Moriah almost gave up at this moment, but it was almost the same. He sat down on his boat and cried loudly.

“Am I dead? If I die like this, then my dream, my ship……”Moriah’s body was so huge, and the way he cried was so funny.”Ahhh, I have nothing left. The Thriller Bark Pirates must be disbanded. I can’t accept it!!!”

His loud crying was extremely irritating to the crew who were busy escaping.

Perona was tired, and she was also sad about Moriah’s death in the sky, but at this moment, it was not that serious!

“”Captain, we haven’t experienced the future that Tianmu said yet, you are not dead yet, we can still survive!”

Her words aroused the agreement of many people.

However, Moonlight Moria seemed to have lost his mind.

He was actually leaving a will?

“Since I would have died then, Perona.” Moonlight Moria wiped her tears, stood up and patted the other’s head,”The Thriller Bark will definitely face disbandment,���You will be the new captain after I die. You are an orphan I found. I will raise you and you will definitely inherit my will.”

Perona dropped the lollipop in her mouth. Her head was buzzing.

“And Hogbak, you didn’t eat the fruit, and your strength is very weak. I’ll trouble you to assist Perona in the future.”

Hogbak was even more speechless. He knew his significance on this ship better than anyone else. If Moria died, the zombie army created by the Shadow-Shadow Fruit would also disappear. What use would he have as a person who helped create zombies? What could he do to help Perona?

“Absalom, your ability to be transparent can help them do a lot of things. Remember to listen to Perona when the time comes. She will definitely satisfy your perverted desires and help you find the wife you want.”

“……”Absalom didn’t know what to say at this time. Although Moriah was a bit stupid, he did a good job as a captain.

While Gekko Moriah was rambling, someone from the navy caught up with him. Or rather, after seeing Moriah’s death in the sky, Kizaru couldn’t help but use his true strength and instantly appeared on the Thriller Bark.

Borsalino wanted to tease Moriah, the pirate, but he witnessed Moriah’s mental breakdown and his last words, which seemed stupid to him.

“Ah, you have lost hope of living. Gekko Moriah, you were once a Seven Warlords of the Sea, a pirate with great ideals.”

Kizaru meant that although Moriah was stripped of his title of Seven Warlords of the Sea, it was ridiculous for him to wait for death and leave a will.

“who is it?”

“Admiral of the Navy!”


Perona and her group were scared to death. They were different from Moriah. They knew too well the strength of their own pirate group.

They didn’t expect it.

When Perona and others were ready to fight to the death with Kizaru, Gekko Moriah was staring at the admiral in a daze.

For a long time, he seemed to think about something.

He stood up and rushed to Borsalino. His speed surprised Kizaru, and he subconsciously raised his right foot.

“You’ve learned about the speed of light……”

He hadn’t even finished his words when Moonlight Moria, who had no intention of attacking him at all, suddenly fell to his knees.

“I surrender, I surrender!” Gekko Moriah’s huge body knelt on the ground with a loud noise, and then he raised his hands high. To everyone’s surprise, he smiled and said,”That was me in the sky. Now I don’t have any stone mask, and I won’t go to Windmill Village to look for any ruins. Please, save my pirate group!”

Noticing Kizaru’s strange eyes, Moriah thought that there was something wrong with his words.

“No, no, just take us directly into the real Impel Down. I accept it!”


In reality, an hour later, a piece of news shocked the world.

{Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters captured all the members of the former Seven Warlords of the Sea Gekko Moriah Pirates by himself!

This is really ridiculous. The Sengoku gang didn’t expect Moriah to surrender so quickly. Just because he saw that he would die in the future?

Good guy.

The sky curtain is also continuing

【The man in the stone statue was actually alive. Doflamingo and the other two were extremely surprised. At the same time, they became extremely alert.】

【What kind of man is that? He only has a piece of cloth covering his body. His muscles are extremely strong.】


The man actually revealed his identity after looking around.

