Sailing: Deducing Everything, Fighting Against Three Admirals

Chapter 65 Precious Logia, Arlong Plots Again!

Nami was anxiously walking on the road.

Occasionally she stumbled, then struggled to get up.

"Everyone, wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

Nami prayed in her heart that everyone walked slower.

Slowing down would cause conflicts with Arlong and his gang.

At the same time, she was constantly adapting to the calendar zone in her body.

She felt that she could release lightning at will.

But she didn't do it.

She had only heard of Devil Fruit.

But she didn't know what the specific situation was.

What if these powers were used up?

She had to save some and wait until she got to the Arlong base.

At this time, the villagers had arrived at the gate of the Arlong base.

"Arlong! Come out!"

Ajian shouted in front of the door without hesitation.

"Asshole fishman, we are going to fight you!"

"See our determination, fishmen!"

The noisy sound quickly attracted the attention of the fishmen in the base.

"Who is shouting outside?"

Arlong sat on the chair and was a little dissatisfied. "Boss Arlong, it seems that those villagers want to duel with us?"

A fishman listened attentively and said uncertainly.

"Haha, duel with us? Are these lowly races crazy?"

Arlong stood up.

"It seems that the experience of our surveyor has made these lowly humans very angry."

"It seems that they are still not afraid of us and have the courage to resist!"

"Let's go and teach these lowly people a lesson, let them know that humans should surrender to the feet of fishmen!"


Arlong laughed wildly and walked towards the gate of the base.

Others also laughed mockingly.

Humans want to duel with them?

It really made them laugh out loud!

One by one, the fishmen stood up.

Follow Arlong to the gate.

They all looked strange and had cruel smiles on their faces.

With a creak.

The gate of the fishman base was opened.

Arlong's tall figure walked out from inside.

"Are you the ones who want to resist me?"

Looking at the various things in the hands of the villagers that could not be called weapons, Arlong sneered.

"Just take these scraps?"


One by one, the ferocious fishmen walked out of the gate.

They all looked at the villagers with mockery on their faces.

The ferocious look seemed to remind the villagers of the cruelty and power of the fishmen, and they couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Arlong, you bastard!"

"Kokoaxi Village will never succumb to your rule!"

Ajian pointed the knife in his hand at Arlong and said with a firm look.

"Oh? Haha!"

Arlong didn't care about the knife in Ajian's hand at all. He glanced at the crowd: "Where is my surveyor?"

"She actually let you come here to die?"

"Arlong, you bastard who played with Nami's kindness!"

"She won't work for you anymore!"

"Nami has gone to sea with a group of pirates!"

Ajian roared, and his eyes were full of hatred and anger when he looked at Arlong and his gang.

Hearing this, Arlong's face instantly became gloomy.

His surveyor escaped!

With a group of pirates who appeared out of nowhere?

That was an important tool for him to fulfill his dream of ruling the world, and he actually escaped?!!

Arlong instantly lost the mood to waste time with these ants.

He must catch his surveyor as soon as possible.

"Kill them, and then go get our surveyor back!"

"No matter who those pirates are, I will make them pay the price!"

Arlong ordered his fishmen in a cold voice.

"Fight with these fishmen, let them see our determination!"

Ajian raised his knife and rushed towards the fishmen.

Just then, Nami's anxious voice sounded behind the crowd.

"Wait a minute, everyone, please wait a minute!"

Hearing Nami's voice.

Ajian's face changed.

The gloomy expression on Arlong's face suddenly eased a lot.

"Hahaha, it seems that my surveyor still can't bear to leave you bunch of untouchables."


Arlong laughed.

"Nami, why didn't you go with those people!"

Ajian's face was full of worry, and he yelled.

Isn't all they did to let Nami leave the village and pursue her dream?

If Nami didn't leave, what's the point of everything they did.

Nami came to Ajian at an alarming speed.

"Finally caught up!"

Seeing that no one in the village was hurt, Nami breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, Nami, you really can't bear to leave these villagers!"

Arlong looked at Nami and laughed.

"Nami, go quickly, don't worry about us!"

Ajian pushed Nami to the back.

The villagers also protected Nami behind them.

"Nami, these lowly people actually want to duel with me, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Go kill a few lowly people and let our surveyor know the price of provoking us."

"Let these lowly people know that we fishmen are a superior race and cannot be defeated by low-level humans!"

Arlong ordered his fishmen.

He had made up his mind.

No matter how Nami pleaded, he would kill a few humans to declare the power of fishmen.

At the same time, he also had to warn Nami.

