Logue town.

As the last stop on the Grand Line.

The flow of people can be described as full.

Among them, there are many pirates.

But because the colonel known as the 'White Hunter' guarded it.

Law and order in Logue town has always been good.

Pirates are also very low-key, almost no one dares to cause trouble.

at this time.

in port.

A tall Marine stationed suddenly shouted.

"There are warships in the distance!"

"What, we didn't receive notice in advance?"

a few meters away.

Marine in the sentry was puzzled, and took out a telescope to observe.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

one look.

He became excited: "It's the lost warship!"

"Lost warship? Have you seen it clearly!"

"That's right, there's still a mark left on it! Quick, contact Colonel Smoker. It's probably hijacked by pirates!"


The tall Marine took out the phone bug: "But if it's really a pirate, it's really brave, and dare to come to us after robbing the ship."

"Who knows, maybe there is no supply, you hurry up."

The warship that Rodin was on was already less than a hundred meters away.

Sailed for about a week.

There was indeed a gap in supplies.

After all, the stronger the strength.

If it consumes a lot.

Food intake will be very scary.

at this time.

Rodin wiped off his sweat, put his hands on the railing, and felt the sea breeze.

[Ding, the random call has been cooled down, do you want to draw it immediately? 】

The mechanical sound of the system sounded.

Rodin froze for a moment.

Immediately a smile appeared.

After knocking out the only remaining Marine, Xinxia responded immediately:


[Randomly drawing a sissy character... Congratulations on getting the great swordsman, Eagle-eyed Mihoko! Do you want to call now? 】

"Wait, who? Mihawk?"

Rodin was a little confused.

Is this a coincidence?

I just met a week ago, and now I got him a sissy version?

"System, call up her personal information."

"Good Host."

[Nickname] Hawkeye (Seven Warlords of the Sea)

【Age】29 years old

[Strength] Three and a half stars (will break through to four stars)

【Origin】Parallel World 12


In her childhood, she practiced swordsmanship desperately in pursuit of beauty.

Because in her thoughts.

It is believed that the more advanced the swordsmanship is, the more beautiful the figure and appearance of a woman will be.

Thus, the goal is to be the most beautiful in the world.

When she was young, she traveled around to practice swordsmanship, and once had a fierce confrontation with the red hair! The battle between the two was evaluated by Whitebeard as a wonderful battle "just like yesterday".

She is heroic and valiant, and her swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle!

When genius, beauty, and hard work come together.

It will bloom unimaginable brilliance!

At the age of 29.

Even in the field of swordsmanship, he defeated Red Hair in one fell swoop!

Faintly occupying the throne of the number one swordsman!

[There are still seven days left before the next drawing, please wait patiently for the Host! 】

After reading the introduction, Rodin felt excited.

The eagle eye of that world actually defeated the red-haired Shanks?

One of the future Four Emperors?

Even if it is simply a confrontation in swordsmanship, it is very powerful!

And at the end, it was introduced that he faintly occupied the number one swordsman.

Just don't know.

This first.

compared to this world.

Whichever has higher gold content is stronger.

However, judging from the number of stars.

Only half a star above Crocodile in grid stockings.

Prompt that it will be upgraded to four stars soon.

But because I don't understand the gap between half-stars.

He is not good at making references.

It still depends on actual combat.

A year so far.

Rodin couldn't wait.

"Summon now!"

【Please wait...】

[Reminder: Because there was a slight flaw in the last character summoning, I am very sorry, this time I will specially patch it for you! 】


Before Rodin could ask questions.

A space vortex opened in response.

No one has arrived.

The fragrant wind hit early.

This made his heart twitch a little.


A woman in the same attire as Hawkeye in this world walked forward.

her looks.

Exactly as the introduction said.

And its glamorous.

Comb beautiful long hair.

With exquisite earrings.

The powder eyebrows are also very delicate.

face shape.

It is very in line with the public aesthetics!

"Captain Rodin."

Mihoko, carrying the 'cross' long sword, knelt on the deck with one knee.

Three thousand blue threads fluttered down.

It makes people feel very beautiful, like a newly released picture scroll.

"So respectful?"

Rodin was slightly surprised.

Is this what is called a patch?


This is complete allegiance!


When Crocodile came, his cigar almost dropped to the ground.

"Oh, sand crocodile?"

Mihoko looked sideways slightly.

"Old Sha, look at him!"

Rodin took out the cigar in her mouth and said, "This is what you should be like."

"No... like her, it's not me!"

Crocodile's face suddenly changed: "Wait, you mean...Hawkeye became your crew member!?"

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