Buggy from the parallel world was happily advertising on the world channel, and then he fell asleep due to exhaustion.

When working with Luffy before, who could have thought that Luffy would open up new paths and make the guild develop so quickly?

More and more masters have joined recently, and the income has gradually increased.

In particular, as the nominal president, he felt respected and powerful, and was really excited.

In addition, everyone who has watched the video knows how awesome Luffy is, so it’s just right to pull Luffy’s banner and speed up the expansion of the Adventurer’s Guild.

By the way, develop your own Buggy Express!

Here in the original world, Buggy was watching the discussion on the world channel, and the self in the other world just asked him to find a way to quickly cooperate with Luffy and establish his own Buggy Express. For a while, Buggy, who had accomplished nothing and was drifting in the vast ocean, couldn’t wait to chat with Luffy privately.

At the same time, he thought that the next video would show the process of establishing the Adventurer’s Guild, and it was just right for him to learn from it.

【(Video): In the video, Luffy spent more than a day carefully teaching Nokiko the knowledge of the training method, and then set the outline of the Adventurer's Guild.

At noon the next day, after leaving his Den Den Mushi to Nokiko, Luffy took Nami and set off on a small boat with everyone seeing him off.

On the way, Luffy felt that it was too slow, so he carried Nami on his back and hurried on his way.

Then he took a slight detour and came to the West Rob Village, met and chatted with the nervous boy Usopp on the beach, and learned the location.

By the way, he helped Usopp expose the pirate Kuro's conspiracy and destroyed the Black Cat Pirates.

After three days away, Luffy and Nami returned to Shields Town.

Zoro Runti and others have already transformed a warship"given" by the navy here, so Luffy's adventure group set sail.

During the voyage, the training maniac Zoro has been exercising with weights on the deck, and Yamato couldn't help but compete with him and practice hard.

Handsome Luffy discussed the establishment of the Adventurer's Guild with Nami and Kozuki Hiyori.

Half a day later, everyone came to Orange Town, where they encountered the Buggy Pirates and Alrita who came to seek revenge on Luffy.

Seeing the beautiful Alrita, Luffy actively expressed his love, which made Alrita very moved!

But when she heard that she was going to be a concubine, or one of them, Alrita turned her face. Even though she and Buggy were defeated by Luffy in one move, she still despised Luffy, a playboy.

She said that if Luffy gave up other women and only wanted her, she would agree.

But how could Luffy agree? So the matter fell through, and Luffy didn't force it.

Then he complimented Buggy next to him, claiming that he had long admired him as the adopted son of Pirate King Roger!

At the same time, he also revealed his identity, the grandson of Garp, and the son of Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

After saying these nice words, while untying Buggy's restraints, he discussed with him about cooperating in opening a guild.】

【(Original World) Marco: It's not easy! Finally there's a beauty who ignores Luffy!】

【(Parallel World) Sanji: Sure! Ms. Alrita! From now on you will be my idol!】

【(Parallel World) Vista: Tsk tsk! Luffy actually resisted such a beautiful girl? Don't you like to force yourself?】

【(Parallel World) Sabo: Ahem! Luffy is still a gentleman and not a messy person, right?】

【(Parallel World) Beckman: If I hadn't watched the comparison video of the two worlds, I would have thought Luffy had changed his gender!】

【(Original World) Jesus Bu: Exactly! Did you think we didn't realize that Alrita was a fat woman before?】

【(Original World) Beckman: You've changed so much in just three days, I guess you became more beautiful after eating the superhuman slippery fruit!】

【(Parallel World) Tezulo: No wonder! She was originally an ugly girl. Even if she suddenly became beautiful, Luffy would not like her.】

【(Parallel World) Luffy: What are you talking about? The Slippery Fruit only helps to slide away excess fat. The reason why Ms. Alrita is so beautiful is that she has a good foundation. Even without the Slippery Fruit, she can still be so beautiful after losing weight!】

【(Parallel World) Beckman: Wow! Although he's a pervert, he's quite good at pleasing girls! 】

In the parallel world of Alabasta, Alrita, who came here with Buggy and others to deepen the cooperation of the guild with King Cobra, sighed while watching the video.

She was indeed moved at the beginning, but Luffy was too fickle and she couldn't accept it. Besides, his grandfather was a navy and his father was a revolutionary army, which was naturally opposed to her as a pirate, so she was somewhat resistant.

So she rejected Luffy.

On the contrary, she had a better impression of Buggy when she learned that Buggy was the adopted son of Pirate King Roger and the brother of Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks.

After that, Buggy cooperated with Luffy to establish the Adventurer's Guild, and she also helped along the way.

Although she now knows how powerful Luffy is, considering that he is too fickle, she still continues to kill her idea!

【(Video): In the video, Buggy instantly became interested when he heard Luffy say that cooperation can make money and manage countless people, not to mention that Luffy tempted him to establish Buggy Express by relying on the guild!

Although Buggy is timid, he is really adventurous when it comes to making big money, so he immediately cooperated with Luffy.

So both parties spent all their money, bought a building in Orange Town and started to build the first Adventurer's Guild Hall.

At the same time, Buggy's true identity was publicized to attract more people to invest.

Then Luffy contacted Nojiko by phone, and even called his sister Makino and adoptive mother Dadan in Windmill Village, asking them to establish a branch of the Adventurer's Guild in Windmill Village.

At the same time, Luffy also gave Buggy the modified navy warship that he had just"obtained" from Shields Town as a guild ship.

Luffy, Zoro and several women drove Alrita's pink love boat to the sea.

As for the establishment of the guild, Luffy said that he would"expand territory" along the way, and Buggy would follow up to stabilize the handover.

If there is anything, everyone can contact each other through Den Den Mushi.

As they continue to sail in the vast ocean, Luffy teaches Zoro the practice of Haki, Six Styles, and Breathing Technique.

At the same time, he carefully plans the affairs of the guild and talks with Bakino Chigo and others to discuss the establishment of the guild.】

【(Parallel World) Roger: Hey! Is little Bucky finally going to do something big?】

【(Parallel World) Kozuki Oden: I didn’t expect Bakitaro to be this big already!】

【(Parallel World) Jabba: Treasure is hard to find, let’s do business with Luffy!】

【(Parallel World) Crocus: How is Buggy doing lately?】

【(Parallel World) Dongli: Buggy fell asleep】

【(Parallel World) Brocki: I'll give him a sip of good wine and try, maybe he'll wake up soon】

【(Parallel World) Edward Newgate: What happened? Did he fall asleep? Is he always speaking? I don't see him speaking very often!】

【(Parallel World) Marco: Maybe I sent too many private messages!】

【(Parallel World) Crocus: Uh...! Actually, it's just that Buggy is too lazy, you understand?】

【(Original World) Roger: This...! Buggy, you haven't practiced yet, are you still a rookie?】

【(Original World) Rayleigh: Maybe it is! I couldn't take care of it at the beginning, and now that no one is taking care of it, I'm afraid I'll be even lazier!】

【(Original World) Buggy: Fighting and killing is not good, where is Luffy? Let's discuss the Adventurer's Guild!】

【(Original World) Luffy: Guild? No, I can consider it if you join my Straw Hat Pirates!】

【(Original world) Ivankov: Young master, learn from yourself over there!】

【(Original World) Belo Betty: Young Master! Don't let yourself be outdone over there!】


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