Perhaps it was because they, the fishmen, had not killed anyone for a long time, and these lowly humans dared to resist them!

"Understood, Boss Arlong!"

Several ugly fishmen walked out of the fish school with a smile.

With a cruel smile on their faces, they walked towards Ajian and others.

"I will tear you to pieces!"

A fishman clenched his fist.

Ajian and others clenched their weapons and made fighting movements.

"Fight these fishmen!"

Ajian shouted and rushed towards the fishmen.

Nami hurriedly ran towards the fishmen, trying to hold the fishmen from hurting the villagers.

The fishman didn't care about Nami running towards him.

With Nami's weak strength, she didn't even have the ability to stop him.

He didn't attack Nami.

Because that was their precious tool.

And at this moment, Nami grabbed the fishman's arm.

A strong current surged out of Nami's body.


The fishman was exposed to the current and instantly rolled his eyes and trembled continuously.

A moment later, he fell to the ground with his mouth wide open in the surprised eyes of everyone, and black smoke was still coming out of his mouth.


Everyone stood there in a daze.

The villagers and the fishman were the same.

They didn't understand why Nami touched the fishman and the fishman fell to the ground.

"So powerful!"

Nami opened her mouth and looked at her hands in disbelief.

"What's going on?"

Ajian asked in confusion.

His voice brought Nami back to her senses instantly.

She quickly came to Ajian and others.

"Everyone step back, I'm very powerful now, leave all the fishmen to me."

Nami stopped behind the villagers.

Just now, she had the confidence to fight against the fishman by letting the fishman lie down.

The captain was right. Now she has the power to protect the villagers.

The villagers looked at each other.

They stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Everyone, retreat!"

Seeing that the villagers were reluctant to move, Nami urged again.

Ajian glanced at the fishman lying on the ground, and thought of the pirates who could take out 100 million berries before. After thinking for a moment, he asked everyone to retreat.

"But we can't let Nami face the fishman alone!"

Some people still didn't want to, and wanted to fight side by side with Nami.

At this time, Arlong stood up.

He looked at Nami with a cold look.

"Although I don't know what tricks you are playing, I will make you pay the price, Nami!"

Arlong disappeared from the spot in an instant, and his big hand grabbed Nami.

"Be careful, Nami!"

Seeing Arlong attacking Nami, Ajian raised his knife and was about to help.

"So fast!"

Arlong's movements were so fast that Nami had no time to react.

She could only watch in horror as Arlong's big hand kept approaching her.

Arlong's previous brutal appearance appeared in her mind.

She even closed her eyes because of fear.

"Is it over?"

"Even with the power of the Devil Fruit, you can't deal with the monster-like Arlong."

Nami's heart was full of despair.

But after waiting for a long time, Arlong's hands didn't grab her.

She slowly opened her eyes.

I saw that Arlong had come to her, stretched out his arms, stared at her neck with wide eyes, and there seemed to be a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

Looking at herself along Arlong's arm.

Nami was shocked to find that Arlong's arm passed through her neck.

At this time, her neck had turned into a blue electric light.

Is this the power of Devil Fruit?

Arlong can't hurt her at all!

"What on earth is going on?"

A fishman shouted in confusion with his eyes wide open.

Ajian's figure rushing out also stopped instantly, and he looked at the scene in shock.

"Damn it!"

Arlong had a bad feeling in his heart.

He waved his hand again and slapped Nami in the face, confirming his guess.

"Be careful!"

The villagers shouted.

In the horrified eyes of the fishmen and villagers, Nami's head turned into blue energy, and Arlong's big hand went through it without causing any harm to Nami.

"What on earth is going on? Arlong can't hit Nami?"

"It's incredible!"

The villagers were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

It's only been less than ten minutes, what happened to Nami?

They were in a remote village and didn't know the existence of Devil Fruit at all.

And Nami once again verified that Arlong couldn't hurt her.

The panic and fear on her face disappeared.

What replaced them was excitement and excitement.

The power of the Devil Fruit is too strong.

Even Arlong can't hurt her

It's unbelievable that those pirates she didn't know would give her such a precious thing!

"Everyone retreat, Arlong can't hurt me."

Nami shouted to Jian and others again.

This time, Jian and the villagers didn't hesitate.

Although they didn't know what was going on, Arlong really couldn't hurt Nami.

Then they stayed here, maybe they would become Arlong's bargaining chip to threaten Nami.

Seeing the villagers retreat.

While Nami was relieved, she stretched out her electric hand to Arlong.

She just solved a fishman like this.

