Sailing: Deducing Everything, Fighting Against Three Admirals

Chapter 83: Get The Frozen Fruit And Rescue The Mermaid.

The world is big, and there are too many places that Marine needs to rule.

Every high-end combat force is very precious.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Naval Headquarters will not send out so many at once.

If other pirates seize the opportunity to cause chaos, Sengoku cannot afford this responsibility.

"Aokiji, don't tell Marine or World government what I just told you."

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will not make Garp's actions public."

Sander reminded with a smile.

He can tell Aokiji so much because he values ​​Aokiji.

But for the other people in Marine, Sander doesn't want them to know that he knows so much at this stage.

Aokiji said nothing, and his hands moved a lot harder.

Sander didn't care about it, and was even very satisfied.

His Frozen Fruit will soon be successfully deduced.

The two fought near the coast for a day and a night.

Although they didn't fight with all their strength.

But the noise caused.

It also amazed the Marine who was responsible for monitoring the battlefield and the pirates watching.

"Too scary!"

"Is this the strength of the Great Pirates and Marine Admirals?"

"I feel like I'll be killed by the aftermath if I'm on the battlefield!"

"I heard they've been fighting for a day and a night. I wonder if they have such strong endurance in other areas!"

"You burnt bastard, get out of here and get burned!"

"With your looks, no one will burn you. I'll be wherever I want to be. Get out of here, you ugly bastard."

"You bastard, are you looking for death?"

Sander was fighting with Aokiji here.

None of the Thunder God Pirates came.

Luo, Walpa and others wanted to come, but were stopped by Robin.

At noon on that day, Sander finally succeeded in deducing the Frozen Fruit.

After knocking Aokiji out with one punch, Sander made a stop gesture.

"No more fighting, no more fighting. ”

Having obtained the Frozen Fruit ability, De lost interest in fighting.

After fighting for such a long time, he was a little hungry.

Aokiji also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was indeed difficult for him, a man who could even fall asleep in the headquarters meeting room, to spar for a whole day and night.

“Would you like to treat me to a meal, Aokiji?”

Sander shook off the ice on his body and said with a smile.

He helped him get the Frozen Fruit ability, so he must want to take a good rest Aokiji.


Aokiji waved his hand to refuse.

As a Marine Admiral, he could understand fighting with a big pirate.

But if they were to eat together, it would definitely cause a stir.

It would be bad if people misunderstood him.

“Okay then.”

Sander did not force it.

“I have already accompanied you to the end, don’t forget what you promised me. ”

Aokiji reminded.

Why did he fight with Sander? Wasn’t it to make Sander behave himself in Sabaody Archipelago?

“Okay, I got it. As long as you Marines don’t provoke me, I won’t bother to attack you. "

Sander said impatiently.

Then he floated into the air and turned to fly in the direction of the Thor.

Back to the Thor.

Rayleigh was helping to coat the Thor.

The coating was made of the resin of the Alchiman mangrove.

This is a special product of the Sabaody Archipelago.

The roots of the Alchiman mangrove secrete a special natural resin due to respiration.

The resin will expand due to the air to form bubbles, and then fly into the sky.

Because the bubbles are only suitable for the climate range of the Alchiman mangrove.

Once the bubbles leave the climate range of the Sabaody Islands.

The resin component will explode because it cannot fully exert its power.

Bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles...

Bubble culture permeates every place in Sabaody Island!

In fact, there are two ways to go to the New World.

One is to make a request to the World government.

Then go directly through the holy place Mariejois at the top of the Red Line.

So you can only abandon the ship. Although it costs a lot of money to apply and takes time, it is very safe.

Another way is to wrap the boat with the resin of the Alkiman mangrove, dive 10,000 meters, pass through a huge hole under the Red Line, and reach the New World through the "undersea route" The fish men island, but it is very dangerous. Only 30% can pass safely. "You are back. I heard that you had a fight with Aokiji." Rayleigh put down the tools in his hand and said with a smile. "Yeah, I'm free anyway. I just happened to see him and stretched my muscles." Sander nodded and said. "Where are the others?" The boat was empty at this time, and even Wapa and others didn't know where they ran to. "They said they would not disturb me for coating, and they all went to Sabaody Archipelago to play, and they will not come back in the next few days. 々 Rayleigh took a sip of the wine Robin gave him. "This wine is good, where did you buy it?" Sander rolled his eyes: "I stole it from Celestial Dragons. That's all I have left. If you want to drink it, go and kill Celestial Dragons yourself. "That's a shame. I can still enjoy a few more days of peaceful retirement life." Rayleigh put down the bottle and said with regret. "How long does the coating take? Do you need some help?" Sander asked. "It will probably take about five days. No need to find help. I can do it myself." Rayleigh estimated the time and said. "Then you can do it yourself. I've been busy all day and night. I need to go out for a big meal and then find a place to have a good sleep. "

Sander waved his hand and left Thor.

