Sailing: Deducing Everything, Fighting Against Three Admirals

Chapter 90: One Kill And One Capture, Get The Target Fruit.

"Three Ancient Weapons?!"

Jinbei showed a surprised expression on his face.

He didn't understand why Sander mentioned Ancient Weapons.

"Three Ancient Weapons named after God, Pluton, Uranus, and Poseidon.~"

"And Poseidon, one of the three Ancient Weapons, will appear on a mermaid princess every few hundred years."

"Today's Shirahoshi is the Poseidon who inherited the name of Poseidon."

Sander didn't hide it and spoke directly.

He knew Jinbei wouldn't go out and talk nonsense.

Because that would bring unimaginable disasters to The fish men island.


Jinbei was shocked.

He didn't expect that the mermaid princess who could summon Sea Kings in the royal legend was actually one of the three Ancient Weapons.

One of the Ancient Weapons is actually a human!!!

But how did Sander know?

Even the royal family of the Dragon Palace Kingdom only knew that every few hundred years there would be a mermaid princess who could summon Sea Kings.

But I don't know that this mermaid princess is Poseidon Poseidon, one of the three ancient weapons!

"You told me this, aren't you afraid that I will tell others?"

Jinbei asked.

He and Sander met for the first time and had never dealt with each other.

Why would the other party tell him such a secret thing.

"Will you tell it?"

Sander looked at Jinbei with a smile.

Jinbei was silent.

He certainly understood the consequences of the news.

All the ambitious forces on the sea, Marine, World government, pirates.

Everyone will focus on The fish men island.

This will make The fish men island's already difficult living environment even more difficult.

The fish men island will face a catastrophe!

"What do you want to do with this power?"

After a moment, Jinbei questioned.


"I said I won't force Shirahoshi to do anything."

"I just think that someone with such a strong talent is suitable to be my partner."

"Like, Yixiao, the deputy captain with the top strength in the sea, the navigator with the top navigation talent in the sea, the only archaeologist who can read the text of history, and the ship doctor with the Op-Op Fruit ability that can perform immortality surgery."

"It's not so surprising to have another mermaid princess who can summon Sea Kings, right?"

Sander said with a smile.

Yixiao and his crew are the ones he recognizes.

Or the cadres of the Thunder God Pirates.

The others are just incidental.

"So, you who are the best in naval warfare, do you want to be my partner? Jinbei!"

Sander invited Jinbei again.

Jinbei looked at Sander in shock.

He didn't expect that Sander's crew were all top in various fields.

"The Fishman Street is in front. Can you really find Hodi Jones and Vander Decken IX?"

"The Fishman Street is very big and it's not that easy to find."

Jinbei didn't answer, but changed the subject and asked.

If Vander Decken IX was so easy to find, with the relationship between Jinbei and The Fish Men Island, Vander Decken IX would have been arrested long ago to solve Shirahoshi's troubles.

"They are here, not only that, but they are together."

Sander said.

Because Huo Ai is huge and is Neptune's mount.

In order not to alert the enemy, the two let Huo Ai stay outside Fishmen Street.

Just in case, Sander asked Jinbei to help him wrap himself in bubbles.

At the same time.

Somewhere in Fishmen Street.

Vander Decken IX brought the members of the Flying Pirates to Hodi Jones's secret base in Fishmen Street.

"Ba Ho Ho!"

"Hodi Jones, I heard that your Senbu was captured and handed over to the Kingdom of Ryugu?"

The four-legged Vander Decken IX, wearing a small hat and many necklaces.

He walked straight to Hodi Jones and sat down, and laughed at him without hesitation.

"This base is good. I heard that you have formed a new fishman pirate group?"

"Don't be afraid of Jinbei's encirclement and suppression. The fishman pirate group hasn't left the fishmen island yet." Vander Decken IX looked at the base and smiled.

" Jinbei, the guy who mixed with humans, is not worthy of leading the fishman pirate group!" Hody Jones looked gloomy.

"Jinbei is a disgrace to humanity for mixing with low-level evil humans!"

"Ha ha ha!"

"Do you dare to say this to Jinbei's face?"

Vander Decken IX laughed.

A trace of fear flashed in Hodi Jones's eyes.

Jinbei is undoubtedly the strongest person on The Fish Men Island.

Even if he took the poison, he couldn't compete with him.

If the fishmen pirates led by Jinbei were not still on The Fish Men Island, he would not hide in the dark and would have stood on the stage openly.

"If you are here to laugh at me, then you can leave."

Hodi Jones said with a gloomy face.

"Okay, now can you tell me why you asked me to come?"

Vander Decken IX spread his hands and said.

"I want you to join hands with me to attack the Ryugu Kingdom!"

Hodi Jones said shockingly,

"Are you crazy?!!"

"Even if we join forces, we can't defeat the Poseidon Army led by Neptune and the Fishman Pirates led by Jinbei!"

