A terrifying lightning column roared out from Sander's body.

It blasted towards Aokiji.

Aokiji's arms were wrapped in Armament Haki and crossed across his chest.


Aokiji was blown away without support.

The tall and thin figure fell on the ice.

"Aokiji Admiral was blown away."

"Isn't even the Marine Admiral Sander's opponent?"

Watching Aokiji being blown away.

The Marine on the Marine warship showed a look of horror.

"Don't make a fuss, Admiral is not so easy to defeat."

A Marine Rear Admiral scolded.

As a Marine Rear Admiral, he knows the strength of the Admiral better than others.

If the Admiral, who symbolizes the highest combat power of the Marine, would be defeated so easily.

The world would have been the world of pirates long ago.

The Marine Rear Admiral looked at the battlefield with lightning and thunder, and the scene of ice sweeping, with a complicated expression.

As a Marine Rear Admiral. He certainly knew Sander.

He even considered Sander, who was in the same training camp, as his target.

A few years later.

The opponent was able to fight Marine Admiral after Impel down.

And he was still a Marine Rear Admiral.

His strength did not improve much.

"Damn monster!"

"Why did you betray Marine when you are so talented?"

Marine Rear Admiral gritted his teeth.

As Marine Rear Admiral expected.

Aokiji rolled on the ice twice and quickly got up.

He looked at Sander expressionlessly.

There was no sign of injury on his body.

The thunder fist that could kill Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral in seconds could only perm Aokiji's hair.

Unfortunately, Aokiji's hair was curly.

There was no difference after the perm.

"You are really amazing, Sander!"

"If you were still Marine, Teacher Zephyr would be very pleased."

Aokiji twisted his neck and said lightly.

Sander fell silent. In the entire Marine, if there is anything that he cares about, it is only Mr. Zephyr.

The old man who has only been with him for two years.

He really wants to teach him everything he has!

If it weren't for Mr. Zephyr's careful teaching, his strength wouldn't have grown so fast.

The ability given by all things is not as solid as one's own practice.

Without Zephyr's teaching, he is just a reckless man who has power but doesn't know how to use it.

It is because Zephyr taught him from the most basic aspects.

This is why he suddenly has powerful power and can use it almost perfectly.

"I will twist off the head of the guy who cut off Mr. Zephyr's arm."

Sander said softly.

He will repay the favor of teaching!

Aokiji was slightly stunned: "Do you know this?"

Sander: "I know more than you think."

If he hadn't been imprisoned in Impel down, he would have prevented this tragedy from happening.

But it's not too late now.

Who said that arms won't grow out by themselves.

Aokiji didn't say anything else, and his hands began to elementalize.

"Ice Gloves!"

Armament Haki is wrapped around them.

He is also very good at swinging his fist!

Sander's eyes fixed.

He flashed in front of Aokiji, and his fist wrapped in lightning suddenly blasted out, hitting Aokiji's face heavily.

"Thunder Fist!"

"Ice Fist!"

Aokiji didn't even dodge, and punched Sander in the face.


The ice fist wrapped in Armament Haki hit Sander's face.

He just felt that his head was about to explode.

Consciousness disappeared for half a second.

Sander was directly knocked out.

And Aokiji shook his body and took a small step back.

"My fists, but countless days and nights of using warships as sandbags!"

Aokiji looked at Sander who fell on the ice and whispered.

Sander shook his groggy head and climbed up from the ice.

This was the first time he suffered a loss since he came out of Impel down.


The scrap yard near the MarineG1 branch.

There are two warships that are used as sandbags.

One belongs to the Marine hero Garp.

The other belongs to the Marine Admiral Aokiji in front of them.

The two do not use Haki or abilities, but only use their bare fists to hit the warships wrapped in thick iron sheets as sandbags.

After training day and night, Aokiji has a pair of iron fists like Garp.

At the beginning, when the two of them fought, they were just testing each other's strength.

Now Aokiji has shown his true iron fist.

"Awesome, Aokiji, you have inherited the true teachings of Garp."

Sander grinned.

He was not afraid of Aokiji's strength.

On the contrary.

He was extremely excited at this moment!

"Five hundred million volts, the god of thunder is coming!"

Thunder and lightning gathered all over his body.

Sander became the god of thunder.

The whole person turned into a dazzling thunder man.

The rich thunder and lightning turned into liquid and dripped on the ice, instantly blasting a big hole.


"Let's have a good fight!"

Sander roared and rushed towards Aokiji.

The voice seemed to come from the sky, majestic and solemn!

It was like a rolling thunder, containing the power of heaven!

Aokiji was covered with ice and waved his fist to meet it.

Lightning and ice.

Armament Haki vs. Armament Haki.

Armament Haki exo vs. Armament Haki exo.

Fist to fist!

The two sides fought hand-to-hand like at the beginning.

A terrifying duel, like the end of the world!

Sander was like a beast born from lightning, ferocious and unspeakable, as if he didn't know pain or fatigue.

Aokiji was like a piece of ice that froze everything, constantly spewing cold air, trying to freeze the beast.

The two of them fought back and forth, constantly fighting on the ice.

One piece of ice was broken, and then another piece of ice was replaced.

The ice surface where the sea water gushed out was quickly frozen by the cold air emitted by Aokiji's battle.

The frozen ice surface was soon struck by lightning again.

It went on and on.

The Marines watching from a distance could not even catch their movements.

"Is this the terrifying strength of Admiral?"

"Too scary!"

"But even so, Sander can still fight with Admiral Aokiji. How strong is he?!!"

The Marines looked at the battlefield in the distance in disbelief.

Who could have thought.

The guy who joined Marine five years ago and betrayed him halfway has grown to this point.

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