Several people are very sincere.

Said it was not found.

That's actually a smoldering cloud!

no more.


In addition to pinning the hopes of the Hundred Beasts on Kaido's only heir...~.. Yamato here.

There is no other way.

Yamato was silent for a while.

Immediately, he raised his bound hands and said, "Do you know where the key to the handcuffs is?"

"About this, Lord Black Maria has already explained to us in advance."

Several people were talking.

He took out a key.


The chain fell off.

Just fell.

Several givers felt a chill rushing from the spine.

Yamato wearing a mask.

Like a caged animal coming out of the cage, the whole body exudes an amazing aura!


Grand Line.

Isle of White Clay 'Baldigo'


It is the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army!

inside the camp.

On a huge round table.

At this moment, several people in black cloaks were sitting.

They are seated.

They each took off their hoods.

this meeting.

The chief of staff and the five army commanders are all here!

Apparently this matter is very important!

And in the first place.

There is also a very dignified man.

He has square-colored tattoos on his face and short brown hair brushed behind him.

No eyebrows, stubble on the chin.


Somewhat strange.

But such a man belongs to the Revolutionary Army

"Long, your father is dead!"

At this time.

A rough voice sounded, and it sounded a little harsh.

At this time sideways position.

He was greeted by a man in stockings with an afro head and purple lips.

It's not just scolding people casually.


He speaks straighter.

Rao is like this.

The brows of the other army commanders trembled.

But no rebuttal.

The news brought by the newspaper this time is indeed too explosive!

Garp is suspected dead, Marine lost several Admirals!

The key is.

After they went to investigate.

Find out that most of the deeds in the newspaper are true!

Not only the Marine side.

And Pirates.




If these three die, the pattern of the sea will change!


All three are dead!

That's not just a matter of layout.


That might all change!

And their revolutionary army is bound to be in this storm.

Can't escape.

Long was silent for a while, and then said: "I believe, he didn't die so easily."

There was a pause.

It seems that he doesn't want to continue to mention his father.

He asked Ivankov seriously again: "So...the woman on the Rodin Pirates has nothing to do with you?"

"Huh? Dragon, what do you mean?!"

Ivankov suddenly became a little furious: "If I did it, how could there be repeated people?"

0…ask for flowers………

Both male and female Akainu debut!

his fruit power.

It's not a character split!

in addition.

This guy.

Are you doubting yourself?!

I simply don't believe it!


Where does he have the ability to get close to Akainu Kizaru and the others, he can't touch them with an elementalization!

How to give estrogen injection?

Even if it is really successfully reformed... what ability does he have to make people submit to the Rodin regiment?

Simply nonsense!


Is Long this guy taking revenge on what he just said about his father?

"Long, you are too petty!"

Ivankov said.

"The main reason is that your fruit ability is too relevant."

"By the way, you just got out of prison... have you met the Rodin regiment? Are they really as powerful as rumors say?"

"This can't be described as strong anymore? No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to kill the two Four Emperors!"

"Betty is right, I suspect...they have a weapon of mass destruction!"

Several army commanders discussed.


After speaking, he still looked at Ivankov.

after all.

He is the closest to him on the battlefield, and he has the right to speak!

Talk about Rodin.

Ivankov's carefree look also restrained himself in an instant.

It's like changing faces.

Very serious.

"They are a very terrifying pirate group, and their individual strength is very high...And Rodin, to be precise, I haven't seen him take a long shot."

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