All forces are more concerned about the”Knight King” girl on the sky curtain, but even if all their subordinates are sent out to collect intelligence and investigate her location, they will find nothing, which is a bit disappointing.

However, if it were n’t for the investigation that a small country was indeed destroyed by the World Government with the Demon Killing Order a year ago, the authenticity of the sky curtain might have been missed…

Of course, Luo would not make such a low-level mistake.

The content of the sky curtain has also progressed to the climax

【Altria’s behavior was because she had finally met someone who shared the same ideals as her. She had a place to vent her hatred for the loss of her country and the World Government, even though she knew that what she was doing was a bit impulsive.】

【Luo didn’t care, and was even excited that someone could support him. Moreover, he knew the strength of Buggy the Clown. The fact that the other party could block his attack showed that his fighting power was not low. He was very excited about this result. 】


【Buggy the Clown was too lazy to watch this kind of scene. He even suddenly looked at Altria with resentment and belittled her mercilessly:”This world has become so deformed because of stupid guys like you. Ideals born out of concepts are as stupid as a child suddenly saying that he wants to become the ruler of the world!”

Without waiting for Law and Altria to get angry, Buggy turned around and looked at Purgatory Kyojuro who still hated him.

【”If you want to avenge your colleagues, then work hard to make me stronger!” Buggy the Clown didn’t care about the hatred of such a person at all. He grinned and showed a terrible smile,”Now you are still a waste that I can crush to death with ease, hahahaha, I want to see if you will give me a different surprise in the future, garbage!”】

【Buggy the Clown’s future has become very bumpy because of this statement. At least known history proves that the ‘Flame Pillar’ Admiral Rengoku Kyojuro will destroy many of Buggy’s plans in the future and kill many of his potential subordinates. This is really beyond Buggy the Clown’s expectations… But life is inherently unclear, which also shows that the times are developing and changing in an unpredictable direction. 】

Garp agrees with this statement, and Shanks, Whitebeard and even Kaido all nodded in agreement.

After all, before the appearance of the Sky Curtain, no one would have thought that a silly child would inherit someone else’s sense of justice and establish a new naval force in the future.

It was also unexpected that Buggy the Clown’s first action after he emerged was to destroy Impel Down. This was all unpredictable.

But looking at the arrogant look of Buggy the Clown in the Sky Curtain and listening to the future of the Flame Pillar revealed by the Sky Curtain, they still smiled.

Buggy the Clown caused the trouble himself, and he will have to pay for it himself in the future.

【Rengoku Kyojuro could no longer bear Buggy the clown’s taunting, he drew his sword and rushed towards him… Law and Altria were a step too slow to stop him, or rather, their eyes widened at the same time.】

【Buggy the Clown kicked Rengoku Kyojuro away with just one kick】

【At this moment, anyone who is not stupid will know that it is not that Law and the others did not react, but that Buggy the Clown just used his true strength. That kind of power is the true strength of this pirate from the old times.】

【Rengoku Kyojuro was helped up by Law, while Buggy the Clown sneered at them and said,”It seems that even I can’t make you sober, Luo. Then you can fend for yourself. I hope that your stupid childhood dream can be fulfilled with your mistress next to you. At least it can shock me.””】

【”You guy!” It was the first time that Altria got angry. After all, no one would be happy to be called someone else’s mistress for no reason, right?”Watch your words. You don’t look like a strong person at all to be able to insult others so easily!”】

【”A strong man?” Buggy the Clown seemed to have heard a great joke and laughed so hard that he covered his stomach. He laughed for a long time before wiping his tears and said,”You really made me laugh to death. You are indeed the kind of person who can get along with that brat Luo. I think you two are destined to be together in the future.……”Bucky’s tone suddenly turned cold,”After all, it’s rare to find someone so stupid.”】

Tianmu added a sentence abnormally at this time

【I really don’t know if Buggy the Clown has the ability to predict the future or not. The two high-ranking officers of the new navy in the future are indeed as he wished. Even when Buggy the Clown received the invitation, his head was buzzing… He didn’t eat or drink for many days. I heard from the members of the future new clown pirates that their boss even doubted whether he had the ability to predict the future? 】

People all over the world laughed at this matter indifferently. After all, marriage is actually not a big deal. However, if there is a point to care about, it is probably the identity and strength of these two people.

The sky curtain continues

【Buggy the Clown was serious for the first time afterwards, as if he was not the one who had just mocked the people in front of him… He looked at Luo, and his tone suddenly became a little more intimate:”So dear Luo, do you remember what An told you that year? I don’t care what happens in Alabasta, but Alabasta hides super ancient ruins, and there are also historical texts there.”】


The people of the World Government became nervous.

The bigwigs in the world who knew the true text of history also became serious.

【Luo’s expression just became serious at this time, but he didn’t expect that Altria beside him reacted faster than him. She looked at the clown Buggy with a serious face and asked:”Are the historical texts you mentioned the stone tablets that contain the real history?”】

【Buggy was obviously startled, and then he seemed to think of something. He asked Altria in astonishment:”Are you a survivor of the country destroyed by the Celestial Dragons of the World Government a few years ago? No, that’s not right, you are the queen!”】

【There was obviously something behind the destruction of Altria’s country, and Buggy the Clown was fully aware of this. The look he gave the other party was no longer indifferent as before, but a strange look on his face. He spoke after a while.】

【”In that case, you can also participate in this matter. God is really helping me.” Buggy knew that this person was not tolerated by the World Government because he did the same thing as himself, so he could be his helper at this time,”Luo, you know what I mean, no matter what our relationship was just now, you don’t have to refuse this matter, right?”

A magical scene appeared on the screen. Except for Rengoku Kyojuro who still hated Buggy the Clown, the other two actually reached a consensus with Buggy the Clown after a few seconds?

【Law nodded without hesitation, put one hand on the hilt of the knife, but turned his body around and looked towards Alabasta.】

【”Ah, if that’s the case, I think I know what you’re up to, Mr. Bucky, and I’ll help you.”】

Rengoku Kyojuro obviously couldn’t accept it in the scene. Before he could say anything, Buggy knocked him out with a punch. The weird thing was that Law and the others didn’t care at all.

【”It seems that you have not been delayed by your stupid dream. Luo, I don’t care what you think, but in the big picture, you heard the history I told you when you were a child.……”Buggy also looked towards Alabasta at this time,”Those rubbish standing on the heads of the people of the world should eventually be swept into the dust of history. I think even Captain Roger would not deny this.”】


【Bucky looked at Luo, who seemed to have just remembered to ask about his well-being. He smiled, and his expression was surprisingly gentle.”That girl went to find her brother. I don’t know what she is thinking, but don’t worry. Unlike you, a half-baked guy who ran away, she is a strong person trained by me personally.””】

Is that so? Luo was obviously relieved. He didn’t react to the clown’s half-baked words. His strength would definitely shock the other party.

【”But Buggy the Clown, can you understand the text of history?”Although she couldn’t bear to hear about Rengoku Kyojuro’s experience, Altria seemed to care more about it, and her question was on point.】

【”I don’t understand, but I know who can understand”】

The contents of the sky curtain have completely angered the World Government, and their impression of the so-called new navy has also hit rock bottom. What they are going to do is——


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