He found a restaurant.

Under the surprised eyes of the restaurant owner, Sander ate dozens of servings of food.

He became a fat man.

Using life return, Sander quickly digested the food and gradually recovered to his original size.

After ordering two bottles of wine and paying, Sander went to sleep.

Naval Headquarters.

Aokiji and Sander returned here after fighting.

Just when he wanted to go back to his office to catch up on his sleep, a Marine came to him.

Aokiji knew the other person.

He was Sengoku's assistant or secretary.

He was responsible for running errands for Marshal Sengoku.

Before the Marine spoke, Aokiji said:

"Three things."

"Go back and tell Marshal Sengoku."

"First, Sander does have the ability of Lion Fruit and has developed it to a very high level."

"Second, Sander will not make any trouble if he does not provoke him during his time in Sabaody Archipelago.

"Third, I'm going back to the office to catch up on my sleep. Don't bother me."

After saying that, Aokiji walked into his office without looking back, closed the door, and lay on the sofa in the office to catch up on his sleep.

Marine was stunned for a moment, then turned around to report.

Somewhere in Sabaody Archipelago.

Luo, Bepo, Pei Jin, Xia Qi and Xiong were hiding in a dark alley.

"Do we really want to do this?"

"Will it cause trouble for Captain Sander?"

Xia Qi said in a low voice with hesitation on his face.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Since Captain Sander said he would help Luo get revenge, he will face Doflamingo sooner or later.

"I found out that the slave auction house next door was opened by Doflamingo." Pei Jin said nonchalantly.

After they arrived at Sabaody Archipelago.

It is said that Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, has some industries here.

Pei Jin suggested to cause trouble for Doflamingo's industries.

Seeing that Luo was still hesitant, Pei Jin added:

"We are about to go to The fish men island."

"I heard that it is 10,000 meters above the sea and very dangerous."

"No more than 30% of the ships can pass safely."

"Tomorrow, the slave auction house will auction a female mermaid. Now this mermaid and other slaves are locked in the warehouse behind the auction house."

"We will rescue the mermaid. She will definitely be grateful to us and will take us to The fish men island safely."

"The captain and the deputy captain will definitely agree."

Because of Whitebeard.

There are fewer and fewer people who dare to catch mermaids.

Every time a fishman is auctioned, it will be advertised in advance in order to obtain greater profits.

Hearing that it can improve their safety when going to The fish men island.

The hesitation on Luo and Xia Qi's faces disappeared immediately.

Ten thousand meters under the sea is too terrifying.

No matter how powerful the captain and the vice-captain are, they are all demon fruit power.

They can't exert much power under the sea.

If there is a mermaid leading the way.

It is indeed much safer.

"Okay, let's do it this way. Let's plan and go to that warehouse at night to rescue the mermaid and release the other slaves by the way."

Luo said after thinking for a moment.

"But be careful and move quickly."

"It's best to release the slaves without alerting the guards in other places."

Hearing Luo's agreement, Pei Jin was overjoyed.

"No problem, I'll go and find out and try to make the plan perfect."

After that, Pei Jin once again mixed in various human trafficking stores, human auctions and other illegal areas.

There are a large number of pirates, merchants, human traffickers and other illegal personnel gathered here.

Night soon came.

Three people and a fur tribe hid in the dark, observing the slave warehouse not far away.


Law used his fruit ability to create a dome-shaped space, sensing the guards near the warehouse.

Maybe because this is Doflamingo's place.

Not many people dare to come here to cause trouble, so there are not many guards, only seven.

"There are seven people in total, everyone, move faster. "

Luo informed his companions of the information he had obtained.

Several people approached the warehouse lightly.


The nearest guard suddenly felt a pain in his chest and looked down.

A diamond-shaped hole appeared at the position of the heart in his chest. To his horror, there was no bloodline in the wound.

He was about to scream.

A hairy hand covered his mouth.

And because his heart was taken out, he temporarily collapsed to the ground.

Bebo slapped the man unconscious.

After that, several people did the same thing, and all the people guarding the warehouse were knocked to the ground.

After finding the key, Luo and his team easily opened the door of the warehouse.

After walking in.

Luo found that there were dozens of slaves in the warehouse.

There were men, women, young and old.

The most conspicuous one, of course, was the mermaid in the water tank in the center of the warehouse.

"Wow, is this a mermaid? She looks so beautiful, no wonder someone would pay a high price to buy her. "

Pekin spotted the mermaid at first sight and couldn't help but exclaimed softly.

The mermaid had two ponytails, and her black hair hung outside the fish tank.

Her tail was black and white, and she wore a bikini of the same color as her tail. Her snow-white skin was exposed, and she was graceful and charming.