【Doflamingo was obviously a little nervous. He had a hunch in his heart that even though the man in front of him looked ordinary, he was definitely not like that!】

【Sig stepped back after seeing the man who called himself Wamu. He could sense that the man looked at him with surprise at first, but then slowly fell into a state of disdain.】


Shanks in the picture has recovered after lying down for a while.

【When the red hair stood up, Xige was so scared that he kept muttering,”Impossible, impossible, how could you get up so quickly? Are you physically strong?”】

【Shanks and the other man ignored Sieg at this time. They should have realized that this was not a ruin at all. This was a place where the ancient people kept their lives. Something must have happened in the past that forced them to become stone statues and hide here.

The relatively silent atmosphere in the picture was broken after a long time.

【It was the red-haired sea lord who dared to speak. He took a few steps forward and asked loudly:”Excuse me, sir, what kind of creature is ��? Why is it revived now?!” Wamu stopped adapting his body and raised his eyebrows slightly to look at the red-haired man.

【”Humans, do humans have such a powerful force?”Wamu said something that few people could not understand, but his eyes seemed to be able to see through something,”It seems that the human world has undergone earth-shaking changes after two thousand years.”】

He ignored Doflamingo and the others’ continuous questioning and just kept talking to himself.

【Sig didn’t know what Wamuu meant, and his old master didn’t tell him everything. He was still asking questions.】

【”Too much nonsense, humans.”】

【Wamuu just raised his hand, and an invisible wave of wind instantly hit Sig, and his face changed!】

【”This, my mouth?”Siger’s mouth started bleeding first, and then he felt a change in his body,”This is! Ah——, it hurts!!!”

Siger’s head was covered with many, densely packed wounds.

【Shanks’ eyes suddenly became sharp. This kind of power is comparable to many powerful people on the sea. Is this the super ancient man?

Doflamingo stood quietly aside. He was not as stupid as Sieg. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This stone statue has not explained his affairs clearly. How dare he face an ancient man of unknown strength like this?

【”Stupid!”Doflamingo pushed his sunglasses down and took a few steps away from Sig and Wamuu. He stared with wide eyes to appreciate the conversation between the two.】

The man in the picture was communicating with Sig, which was also a scene with a lot of information.

【”I can see that you seem to have a power that humans have developed in the past, ripples.”Wamwu said so, and he turned his eyes to Shanks,”I also saw a strange energy behind you, what is that? Have humans developed other powers?”】

Having said this, Wamuu turned back to look at the mural.

【”The Ripple Warriors who were wiped out two thousand years ago, do they have descendants now?” Wamu’s eyes showed a different color, he seemed to admire humans?”They are obviously a group of extremely weak creatures, but they are getting stronger until now, and they also want to prove their worth to survive. The name of food is indeed an insult to you.”】

People in reality will understand something immediately after hearing this.

“No way, this super ancient man is not human?”

“No, he means humans are food? Whose food?”

“Could it be!”

As the audience guessed, Shanks also asked this question in the picture

【Wamu nodded expressionlessly and said bluntly:”Two thousand years ago, humans were indeed the food of our people. You are too weak.”】

【Sig was very angry at this moment, he realized that this stone man didn’t care about him at all, but he had obtained eternal life!】

【”asshole!!���”Sig’s sudden scolding made Wamuu look at him with interest. Sig was still chattering,”I am a real strong man now. I even have the power of immortality. Why do you look down on me?!”

Shanks wanted to dissuade Sig, the fool, but Wamuu suddenly made an incredible move.

【He appeared behind Sig in an instant, and his body was close to him. When Sig thought he had a special fetish, the man stared at him and said,”Eternal life has always been what you humans pursue, but you seem to have become that kind of creature now.”】


The audience also realized what kind of creature it was. Before they could discuss what else, Wamuu said something very shocking.

【”The stone ghosts made by Lord Kaz are really unimaginable temptations to you humans.”】

Sig didn’t understand what was said, and he tried to avoid Wamuu’s close attack, but his body, his body was actually dissolving? [


His body was actually being absorbed by the stone statue behind him?!

【”Vampires are an inferior species developed by our pillar men.

