Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

193, All Kingdoms Collapse! The Furry Principality Got The News!

Very weird.

Also very chilling.

Especially the left-behind members of the Charlotte family on the island!

in the eyes.

Has a strong color of fear.

Because they know.


Might mean something!

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Because I can't get in touch with big.mon, there are so many rumors~ with the outside world.

The hearts of family members.

Even more restless, - and more active!

Including the people of different races who live on the island in constant fear...and so on and so forth.

A little longer.

There is a civil war on every island!

Some are fighting for power, some want to break free from all nations, and there are even foreign predators!

A real mess.

And one of the founders of the big.mon pirate group.

Naturally, the long bread nicknamed "Gourmet Knight" cannot sit idly by!

Now big.mon is suspected to be dead.

He has to preside over the overall situation! Come out to take charge of the scene!


No one paid any attention to the old man.

Even if he is powerful.

But Charlotte has so many siblings!

Although some were transferred during the expedition to the headquarters, most of them were elite soldiers.

But the island.

The power of staying behind cannot be underestimated!

A little old man.

Can't hold back everyone!

This leads to.

The chaos in the world is intensifying at this moment!

Without the shackles of chess soldiers and big-mon, those who were once oppressed... will lose the giant sword hanging above their heads!




Became the theme song here!


Cake Island Center.

As the tallest building, the Cake Castle was smashed to pieces.

right half.

It was damaged like a half-eaten apple, and the inside was exposed.

above the promenade.

"call out!"



There are constant sounds of breaking and falling, and occasionally the noise of guns and ammunition.

In the hall.

Cakes and items stumbling around.


big.mon's most precious portrait of a nun was ruthlessly trampled to pieces by a red leather shoe.

No one cares.

As usual.

If the big-mon is still there, they will either pass out... or their souls and lifespan will be drained directly under the rage.

The preciousness of this portrait.

Even the children are far from comparable!

As for now...

Who cares about that??

"Quick! Take everything you can!"

"Why are they all dessert cakes? Treasures, treasures?! Where is that dead old woman hiding!"

"Thanks to the Rodin Pirates, we have a chance to escape.

0…ask for flowers…………

"It's unbelievable. But hurry up, I heard that strange pirate ships broke into other islands...Maybe it's because the big.mon is dead, and other pirates want to make money."

"Which pirate group is so courageous?"

"You guy, what if you are under the command of the Rodin regiment?"

"Then there is no need to break through at all, and all nations will belong to others immediately."


Most of them treat people and civilians.

Initiated war.

A member of the race who wanted to leave the big-mon pirate group for a long time.

They were all forcibly captured, such as some long-handed and fur tribes.

In order to form the so-called 'Utopia'.

And this kind of turmoil is happening in the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms!


It's the same scene at the base of the Whitebeard Pirates!

But Marco and other former captains are still there.

did not die.

After all, there was no mess from Whitebeard.

at the same time.

On the back of the distant elephant master.

Furry Principality.

"Everyone... hurry up, everyone! Watch the news!"

"Whitebeard is dead! Kaido of the Beasts and big.mon too, is the era of the Four Emperors coming to an end?"

"What? What nonsense are you talking about, kid, show me!"

"At least Redhead Shanks is still around."

"The newspaper also said that there was no trace."

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