It seemed that she was awakened by Peikin's voice.

The mermaid's long eyelashes moved twice, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were bloodshot, as if she had been crying for a long time, and her confused eyes revealed some loveliness.

Seeing Luo and others suddenly appear.

She was so scared that she opened her rosy mouth and was about to scream.

But Xia Qi, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, covered her mouth.

"We are here to save you. We want you to take us to The fish men island. Don't make a sound, it will be troublesome to provoke the guards. "

Xia Qi whispered quickly in her ear.

A glimmer flashed in the mermaid's eyes, and she nodded desperately.

At this time.

The other slaves in the warehouse also woke up.

Luo, Pei Jin and others hurriedly comforted them and told the slaves that they were here to save them.

The light of hope flashed in the slaves' eyes.

To live freely.

Who would want to be a slave whose life and death are in the hands of others.

"々`Do you have a collar key?"

"If not, even if we run away, we will be caught soon."

A slave asked in a low voice.

Without the collar, after they escape, they can just find someone to pile up with, and the people at the slave auction will not be able to find them.

But as long as they carry the slave collar.

The residents of Sabaody Archipelago will report them.

Marine will also arrest them.

There is no escape at all.

Pei Jin searched the guard for a long time, came to Luo with a helpless look, and whispered:

"What should I do? There are no slave collars. The people at the auction are very careful. They don't even put the keys on the guards."

"Are you stupid?"

"With Luo here, these collars are useless."

"Cut off the head, take off the collar, and put the head back on.

Xia Qi rolled his eyes and said.

Pei Jin slapped his head and said distressedly: "Why didn't I think of it, Luo, I rely on you."

[Cut], the basic skill of Op-Op Fruit.

It can cut objects or creatures into several small pieces.

The cut creatures will not die, will not feel pain, and will not bleed.

Luo nodded and came to the mermaid.

In the surprised eyes of all the slaves, the mermaid's head was directly chopped off.

All the slaves were speechless in this horrible scene.

Pei Jin was quick to take off the collar, and Xia Qi put it on the mermaid's head.

It took less than two seconds for the incident to happen.

The mermaid didn't understand what was going on.

Her head was moved back to her neck.

The only difference was that the slave collar was taken off.

The mermaid blinked, moved her neck, touched it, and confirmed that she was not dead, and her face showed relief for surviving the disaster.

"It's amazing that she didn't die even after her head fell off, and there was no blood!"

Pei Jin was afraid that this scene would make the remaining slaves scream.

He quickly said to these slaves:

"Devil Fruit power, don't make a sound, I will release you all in a while.

Many slaves covered their mouths and nodded desperately.

Tears appeared in the corners of their eyes.

Several people moved skillfully.

Cutting the head, taking the collar, and installing it, all in one go.

It only took more than a minute (Ma Ma), and dozens of slaves were all released.

No one escaped.

Maybe they felt it was safer to stay with a Demon fruit power.

"Okay, everyone, let's go quickly, the guards outside have been released. "

Xia Qi said to the slaves.

He picked up the mermaid and ran out like a fly.

Luo and the other two followed closely behind.

Pekin whispered: "Damn, this kid got there first, I also want to hug the mermaid."

Seeing Luo and the others running away.

The slaves fled in all directions.

Because they were not wearing collars, they were no different from ordinary people.

These people quickly disappeared into the night.

After an unknown amount of time, the Japanese guard woke up.

He looked around in confusion, and his face changed instantly.

He sat up in a hurry, lowered his head and looked at his chest. His chest was intact, as if the previous scene was a dream.

He decisively got up from the ground and saw that the warehouse door was wide open.

He ran in and took a look.

All the slaves disappeared without a trace.

Only Dozens of collars were scattered in the warehouse.

"Oh no!!"

"The slaves have all run away!!!"

He was stunned for half a second before shouting.

The sound quickly woke up the other guards.

Guards from other places also ran over.

For a while, the place was in chaos.

And Luo and others who had done all this were still desperately fleeing.

"Xia Qi, are you tired? Do you want me to hold you for a while?"

Pei Jin was concerned about his brother's physical strength while running.

Xia Qi knew Pei Jin's thoughts.

"Not tired, I can run back to North Blue now, hehe." Xia Qi chuckled and said.

"You deserve to die! Xia Qi!"

Pei Jin gritted his teeth, his facial features twisted.

The twisted look made Luo and Bebo laugh out loud.

The mermaid in Xia Qi's arms blushed, lowered her head and dared not speak.

"Luo, cover her with your coat, otherwise it will be a bit troublesome if someone finds out that she is a mermaid."

Xia Qi glanced at the mermaid's tail and said.

Luo nodded, took off his coat and covered the mermaid's tail.

Fortunately, it was night.

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