Blackbeard from both worlds is very troubled at this moment!

In the parallel world, Blackbeard Teach feels wronged!

Originally, in the future war on the top, he failed to calculate the Tremor-Tremor Fruit of Whitebeard.

In less than two years, he met Luffy and was killed in seconds!

At that time, he was definitely the strongest of the era.

In addition, everyone believed in Luffy's ability to listen to the sound of all things, so when Luffy said in the video that he was the body of the three devil fruit, and wanted to seize the Tremor-Tremor Fruit and the Blue Dragon Fruit, they naturally believed it!

As a person who betrayed the White Group, it’s okay to want to seize the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, after all, everyone’s grievances are on the surface.

But! The idea of seizing the Blue Dragon Fruit came out, and he offended another one!

If it was before, he didn’t care, at most he would hide, and then slowly calculate.

But now, everyone has begun to be wary of him.

Especially his three devil fruit body was exposed, and even Vegapunk chatted with him privately.

He expressed his willingness to make an artificial fruit for him, and exchange his blood to study the body of the three devil fruit.

Blackbeard hesitated for a moment and replied to Vegapunk that he would consider it.

Now my road is a little narrow, so I'll leave the Vegapunk line for a while.

The Whitebeards in both worlds are furious!

The only person who betrayed the Whitebeards in decades, and he killed his partner, stole the fruit, and betrayed and left.

Now he wants to take his father's devil fruit? How can everyone not be angry?

Kaido was annoyed and narrowed his eyes.

Blackbeard has the three devil fruit bodies? Just catch him for Quinn to study!

The rewards of Tiandao Questions and Answers can all give three devil fruit abilities. Maybe they can also study the results from the prototype Blackbeard?

In the Pure Land, Rocks was very regretful!

This Blackbeard is the same as he used to be. He is a dark dark fruit ability user and also a member of the D clan.

Moreover, Blackbeard's ship also pays tribute to him, Rocks D Jibek, and is named the Sword of Jibek!

Isn't that Blackbeard, who wants to inherit his will? Rocks almost thought that he was a playboy back then and left Blackbeard behind?

If Blackbeard inherits his will, and finds three powerful devil fruits, he might be able to fulfill his ideal of destroying the world and reorganizing it!

The Dark-Dark Fruit restrains the devil fruit user! The Blue Dragon Fruit strengthens the body! The Tremor-Tremor Fruit destroys!

Rocks sighed! If this is true, Blackbeard will definitely destroy the world!

【(Video): In the picture, Luffy rushed all the way to Dressrosa to eat and rest.

However, while Luffy was eating happily and looking at the devil fruits in front of him, he was also discovered!

In the central king's highland of Dressrosa, in the activity circle of the Donquixote family cadres, a beautiful woman with exaggerated wheat skin was framing her eyes with a strange gesture.

It was Violet, the princess of the Dressrosa Kingdom, and now the Donquixote family cadre.

For Luffy's sneaking into Dressrosa, the people who had no air defense awareness did not notice.

But Violet discovered it unexpectedly!

Because she was just using her stare fruit ability to observe her downtrodden father King Riku and niece Rebecca.

And, the toy soldier who has been taking care of Rebecca for many years, but has joined forces with the Greenbit Island Dwarf Tribe.

Then! By chance, I saw Luffy flying quickly, landing quietly and walking into the town.

As a cadre of the Donquixote family, how could I not recognize this person who kidnapped Baby5 two years ago and almost killed Doflamingo during the war at the top?

Violet was instantly excited when she saw Luffy coming!

Then she found an excuse to go out to have sex. In order to avoid being discovered by the Donquixote family cadres, Violet used the all-angle perspective ability of the Stare-Star Fruit to avoid being spotted.

Then, Violet went to the underground factory to secretly rescue the two dwarfs.

She let them leave with the unparalleled speed of their race and help her bring a message to a certain girl.

The two dwarfs unexpectedly did not go wrong. Perhaps they had been oppressed for many years and knew to be cautious.

After the two dwarfs found Rebecca in the sunflower field designated by Violet, they informed Rebecca of the information.

It means that a powerful person has come to Dressrosa, and hopes that Rebecca will take the dwarfs to form an alliance with the other party on the grounds of purchasing devil fruits, and discuss the matter of defeating Doflamingo by the way.】

【(Parallel World) Tezulo: Oh no! Brother Ming, how dare you keep her by your side?】

【(Parallel World) Doflamingo: Oh! After all, the power of the Stare-Stare Fruit is really useful】

【(Parallel World) Lufeld: Isn't it just killing him and taking the fruit?】

【(Parallel World) Doflamingo: At that time, what was most lacking in business development was talent. Doesn't she have her father as a hostage?】

【(Parallel World) Umit: Blindly confident in my own strength!】

【(Original World) Marco: Oh no! It feels like Violet is going to let Rebecca go for nothing!】

【(Original World) Beckman: Is it possible that she deliberately gave Rebecca to Luffy?】

【(Original World) Violet: Definitely not! I probably hope that when Luffy destroys the Don Quixote family, Rebecca and the Dwarfs will be involved!】

