Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

103. Sissy Impel Down? Get In The Hustle And Bustle Early!

The flying boat turned and flew in the direction of Marineford.

"Mr. Rodin, your kindness...we will never forget it!"

King Liku led a group of soldiers to bid farewell.


There are many people.

Even if...

Rodin hadn't spoken to them at all.

I haven't met face to face.

But his stalwart image.

It was quietly imprinted in the hearts of everyone in Tokushima~.

Contrast that with the coddling Shichibukai's world government.

The gap is simply not too big.

on the flying boat.

Rodin sat back at the top.

After turning on the defense grid.

Consciousness gradually sank into it.

Mihoko is on the side.

silently guarding him


It finally reached zero.

for a while.

Rodin just felt his consciousness spin for a while.

As if being sucked into the abyss.

When you calm down and open your eyes again.

The surrounding area is already pitch black and gloomy.

Rodin manipulated his body strangely, but unexpectedly, there was a sound of "clanging iron chains and handcuffs.

Suddenly it rang.

Struggle a little.

It was found that the body was also locked tightly, and there was a feeling of weakness.

【The side effect of the fruit is being eliminated, please wait a moment...】

Rodin listened to the system beep.

Only then did he put his gaze on himself and observe.


What catches the eye is the shawl hair.


There is also a string of red beads hanging on it.

Move down.

Is it the abs and...excessive pecs??

"Fortunately, this guy is wearing a cover, otherwise..."

Exported sound lines.

At this time, she is as elegant as a Qingling.

This surprised Rodin.

His face suddenly became unnatural.




He glanced at the chilly trousers.

Legs tightened.

It's over.

One Piece.

Actually gave birth to a baby girl.

At this time.

side corners.

A deep female voice sounded.

"What's the title of Shichibukai... There's no need for that kind of thing! If this war can stop... Uh, Ms. Aiz, what's wrong with you?"

She was talking about it when there was a sudden pause.

Rodin controlled Aisi, but looked to the side.

It is a...

A fat blue woman in a big red robe.


Compared with her three-meter height.

This body type should be just right, even slim.

Put it in the mermaid.

Definitely a stunning beauty!

"Are you... Jinbei?"

Rodin endured the sissy voice and struggled to get out.

"What's the matter, Ms. Ace?"

The tied Shiping was taken aback for a moment, feeling that she was a bit strange: "I'm just a Shiping."

Just now he was called Big Sister Jinping.


Why call him by his first name?

"what time is it now?"

Rodin swallowed, planning to stroke.



Rodin nodded.


It was Jinbei who violated the Shichibukai summoning order.

When he broke into the headquarters and was arrested.

morning words.

That is to say, it is not far from execution.

"There's still time."

Rodin clenched his white fists, feeling the strength gradually returning.

Plan to find a suitable time to run away.

mission target.

It is to actively escape from Impel down, and the progress of each level will be advanced.

Until escape Impel down!

on the contrary.

If it is in the form of seizure.

Then treat the task as a failure.

This also cut off Rodin's psychology of wanting to take advantage of loopholes.


He glanced at the call countdown again.

at this time.

I saw that the original flow rate of more than ten hours had increased by almost ten times.

One second jumps to ten seconds.

It's almost like running.

"If this continues, it will probably be summoned in less than an hour, right?"

This exception.

It surprised Rodin a little.

"The time flow problem? It's not right. Is it the system welfare?"

never mind.

It's always a good thing.

"At this moment, the peace of The Fish Men Island comes from Mrs. Whitebeard. Once they set foot on the Grand Line, the pirates must pass by..."

Even Ping on the side was slightly surprised.

I don't care either.

I started to talk about some of the origins of The fish men island and Whitebeard's old lady.

The fish men island.

But there is no Whitebeard.

It is still a mess until now, and it is often captured by pirates and Marines.


Rodin nodded perfunctorily.

Slowly get used to this body.

Him now.

Even if the fruit ability is restored, it is still in a weak state.

Need to regain strength.

The time is not yet ripe,

Have to wait.

that's all.

More than half an hour passed.

From the depths of the first floor where he was, there were waves of crisp footsteps.


"Even Magellan is here, what happened?"

in prison.

The female prisoners in black and white prison uniforms cast their gazes over one after another.

an administrator.

A deputy director.

The two big characters of Impel Down are usually very rare.


Wearing a pharaoh headdress, with a playful belly.

Hannibal, with demon wings on his back, came outside the prison where Rodin was.

"Special meeting, Ace."


Rodin looked up slightly.

Immediately glanced over again, even the sissy Hannyabal.

0...asking for flowers...

Still a bit hot-eyed.

On the other hand, Magellan.

Wearing a pitch-black military uniform, his figure is exquisite.

Jiao․ Rong Qingli.

Much better looking than Hannibal.


The point is not this.

"Guess who's here? Even, you haven't seen it.

Hannibal glanced to the side, and said: "So you can't guess. He is the emperor who only knows his name but doesn't know himself, fighting the Nine Snakes.

She started laying the groundwork.

"A member of Seven Warlords of the Sea, powerful and noble, the most handsome guy in the world!"

"One Piece...Boa Hancock himself!"

Hanni pulls to one side.

Stretch out your hand.


A slightly feminine long-haired man in a red flower robe and red high heels.

The female prisoners in the prison saw Hancock so handsome.

Holding on to the iron bars.

All agitated.



"I just said it's not normal!"

"Hey, look this way!"

"Brother Hancock!"

"Look, it's so sexy!"

"Brother, come to our side, we will treat you gently!"

"It smells so good, I really want to go to Man'er Island."

"It's all men, and it's said that none of them wear clothes! Hahahaha!"

for a while.

The vulgar language is endless.

"The male emperor?"

Rodin's eyelids twitched.

The impact is a bit big.

a man.

Still stepping on red high heels.

He understood Lao Sha's feeling when he was summoned for the first time.

The contrast is too great.



The appearance of Hancock means that Luffy has broken into Impel down.

So that is to say.

Not far from escort.

And Hancock whispered when he leaned closer to the cage during the chaos, and it was true.

After a group of people left.

Rodin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Then let Impel down get into the hustle and bustle early!"

next second.

A ball of blazing flames shot up from his body, spreading all over his body in an instant.

The flame turned.

Then he jumped out of the black seastone handcuffs.

along the ground.

Gradually turned into a pretty shadow.

"A... Ms. Ace?!"

Even the tight lock, immediately widened his eyes.

Female prisoners in nearby cages.

The same is true.


"Are you kidding, is that the power of Devil Fruit?!"

"That's impossible! Is her seastone fake?"

Rodin walked up to the bars.


The system sound also rang.

[The cooldown of the lottery draw time is over, you can immediately start this girly character lottery! Enter].

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