Vander Decken just widened his eyes and kept exclaiming.

He still knows himself.

It's okay to attack those passing ships.

But it's a joke to want to attack the Ryugu Kingdom, which can also survive and fight in the sea.

If he had such strength.

He would have entered the Ryugu City and kidnapped Princess Shirahoshi long ago.

"You don't want to save your subordinates, do you?"

"You don't seem to care about the life and death of your subordinates."

For this collaborator in front of him, Vander Zaixu IX knows very well.

This is a person who will do anything to achieve his goals.

Except for himself, the lives of his subordinates are like garbage and can be abandoned at any time.

"Of course not, I'm going to... ..."

Just when Hodi Jones wanted to tell his plan, a strange voice came to their ears.

"It's so lively!"

Hodi Jones and Vander Denken IX's faces changed slightly.

Before they could react.

The door of the room was kicked open.

Two figures stood in front of the door.


Hodi Jones and Vander Denken IX exclaimed in unison!

They recognized Jinbei, the fishman they regarded as a great enemy, at a glance.

At this time, Jinbei's face was gloomy.

Although he didn't hear Hodi Jones's next plan.

But he knew that it was definitely not a good thing for these two people to get together.

"Asshole, how did Jinbei find this place? Did you betray me!!"

Vander Denken IX questioned Hodi Jones loudly.

"Shut up, asshole, think about how to get through the difficulties in front of you first!"

Hodi Jones' face was gloomy, and he took out a handful of pills from his arms.

He looked at the human beside Jinbei and gritted his teeth:

"Thor Sander!"

He recognized this man.

It was the human pirate who killed his idol Arlong and captured his men.

"Damn, you know this human, did you provoke him!"

"You bastard want to kill me!"

Vander Decken IX took out several throwing knives and held them between his fingers, looking at the two people in front of him with a wary look.

"Hodi Jones, did you kill Princess Otohime?"

Jinbei ignored Vander Decken IX, but asked Hodi Jones loudly.

Hodi Jones was stunned for a moment, then laughed:


"You found out, Jinbei!"

"Otohime was indeed shot to death by me, and I also killed those human pirates I hired, and the family disaster fell on them!"

"That stupid mermaid actually wanted the superior fishmen and the inferior humans to coexist peacefully!"

"It's simply unreasonable!"

"You damn guy, Princess Otohime is so kind, and you can actually kill her!"

Jinbei's eyes were filled with anger, and he was tired.

He rushed towards Hodi Jones in one step.

"Fishman Karate·Karakusa Wa Zhengquan!"

Hody Jones was knocked out without any surprise.

The gap between him and Jinbei is huge.

"Asshole Jinbei!"

Hodi Jones got up from the ground and put the murderous drug in his hand into his mouth without hesitation.

The drug power instantly filled his body.

Hodi Jones' body began to change.

The muscles on his body bulged high, and his originally black hair instantly turned white.


"Come on! Jinbei!"

"Mr. Karate!""

Feeling how powerful he was at this moment, Hodi Jones laughed wildly and rushed towards Jinbei.

Sander shook his head aside.

Hodi Jones still had little experience.

Do you really think that you can fight against the sea hero Jinbei with the murderous medicine?

Too naive!

He was no longer paying attention to the battle between Jinbei and Hodi Jones, and turned to look at Vander Decken IX.

"You human, I don't seem to have provoked you, let me go, I will never attack you!"

Vander Decken IX saw Jinbei being dragged, and said to Sander Yinxian.

He thought Jinbei and the human in front of him were here to capture Hodi Jones.

And he was just unlucky and happened to come to Hodi Jones's base.

"I also want to let you go, but you have caused trouble to my partners. "

Sander spread his hands and said.


Vander Decken IX looked puzzled.

He did not remember the crime against the human in front of him.

Could it be the ship he ordered his men to destroy before?

"Shirahoshi is my partner now. Your existence makes her feel insecure, so you can only die!"

Sander smiled and walked slowly towards Vander Decken IX.


"Your partner?"

"Don't be ridiculous, bastard. Shirahoshi is my future wife, the one who will spend the rest of my life with me. How can she be your partner!!!"

Vander Decken IX roared with red eyes.

The dagger in his hand was thrown at Sander without hesitation.

"She looks ugly, but she is beautiful. "

Sander dodged the dagger leisurely, muttered disdainfully, and came directly to Vander Decken IX, grasping his neck with his hand.


A crisp sound.

Vander Decken IX's neck was directly twisted off.

At this time, there was still anger and astonishment on Vander Decken IX's face.

He casually threw Vander Decken IX's body on the ground.

While watching Jinbei's battle, Sander deduced the location of the target fruit.

This ability is still very useful.

It can be given to subordinates to enhance their strength.

The battle on Jinbei's side ended quickly.

Even after taking the murderous drug, Hodi Jones had no resistance in front of Jinbei..................