【(Original World) Crocodile: As expected of a royal family member! He knows how to participate. Otherwise, if the country is restored in the future, without any credit from the royal family, the people will not buy it!】

【(Original World) Kidd: I see! I told you Luffy would definitely kill Mingo, why is she doing this?】

【(Parallel World) Capone Becky: But it’s still too hasty. It’s better to talk about it ourselves!】

【(Parallel World) Luo: No, no, no! My niece Rebecca and the dwarfs are involved outside. If she stabs them in the back, it will appear that they have made great contributions and have won over the dwarfs!】

【(Parallel World) A Pu: Damn! Is politics so complicated? I'm afraid I'm not cut out for this in this lifetime!】


【(Video): In the picture, Rebecca believed what the two little people said, and she knew her aunt Violet.

So she followed the two little people and went to the hotel that her aunt said.

Just then, she met Luffy who came out with sunglasses.

When Luffy saw Rebecca, his eyes lit up instantly, and he whistled and asked Rebecca if she wanted a date. Rebecca immediately turned cold and walked past him. Luffy spread his hands, then went to a massage shop on the busy street and ordered a lot of beautiful women to massage.

Don't get me wrong, it's a serious massage, and Luffy didn't do anything at all.

On the other side, after Rebecca approached the hotel, she said she wanted to see the guest in room xx.

The front desk said that it was the one who just went out.

Rebecca was stunned and ran out in a hurry. No one was there, so she had to continue waiting here.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see Luffy come back. Thinking about the way Luffy talked just now, he must not be a good person. It's better to steal his devil fruit than to cooperate with such a person! After all, Luffy just left empty-handed.

Rebecca made up her mind, why not steal his devil fruit!

If the other party really has a devil fruit, he must leave it in the room.

So Rebecca sneaked into the hotel Luffy opened. Two little humans came out of Rebecca's hair, went in through the small window and opened the door.

After the three of them went in, they found a package of devil fruits and a devil fruit illustration in the cabinet.

Seeing this, Rebecca opened the devil fruit illustration to learn about the situation of several devil fruits.

However, in order to avoid Luffy coming back and encountering them, Rebecca left the hotel with the devil fruit and the devil fruit illustration.

In King's Highland, Violet, who had been using the staring fruit to check all this, was stunned!

Rebecca didn't know Luffy, but she did!

I wanted Rebecca to get to know Luffy and make friends, so that she could share the credit when she killed Mingge!

Who knew that her niece would cause such a thing!

But for many years, Rebecca has been well-educated! She has never stolen anything! Why is this happening now?

This has offended Luffy, what can I do?

Rebecca hurried to the sunflower field and carefully checked the situation of these devil fruits.

What is the teleportation fruit, which can move in space, and the force fruit to increase strength.

When she saw that the natural dark fruit could restrain any devil fruit ability, Rebecca made up her mind.

Because Doflamingo is a devil fruit ability user, after becoming a dark fruit ability, can't he restrain the other party?

Then, Rebecca ate the dark fruit!

But as soon as she took a bite, Rebecca's face changed drastically!

This taste! She fainted directly on the ground, and the two little people were scared and at a loss, but fortunately Rebecca woke up quickly.

However, the two little people looked at the force fruit and the mythical beast Pegasus form fruit, and they would never eat it! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They thought that Rebecca was almost poisoned to death with such a big body, and they would definitely not survive it.

Next, Rebecca ran to the depths of the forest to experiment with her ability.

Luffy came back after a two-hour massage and was stunned to see that his devil fruit was gone.

But he didn't care. Instead, he called Sabo and said that the Revolutionary Army had taken a long time to arrive. He couldn't help but beat Mingo. After all, if he finished early, there would be many people to beat later.

Sabo told Luffy not to worry, because no one would help Luffy to finish and stabilize the situation. Kuma had already sent them over and they would arrive tomorrow morning.

Moreover, in order to beat Mingo, Trafalgar Law, a cadre of the Adventurer's Guild of the Sabaody Archipelago, had always wanted to take the lead.

Luffy said that it didn't matter, and he would just wait a little longer to see what Law's level was.

After the call, Luffy stretched.

This time, he used the power of listening to the sounds of all things, and by listening to the sounds of the doors and cabinets in the room, he learned the approximate appearance of the person who had just come to take the devil fruit.

In this way, Luffy listened to the sound of the road under his feet all the way and followed Rebecca's route to find someone.】

【(Parallel World) Kidd: Holy shit! Is it so awesome to listen to the sounds of all things? That's too much!】

【(Parallel World) Kozuki Oden: This is much better than me! Captain, can you do this?】

【(Parallel World) Roger: Should I be able to? I rarely use it. Before I met you, I usually used it to read ancient texts.】

【(Original World) Teach: This...! It's like a dog's nose! It has a strong tracking ability!】

【(Original World) Tezoro: I never thought that listening to the sounds of all things could be used like this?】

【(Original World) Marco: I'm just curious, how can these substances make sounds? Even if they do, why can Luffy get the information he wants accurately? 】

0Please give me flowers

【(Original World) Crocodile: Anyway, there are so many magical things, such as many superhumans with strange and weird abilities!】