Arlong thought of the fishman who fell before, and his face suddenly changed and retreated.


Not far away, Sander slapped his forehead and was a little speechless.

"Why do you have to touch them? Just electrocute them to death."

"She just ate the Devil Fruit.

Don't be so harsh, Captain.

Robin covered his mouth and chuckled when he saw Nami's clumsy look.

A playful smile also appeared on his face.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, as if he remembered how clumsy he was after eating the Devil Fruit.


"This is the Logia Devil Fruit, how can you have it!"

Arlong shouted in disbelief.

Logia Devil Fruit will be elementalized when attacked, and he naturally knows it after being to the Grand Line.

But he couldn't think of when Nami ate the Devil Fruit.

When she brought Bailey to trade just now, she hadn't.

"Elementalization? What is this? Did Arlong not hurt me just now because of elementalization?"

Nami touched her neck and muttered to herself.

Arlong said that the Devil Fruit she ate was Logia?

Is Logia a species?

Then are there other species?

But looking at Arlong's surprised look, the Logia fruit must be very precious!

Why would those pirates give her such a precious thing?

They gave her 100 million berries before.

Are they so rich?

"Damn it, you don't know anything, but you ate a Logia fruit!"

Arlong was a little furious.

Knowing that Nami ate the Logia Devil Fruit, he knew that he couldn't hurt Nami.

He had been to the Grand Line.

He knew very well that besides seastone, only Armament Haki could hurt Logia users.

And he had neither seastone nor Armament Haki.


If he knew Armament Haki.

He wouldn't be hiding here and bullying others.

Thinking of the Marine Logia users he met before, Arlong's face was terribly gloomy.

A long time ago, he was impel down by the current Marine Admiral Kizaru.

He had experienced the powerlessness of facing Logia.

He was released because Jinbei became a Shichibukai.

But now, Nami, whom he regarded as a tool, actually gained the power of the Logia fruit.

"Damn it! How did Nami get the Logia Devil Fruit?"

"What should we do? We can't hurt her."

Some knowledgeable fishmen looked a little panicked.

And the villagers like Jian didn't know what they were talking about.

What is Logia and what is Devil Fruit?

But they knew that Nami really wouldn't be hurt by those hateful fishmen.

"I know, no wonder you took out 100 million berries at once."

"You stole these from the pirates."

"Damn, you are so lucky that you not only stole 100 million berries, but also stole a powerful Devil Fruit!"

Arlong thought of the 100 million berries that Nami had taken before, and reacted and said.

The fishmen also suddenly realized.

It seems that Nami's previous gains were really not small.

On the other side, Jian and Nojiko looked at each other.

They knew who gave the berries.

Does that mean that Nami's current abilities were also given by those pirates?

Although they don't know what those pirates are for.

But they know this is a good thing.

"No, this is given to me by others. They want me to be their navigator!"

Nami retorted very dissatisfiedly to Arlong's claim that her Bailey and Devil Fruit were voted.

She was full of gratitude to Sander and others.

They saved her and saved Cocoa Village.

By the way, she didn't know the names of those people yet.

It seems that they are called the Thunder God Pirates?

What a cool name, it sounds powerful!

"Don't joke, who would give such a precious Logia Devil Fruit to others?!!"

Arlong didn't believe Nami's nonsense at all.

He knew that Logia Devil Fruit was much more precious than other Devil Fruits.

How could someone not eat it himself and give Devil Fruit to others?

Even if the other party didn't know it was a Logia Devil Fruit, he wouldn't give it to others.

Devil Fruit is too precious!

"Don't believe it!"

Nami didn't care whether Arlong believed it or not.

"Now, get the fishmen out of the village!"

She warned Arlong with a serious face.

Arlong's face was gloomy, and he sneered after a moment.

"You don't think you're invincible with the power of the Devil Fruit, do you?"

"I can't really hurt you."

"But I can hurt them!"

Arlong pointed at Jian and the others and smiled sinisterly.

Nami's face changed.

Jian also hurriedly shouted for the villagers to run away.

They can no longer be Arlong's bargaining chip to threaten Nami.

"Haha, so what if you have the Logia Devil Fruit?"

"As long as I catch them, you will still submit to me?"

"Haha, with your Demon fruit power, I will soon rule East Blue!"

Arlong showed a smile of success on his face.

As long as the lives of the villagers in Kokoa West Village are in his hands.

So what if the Logia Devil Fruit?

Still want to be used by him?!!

With the Logia fruit ability users as subordinates, he is invincible in East Blue.

He can expand his territory without worry!

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