"Sander, the Thunder God Sander with a bounty of 2.439 billion berries!"

Ikarem answered honestly.


The water that Cobra had just drunk spurted out.

He didn't have time to wipe the water stains on the table, and asked with wide eyes:

"Who did you say?"

Vivi also widened her eyes.

She didn't know who Sander was, but she heard the bounty of more than 2.4 billion berries.

(For the sake of her daughter's physical and mental health, the newspapers Vivi usually read were selected by Cobra.)

This is a very high bounty among the pirates Vivi knows.

The only ones with higher bounties than this are those legendary big men.

Even the Seven Warlords of the Sea living in Alabasta only have more than 80 million berries.

Vivi was very curious about the big pirates who suddenly came to their country.

But she was sensible and didn't ask at this time.

"Sander, that's the Sander who escaped Impel down and defeated the Marine Admiral."

Ikarem was not surprised by Cobra's reaction.

When he first heard the name, he almost bit his tongue.

Cobra's face changed drastically, his whole face was a little pale, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Sander actually came to Alabasta!

What is he doing here?

Thinking of the other party's actions to kill Celestial Dragons.

Cobra panicked instantly.

Although their royal family is not Celestial Dragons.

But it was also one of the 20 royal families that founded the World government.

That Sander wouldn't come to kill them.

"Did Sander come to Aruba to get it?"

Cobra asked hurriedly.

If the other party came to the capital, he would immediately let the guards take Vivi away.

"No, Sander went to the rainy land."

"That's good, that's good."

Cobra breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in the chair.

Knowing that Sander didn't come here, Cobra relaxed a lot. He asked:

"What is he doing in Rainland?"

"Where are the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile? Does he have a grudge against Crocodile?"

Ikarem lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head.

"I don't know, but the people at the port said that Sander is going to the casino in Rainland."

"Anyway, send someone to monitor there immediately. If Sander makes any move, report immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Ikarem saluted and turned to leave.

Cobra drank a few sips of water to calm down.

He has never been so nervous.

The pirate who defeated Marine Admiral, killed Celestial Dragons, and had a bounty of more than 2 billion came to Alabasta, and the whole kingdom was in danger.

Even with 600,000 troops.

Cobra didn't feel safe at all.

As a descendant of the 20th royal family, he knew very well how powerful Marine Admiral was.

A monster of this strength could no longer be fought by numbers.

Once the other party has ill intentions towards Alabasta, they can't stop it.

Cobra picked up the Den Den Mushi and hesitated whether to ask for help from Naval Headquarters.

After thinking about it, Cobra decided not to notify for the time being.

Sander is too strong.

Notifying Marine may annoy the other party.

Marine can't give him much sense of security now.

Marine Admiral has been defeated.

Besides, there are also Marines near Alabasta, maybe Marine has known about this for a long time.

"Father, who is Sander?"

Vivi raised her face, stared at Cobra with big eyes, and asked curiously.

Cobra was about to popularize science to his daughter.

But he didn't know how to say it when the words came to his lips.

Say Sander is a vicious pirate?

But the other party has never hurt civilians.

There are reasons for betraying Marine and killing Celestial Dragons.

He knew this from the newspaper a long time ago.

Say the other party is a good person?

Not really.

After all, he has committed many crimes.

"Well, a powerful pirate."

Cobra can only introduce it like this.

As if she noticed her father's perfunctory response, Vivi didn't ask any more questions.

She said "oh", picked up the book and continued reading, but she was determined to ask other people.

Rainy land.

Crocodile had a big backcombed hair, wore golden earrings, looked fierce, and had a cigar in his mouth.

Just now, he also got the news that Sander was coming.

He had already planted spies in such an important city as the port.

"Guhahaha, what a great person."

Crocodile laughed, and then his eyes became fierce.

"But you'd better not disturb me, otherwise I will consider whether you really defeated Aokiji."

Crocodile was not afraid of Sander's arrival.

He still looked like the boss.

"Mr. Crocodile, I think it's better not to conflict with the other party."

A woman wearing a sun hat said opposite Crocodile.

"Nico Robin, I'm the president!" Crocodile said coldly.

Nico Robin chuckled and said nothing.

"Nico Robin, is Sander coming to see you?"

Robin's body stiffened, then he said with a smile:

"How could it be? But no one knows I'm here."

The ability to read the historical text would indeed make many pirates covet it.

But Sander had just come out of Impel down not long ago, how could he know she was here.

Moreover, she was standing in front of him, and he probably didn't know who she was.

The photo on her wanted poster.

It hadn't been changed for many years.

Crocodile thought about it.

He also felt that he was overthinking.

He had spent a lot of effort to find Nico Robin.

Without Nico Robin, his plan could not be implemented at all.

Even if he got the historical text, no one could understand it.

"Only according to our plan can you see the historical text guarded by Cobra."

Crocodile said lightly.

"Of course, I think so too."

Robin chuckled and took a sip from the wine glass in front of him.

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