You have been determined to fight against us humans for two thousand years.

Why did their unique wave power betray the spiritual heritage of a thousand years in the end?”Wamu looked at Sig’s unbelievable eyes, and he still spoke expressionlessly,”Your ripples were originally developed by humans to fight against powerful species like us.

But now you choose to wear a stone mask for the sake of eternal life.

Are you still the ripple warrior that I admired back then?”

Sig was about to die, and his body was almost completely absorbed into his body.

【”What the hell is going on!” Sig screamed and cried, patting the man behind him in resistance,”You said that the Stone Mask was studied by your species, my ripples are meant to deal with you, but you, you, what are you doing now!!!”】

【”We feed on the vitality of other creatures.” Wamu explained, not caring about Sig’s gradually despairing expression. He even said something to give him hope, but his original intention was to explain this power.”Vampires are the food we invented to make humans, an inferior race, evolve and have strong vitality, and then be devoured by us. In other words, you can obviously use your power to fight us, but now you have become this kind of thing.”】

【”Did the ripples hurt you?” Shanks suddenly asked.】

【Wamuu continued to watch Sig who was about to be devoured. When Erduo heard this, he immediately responded,”That’s natural. Whether it’s vampires or our clan, in the ancient times before humans appeared, we were creatures that could not face the sun directly.”】

【””Wamwu’s eyes showed a look of reminiscence, and he slowly pressed down Sig’s body that was trying to escape from him.”I admire humans. They have discovered in nature that they can develop ripple power with the properties of sunlight just by breathing. This power is extremely dangerous to us.”】

Shanks couldn’t bear to see Sig being swallowed by Wamuu. After all, he was still a human being. The Pillar Men mentioned by the Stone Statue Man were probably not even human.

【Doflamingo noticed Sig’s thoughts. He was extremely smart and immediately thought of what would happen if a vampire used a power that could cause fatal harm to himself… He instantly shouted:”Sig! Don’t be so smart!!!”


【For the first time, Wamuu smiled, a smile of great disdain. He watched Sig’s decision at this moment.】

【After learning this information, the bandit did not care that his old master was the legendary wave warrior, nor did he consider that the creature in front of him was the natural enemy of mankind… He just realized that he still had the wave power to escape the current death situation, so he did not hesitate to generate a large amount of this power in his body! 】However, a wonderful scene appeared

【Sig’s body produced a huge light from the inside out, and that power seemed to……】(Zhao Wang Zhao) [Wamwu smiled rarely.

He gave up the action of devouring the vampire who came to his door, and threw him to the ground far away.

Seeing his increasingly desperate expression as he slowly triggered his own power, he said coldly:”It seems that there are also people among humans who inherit power for power.

You are not a true warrior of the ripple.

I have said that the ripple is useful to our clan, but it is also deadly to you humans who have transformed into vampires for immortality.

“】 so?

【”So you triggered this power in your body and turned it against me, human. Your death is your own choice.”】

The ripple power that erupted from Sig’s body, the power representing the sun, actually swallowed up himself in an instant.

【It was not until the moment of his death that Sig realized how stupid he was. He wanted to use this power to fight against the Pillar Man, but in the end he killed himself.

【Shanks still sighed. He knew that Sig was destined to kill himself because of greed and stupidity, but he seemed to care about one thing.”Sig, from the moment you pulled out the gun, I told you that you should risk your life.”】

【”I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die.” Sig kept crying, his snot flowing into his mouth because he was afraid of death. He seemed to think of something before he died,”Red Hair, Red Hair, the Four Emperors of Pirates, you can definitely save me, please, please, save me, save me!”

Shanks in the picture smiled, and his smile was very pure.

He did not help this despicable man who actually made him extremely angry in his heart.

It was just that before Sig was destined to die, he said the last sentence of his opinion

【”I hope that you will understand thoroughly until you die that people are responsible for their own actions. If you dare to kill others, you are doomed to risk your own life as well.”】

Did Sig die like this under the power of his own waves?

Yes, he died, and his death made many people feel ridiculous and stupid.: .

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