, I was still wondering just now, but I can understand it now."


The soldiers looked at the figure that was getting closer and closer, and their eyes were full of fiery excitement.

Karp took the lead and everyone trotted to keep up without saying a word.

"I've seen Lord Marshal!"

"I've seen Lord Marshal!"


Coming to Qin Hao's replicator, everyone immediately saluted and greeted.

Even if it appears now, it is only Lieutenant General Qin Hao a few months ago, and he is not even an acting marshal.

But no one dares to be disrespectful because of this.

After all, in reality, the ontology is a veritable marshal.

"I thought you would replicate yourself now."

Karp stood on the left side of Qin Hao's replicator, followed him towards the warship in the port, and said casually: "With your current strength, it is a bit dangerous in this sea area." "

"No problem, anyway, I just came to give advice, now this is enough for me."

Qin Hao's replicator waved his hand, and took out a large deformed leaf with its name written on it from his arms.

After shaking the display slightly, he said: "And only in this way can I write multiple mes in a short time, and then continue this when my physical strength is exhausted." "

"The old man understood."

"Well, let's go. We are short on time and need to clear up the situation in the Kingdom of Potomei Fragrance as soon as possible. "

The group boarded the warship.

The soldiers received the order and immediately started the warship to sail away in the distance.

Standing on the deck, Qin Hao's replicator looked at Dressrosa who was getting farther and farther away, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"The kingdom of Rebecca in the future?"



Navy headquarters, Marin Fando.

At this time, the staff department also began to get busy.

Many civil servants ran around with documents and reports, their faces full of anxiety.

Some of the civil servants sitting at their desks were giving Qin Hao's orders to the generals who were far away.

"Rear Admiral Squirrel, the Marshal has ordered you to take your warship to carry a large amount of supplies to the Kingdom of Bertome on the Great Route. Yes, it's important. "

"Is it Major General Maynard? There is an order from this headquarters that you need to take the supplies of a warship to the Red Earth Continent and wait for the rest of the rear admirals to converge. "

"Yes, the marshal asked you to go to the second half of the sea together, and the staff will pass on the materials that need to be purchased here, please be sure to implement it carefully, Lord Qin Hao said, everyone's dividends at the end of the year depend on it."

"Hello, is it Dressrosa, please? This is the headquarters of the Navy, and our side needs you to prepare the following materials to send to the non-allied country Bertome Hundred Fragrance Kingdom, specifically..."

"Lord Lieutenant General, please continue to maintain a good business line and use the replica to wipe out all the pirates you see."

"Grand Staff Officer, the Golden Lion replicator has already taken the transformation leaf of auxiliary life abilities such as scissor fruit that Marshal Qin Hao just copied, please make good use of it."

"Yes, you can rest assured, this kind of auxiliary ability does not set the three laws, will follow the arrangement, and even if they accidentally omit it, it will not have a great impact."


It is not difficult to see if there were people who participated in various projects a few months ago.

At this time, the civil officials, whether in spirit or enthusiasm, completely destroyed themselves at that time.

The reason for this...

"Marshal Qin Hao said, this Biguiyuan can make a lot of money, and I don't know how much dividends I can take at the end of the year."

A civilian officer of the staff hung up the phone, hurriedly picked up the brewed coffee, and tasted it leisurely.

He looked up at the ceiling, his eyes full of expectation.

"How much did you share since the last meeting?"

At this time, the colleague next to him came over, suppressing his voice and looking curious.

The civil official looked left and right, and after making sure that no one noticed this side, he lowered his head and raised five fingers: "This number, what about you?" "

"Shhhh "

"Actually, I secretly went to the deputy staff officer to ask, he said that it was because I had more love stories that had passed the trial, and the sea thief Charlotte Lingling knew, right?"

"Of course, who in the Ministry doesn't know her?" The colleague replied.

"Her second son, Katakuri, was picked up by me at that time."

The civil official straightened up, leaned back, crossed his hands on his chest, and said one after another with a proud face:

"At that time, he wanted to rescue Roger, that's all, I don't know how many calls from pirates to rescue Roger."

"I wanted to cheat him into a few million Baileys and stop, but..."

Speaking of this, the civil official snorted coldly:

"He threatened me, he dared to threaten me. He said that if I dared to deceive the Charlotte family, even if I hid in the ends of the earth, he would not let me go. "

"Just kidding, am I scared?"

"Besides, I'm staying in the headquarters, does he dare to bring someone with him? I don't dare to borrow him 10,000 dares. "

"But it was also his threat that made me very uncomfortable, so I didn't answer other people's calls later, so I specifically engaged him."

"In order not to make him suspicious, I also stayed up all night to check their Charlotte Pirates and Roger's grudges, and the next day said some specious things, pretending that Roger specially told me, and talked about some past events to make him less suspicious."

"With my unremitting efforts, I finally got half of their property."

"The deputy staff officer said at that time, if it weren't for the fact that we couldn't see the light of day in those things, otherwise I would have to arrange a "Sales Champion Award" for me."

"Am I awesome?"

The civil servant raised his head and glanced at his colleagues who were also listening.

The others nodded one after another, and spoke one after another:

"Awesome, awesome!"

"You're awesome, I'll give you a thumbs up."


Scam half of the property of the Pirate Charlotte Pirates.

And with just one mouth, not everyone can do it.

It's not an exaggeration to call him a mouthful.

The colleague who asked before also knew why people took so much at this time.

It's all about hard power.