【(Original World) Vegapunk: Scientifically speaking, any substance records all information at the microscopic level, but it cannot be seen by ordinary means. Listening to the sounds of all things is probably the ability to connect to the microscopic recorders of nearby substances!】

【(Original World) Trafalgar Law: I don't understand! But I am deeply shocked!】

【(Parallel World) Luo: Oh? Are we at the scene where I fight Doflamingo?】

【(Parallel World) Doflamingo: Damn it! If it was Luffy, I might not be able to help him. I wonder if he would be killed? But if I can take you, Law, with me before I die, it won't be a loss!】

【(Parallel World) Luo: Humph! I have practiced breathing activation and domineering skills in the Adventurer's Guild for two years. I can definitely defeat you!】

【(Parallel World) Jesus Bu: I am the only one who cares, is Rebecca going to be in trouble?】

【(Parallel World) Vista: Is there any need to say this? Luffy the Pervert is definitely going to be on top!】

【(Parallel World) Abele: Don't talk nonsense! In the video, my child invited Rebecca out on a date but was rejected but didn't bother. He even went for a proper massage! He's not a pervert!】

【(Parallel World) Ivankov: Maybe I have become a father and matured!】

【(Parallel World) Tezulo: Impossible���Maybe those women were not pleasing to his eyes. If he knew from listening to the voice of all things that Rebecca was a princess, he would definitely not let her go!】

【(Parallel World) Garp: This...! Isn't it right for Luffy to punish someone for stealing?】

【(Original world) Garp: That's right! It's just that Luffy here is stupid! Rebecca shamelessly wants to get rid of his competitor, but she actually forgives others? And helps him fight Mingo? You should accept first, then forgive, and then help.]

In the parallel world, Rebecca is also very nervous and ashamed!

I didn't expect that my future self would steal things? Then how will Luffy punish me? I won't be punished in some way like Nami and Vivi, right?

I have eaten the devil fruit, will Luffy kill me?

Luffy in the original world forgave me there, and even helped fight Mingo. I wonder if Luffy here will do that?

If Luffy helps me fight Mingo, and I am wrong for stealing things first, then even if I give him a punishment... it's not impossible! Rebecca thought secretly

【(Video): In the picture, Luffy whistled leisurely all the way to Rebecca, and leaned against the tree trunk to watch her trying to familiarize herself with the ability of the Dark-Dark Fruit. In the King's Highland, Violet was relieved to see that Luffy was not angry and did not attack Rebecca, hoping that Luffy was a good person to talk to.

After Rebecca practiced hard here for a long time, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and was very excited!

The Dark-Dark Fruit's ability to devour matter and suddenly release matter in the Dark-Dark Fruit space are both strange moves!

What's more, it can also attract matter, especially for Devil Fruit ability users!

At that time, as long as she approaches Mingge and uses the Dark-Dark Fruit ability to touch him, he will be powerless and controlled!

Thinking of this, Rebecca was full of hope and fighting spirit. She was tired today and was ready to have a good rest and be more proficient tomorrow!

Then! When she was about to go back, she saw the man leaning against the tree trunk looking at her in the distance!

Rebecca's face turned pale, thinking of her shameful behavior of stealing things!

No! This guy just teased me, he is not a good person, so I...

But being caught by the real owner, Rebecca felt guilty, especially when the other party came over

"Hehe! How do you think people who steal things should be punished?"

Luffy came over and asked Rebecca with a smile.

"I...I can give you money!"

Rebecca replied guiltily.

"You have no money!"

Luffy shook his head firmly.

"I will work later!"

""Okay! But the only job is to be my maid!"

Hearing this, Rebecca's guilty conscience disappeared. She shouldn't feel guilty about this pervert!

Luffy's approach made the two dwarfs grin and kill him like lightning.

Bang bang - although the dwarfs are small, their speed and strength are amazing.

However, they were blocked by Luffy, who stunned them with a domineering look.

Then he continued to walk towards Rebecca with a lustful look.

Seeing her two friends fall to the ground, Rebecca made a move in a panic, and the Dark-Dark Fruit was activated.

Luffy didn't resist, and was successfully sucked over and grabbed by Rebecca's Dark-Dark Fruit ability, and instantly became limp.

Rebecca immediately threw him away and ran to pick up the two fainted Dwarfs.

Luffy said that they were both fine and just needed a good sleep.

Rebecca wanted to leave holding the two fainted Dwarfs, but she was kind by nature and could not abandon Luffy who had collapsed to the ground.

She walked closer and said a lot of apologies, and said that it was her fault for stealing the fruit, and she would repay Luffy after she defeated Mingo!

Luffy jumped up and said that I lied to you! I have nothing to do with it. You, a maid, dare to lay a hand on the master. You must be severely punished. You just took advantage of her.

The frightened Rebecca used the power of the Dark Dark Fruit again, and Luffy did not block it and collapsed again.

Rebecca hesitated for a few times, but still could not bear to abandon the collapsed Luffy.

"Woman! I've given you two chances! Don't blame me!"

Luffy rushed over directly this time! Knife].

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