The gap between the two was too big.

Hodi Jones didn't even know Haki.

How to fight?

Soon, Jinbei brought the extremely old Hodi Jones to Sander.

Hodi Jones was still alive at this time.

It's just that because of taking the murderous drug, the whole person became like a man in his teens.

Glancing at Vander Decken on the ground, Jinbei was not surprised.

For a super pirate who could defeat Admiral, it would be too easy to kill Vander Decken IX.

If Vander Decken IX had not been homeless and could not be found, he could have killed him.

"Thank you!"

Jinbei thanked Sander.

"Didn't you kill him?"

"He killed Princess Otohime and needs to be brought back to the Kingdom of Ryugu for trial!"

Sander nodded without saying anything.

One of them carried Hodi Jones and the other carried Vander Decken IX, and they walked in the Fishman Street in a swagger.

Many fishmen looked at Sander with hatred.

But because of Jinbei's presence, they did not come forward.

In Fishman Street, Jinbei's prestige is still very high.

"Is that Hodi Jones? How did he become like this? He has become so old!"

Someone noticed that the person Jinbei was carrying looked familiar, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Is that Vander Decken IX? The wanted criminal of the Dragon Palace Kingdom? Is he dead?"

"Who is the human holding his body?"

The fishmen on Fishmen Street were talking about it.

The arrest of Hodi Jones and the killing of Vander Decken IX were both big news in Fishmen Street.

Soon, the news spread throughout Fishmen Street and spread to other places on The Fishmen Island.

"Why don't we leave immediately?"

"Are you demonstrating to Fishmen Street?"

Walking on the streets of Fishmen Street, Jinbei asked in confusion.

After dealing with Hodi Jones and Vander Decken IX, he wanted to leave here immediately and go to Dragon Palace City.

But Sander kept taking him to stroll around Fishmen Street.

Sander didn't answer.

Go straight to a fruit shop.

The fishmen island also has fruits.

The mermaid cafe provides fruits from the seabed.

Sander picked one from a line of fruits and held it in his hand, then put down some Bailey and turned away.

Jinbei looked at the fruit in Sander's hand.

The mysterious spiral pattern on it made him very familiar.

"Is this Devil Fruit?"

"Yes, Paramecia target fruit."

"I killed it, so the Devil Fruit belongs to me."

Sander said while holding Vanderdeken IX.

Luckily, Devil Fruit was reborn in Fishman Street, otherwise he would have to go somewhere else to look for it.

"How did you know Devil Fruit is here?!!"

Jinbei was shocked.

After the death of Demon fruit power, Devil Fruit will be reborn in a corner of the world.

No one knows where Devil Fruit will appear.

How did Sander find it all at once.

"This is a secret, Jinbei!"

"Of course, if you become my partner, I will tell you."

Sander said with a smile.

Jinbei shut up immediately.

However, he became more and more curious about Sander.

He suspected that Sander had a special way to find people or things.

Otherwise, he would not have easily found Hodi Jones and Vanderdeken IX, as well as the Devil Fruit in front of him.

The two took the Hoai and returned to Ryugu City without saying a word.

They did not go to the banquet hall, as the banquet was probably over.

Under the guidance of the guards, they met King Neptune and the three princes again.

The left and right ministers were also there.

Seeing Sander, the left and right ministers snorted and turned their heads away, looking very dissatisfied with Sander.

Sander smiled and ignored it.

He wanted to take Shirahoshi away.

It was normal for the two old mermaids to be angry.

After all, they also watched Shirahoshi grow up and loved Shirahoshi, a kind child, very much.

"Your Majesty, Hodi Jones is indeed the murderer of Princess Otohime, and he admitted it himself."

Jinbei threw Hodi Jones on the ground.

Hodi Jones was still unconscious at this time, motionless, like a dead dog.

Neptune looked at Hodi Jones with anger in his eyes.

"I have verified it with Megalo."

"I never thought that the murderer of Otohime was actually a mermaid!"

Neptune said hatefully.

Tears flowed from his eyes unconsciously.

After Otohime died, although he inherited Otohime's ideas, he still had some resentment towards humans.

But he didn't expect that in the end, the one who killed Otohime was actually a resident of The Fish Men Island, or even a soldier of Neptune's army!

This was hard for him to accept.

The three princes and the ministers on both sides also looked at Hody Jones with anger.

"Well, Vander Decken IX has also been dealt with, and Shirahoshi can now enter and leave Ryugu Castle freely."

Sander said softly.

Neptune looked at the body of Vander Decken IX and couldn't help but feel relieved.

His beloved daughter finally didn't have to stay in the hard shell tower all the time.

However, when he thought that his beloved daughter was going to travel far away soon, Neptune's better mood suddenly became worse.

"Thank you anyway, Sander."

Neptune sorted out his mood and sincerely thanked Sander.

Anyway, Sander did help them solve a lot of troubles.

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