Originally, he was still very unconvinced in his heart, but now he disappeared in an instant, looking at him with eyes full of admiration.

The civil servants were very useful to the various looks that were cast.

The heart of blowing forced suddenly could not be contained.

"Oh, it's actually not a big deal. It's all small means, small means. "

"Marshal Qin Hao's sentence that if you can't deceive people, it is we ourselves who are at fault, and I have always remembered this in my heart."

"But I don't quite understand, in fact, I can feel that Katakuri already knows that I am a liar, but as long as I ask for money, he will still go and transfer it to me."

"It's just that every time I turn, I get more angry."

"It's strange that I don't have the ability to control him." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"You know what?"

Civil servants tried to seek answers from their colleagues.

But how did they know, they all shook their heads to show that they didn't know.

Seeing this, the civil official lowered his head and began to think.

Although a long time had passed since the fraud of the whole world, and the Department had sold all the fraud methods to the world.

The staff did not have to commit fraud in the future, but he was still very puzzled and curious about Katakuri's behavior.

He had a feeling that as long as he could sum it up, it would be of great help to him in the future.

Lost in thought, he didn't realize that the surroundings suddenly quieted down for some reason.

"Sunk cost!"

"When a person invests a lot of time, energy and Bailey in you, he will be reluctant to give up what he has already paid."

"Deep down I will convince myself that I believe in you and look forward to the day when I will return to my roots."

"So it's not surprising that you'll have that kind of doubt, not everyone can convince themselves to give up those costs, not to mention Katakuri he still has a good mother."

A leisurely voice came from behind.

Sunk costs?

After pondering in his mind for a while, the civil official nodded.

"You're right, Katakuri seems to have such a mentality at the beginning."

"Brother, your explanation makes me enlightened, and I invite you to rub it tonight..."

The civil official turned his head with an appreciative look.

But when the figure behind him appeared in the line of sight, not only the words were swallowed back, but the whole person even fell to the ground one by one.

"Don't be nervous."

Qin Hao chuckled and stretched out his hand to help the civil official up: "What's your name?" "

"Pray, Lord Marshal, his subordinate is called Leo."

The civil official Leo's face was covered with beads of sweat, and he stood up and replied loudly.

At this time, his heart was beating like a drum, and he was very nervous and scared.

I never expected that when I was bragging with my colleagues, the top boss was listening from behind.

Not only that, but he also deliberately opened his mouth to answer his doubts.

And himself, but called him "brother"!

If he could travel back in time, he couldn't wait to slap his two mouths at this moment.

"Leo? I remember you. "、

Qin Hao patted his shoulder with a big hand, expressing his importance: "There is a shortage of talents like you around me. "

When the words fell, he looked at all the civil servants around him and said with a very serious expression:

"In addition to the sub-infrared that should be, the top three performers in the next sales campaign."

"Not only is the position automatically moved up one level, but I can also work under me."

If you want the horse to run, how can you give it to the horse?

Qin Hao understood this very well.

For the time being, there is only one Biguiyuan, and when there are many people and few villas, the commission mode is obviously not enough.

And just got the dividend model a few days ago, and now immediately get the commission, too complicated effect will be counterproductive.

Therefore, it is only possible to start with the right side.

Working under the marshal of the navy, working with the staff, can that be compared?

Whether it is real power, dividends, treatment, or opportunities for promotion, it is all complete for the General Staff.

The civil servants all figured this out, and their breathing couldn't help but become rapid.

Especially Leo, at this moment, he was even more excited to the point that his eyes were red.

There is only one sentence in my mind: this sales championship can be put on the surface, I must win.

Qin Hao looked at their different reactions, some longing for a higher level, some coveting dividends, some right...

But whatever it was, the enthusiasm of the crowd was mobilized.

Qin Hao smiled slightly.

"Sure enough, dividends not only from the upper echelon, but also from the middle and lower echelons are also necessary."

In order to put the Navy Bank in complete control of the Navy.

Since Qin Hao has decided to implement the operation of dividends, there is no need to deliberately favor one over the other.

Therefore, at the meeting that day, he not only distributed to the generals and officers, but also received a large number of them.

After all, at that time, whether it was to scratch their heads and write love stories, or to pass on their orders to the generals at all times, or to deceive the world with no conscience.

The credit is not small.

Therefore, although the rank is not high, the dividends received by everyone, the lowest one is equivalent to most of the year's salary.

Of course, this dividend is only a drop in the bucket for the Navy Bank.

But it is also well worth it to give them amazing initiative and the power to protect their own banks.


Qin Hao slapped a wad of contact information in his hand on the table.

"This is the contact information of eighty percent of the kings and nobles in the second half of the great voyage taken from the CP."

"Before the feat of being able to defraud hundreds of billions of Baileys from all over the world, I firmly believe that everyone is very qualified salesman."

"So I'll let you play freely."

"I have only one request..."

"Let the kings and nobles be very eager to buy our Biguiyuan, and set out to see and buy houses in a month."

Qin Hao's words fell, and his right hand stretched back again.

Little Robin quickly stood on tiptoe and handed over more than twenty newspapers.

"This is a newspaper that has just been printed, and it contains an introduction to our Biguiyuan."

"The evening meeting will begin to be sent to the world, and you only have today to understand and think."

"When all the kings and nobles receive the newspaper tomorrow, it will be your chance to play."

The civil servants looked at the contact information and the newspaper with burning eyes.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

They yelled loudly for a long time.

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