Sailing: Deducing Everything, Fighting Against Three Admirals

Chapter 15 Divine Punishment! Destroy The Fleet!

Countless shells were ejected from the muzzles and flew towards Sander's position.

Every move of the Marine fleet had long been under Sander's surveillance.

Before the shells flew over.

Sander had already flashed and disappeared from the spot.

The next second, he appeared above the Marine fleet.

Boom boom boom!

The attack power of the shells blew the Impel down gate to pieces.

"Ghost Spider?"

Sander raised his eyebrows and saw the Ghost Spider on the deck of the warship in the front.

He and Ghost Spider were quite familiar with each other.

Strictly speaking, when he was still in Marine, he was a hawk.

He was merciless when encountering pirates.

Often, he sank the ship and the people into the sea together.

In the first half of the Grand Line, he wiped out many pirate groups.

Even Sander himself didn't know how many pirates died in his hands.

And he never took prisoners.

Although his ruthless approach made many people dissatisfied, it also made a group of people very satisfied.

That is the Marine hawks headed by Akainu.

Of course.

He would not be like Akainu, who would disregard the lives of his subordinates in order to kill pirates.

"Sander, you can't escape!"

Ghost Spider had no intention of reminiscing with Sander.

"Everyone, keep attacking!"

The cannon turned its muzzle, and the Marine on the warship raised his gun.

Shells and bullets shot towards Sander in the air.


Sander smacked his lips.

While dodging bullets and shells, he smiled and said:

"I haven't seen you for a few years, is this how you treat old friends?"

With the blessing of the observation color, the bullets and shells in the sky could not cause any harm to Sander.

Ghost Spider looked at Sander who was constantly flashing in the air, and his face sank.

"There's nothing to say to criminals!"

Ghost Spider took out a few knives from somewhere, his hair grew longer, and he held the knives like tentacles.

The whole person looked like a spider with eight legs.

"That's right, there's really nothing to say."

Sander nodded, his expression became indifferent.

Lightning flashed in his eyes.

In the sky, the lightning in the dark clouds seemed to become more violent, and the lightning snakes danced wildly, as if they were about to bring down a divine punishment at any time.

Sander's eyes suddenly glared.

Conqueror's Haki was performed.

The vast momentum rose from his body and spread to the surroundings, gradually covering the entire Marine fleet.

The powerful force shook the sails on the warship like a strong wind.

On the warship.

The Marine soldiers who raised their guns to shoot at Sander suddenly felt creepy, as if they were stared at by an unstoppable beast.

Then, most of the Marines rolled their eyes and fell to the ground, and their weapons slipped from their hands.

"What, what happened, why did they all fall down?"

"What happened?!!"

The Marine who was still awake was shaking with trembling, looking at his fallen companions in horror.

" Conqueror's Haki?!!"

Ghost Spider squeezed out a sentence.

At this moment, he was resisting the momentum emitted by Sander.

Compared with other Marines, Sander invested more momentum in him, and it was stronger!

"How could it be? When?" Ghost Spider looked up at the figure in the air. He couldn't understand why the other party suddenly had Conqueror's Haki. It had never appeared in the Marine before. Moreover. He had only felt such Conqueror's Haki in the top strong men in the sea. The overwhelming momentum seemed to overwhelm him, the Marine Vice Admiral. Boom! Thunder roared, and lightning illuminated Sander's figure. With dark clouds and lightning as the background, Sander looked like a god. "Ghost Spider, there are still many things you don't know." Sander's eyes were indifferent, and silver snakes surged around him. He glanced at the surrounding warships. With a wave of his hands, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be attracted. Thunderbolt! A bolt of lightning fell from the dark clouds. It hit the warship. The mast was broken and smashed on the deck, causing the Marines on the warship to flee in all directions. "Oh no, the mast is broken!"

Then came the second lightning, and the third.

One after another, lightning struck the warship, and in the blink of an eye, the warship was shaken and could sink at any time.

The breath of destruction came from the dark clouds.

All the warships were shrouded in thunder.

Thunder fell from the sky.

God's punishment is coming!

Outside is Sander's home court!

The Marines on the warship looked at this scene with horror.

"Oh my God, Sander is manipulating lightning to bombard the fleet!"

Uneasy and panic spread among the Marines.

"Ghost Spider Vice Admiral, think of a way quickly."

"This is the Calm Belt, and there are Sea Kings below!"

The Marines shouted for help in fear.

It would be fine if they fell into the water in other places.

Every Marine is good at swimming.

It's not a big problem to support them with the help of the damaged warships until the support arrives.

But this is the Calm Belt.

If they fall into the water here, they will be the Sea Kings' after-meal snacks.

Not everyone can deal with those terrifying monsters in the sea.

"Asshole! Sander!"

Watching the warships being sunk by thunder one by one.

Ghost Spider's face was grim.

In order to capture pirates, he didn't care about the life and death of his subordinates.

But he didn't die like this.

It was completely worthless.

He clenched his knife, bent his legs slightly, jumped up, and rushed into the air.

Then he kept stepping on the air and ran towards Sander little by little.

This is Moonwalk, one of the Marine Six Styles.

Moving in the air through the air.

Ghost Spider used his life to return to control multiple swords, so Moonwalk was naturally very skilled.

"Stop! Sander!"

Ghost Spider roared and slashed a flying slash.

Sander dodged it easily, and his hands kept moving.

"Ghost Spider, I'm a criminal!"

"What qualifications do you have to ask me to stop?"

"I have nothing to say to you Marines."

Thunder continued to bombard the Marine fleet.

More and more warships were destroyed, and the wreckage floated in the sea.

A large number of Marines fell into the sea.

Fortunately, the Sea Kings are now hiding deep in the sea, otherwise these people would have become the Sea Kings' dinner.

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