Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

201. Destroy The Remnants Of The Ten Thousand Kingdoms Along The Way! Future Plans!

The reason for asking this.

It reminds me of the scene where the red hair meets the Five Elders in the original book.

"Why do you ask this?"

Shanks raised an eyebrow.

If it weren't for the hidden dragon and crouching tiger on this ship.

own destiny.

In the hands of the other party again, she ran away long ago.

"It's fine if you don't want to say it, just remember that this world has nothing to do with you. And the only one who can let you go back from this strange world... is me."

Rodin didn't care anymore.

He really doesn't care.

So what if it's related to the Five Elders?

Be clear.

The ones that matter are five old women in her world.


Still want to hook up with the Five Elders of this world? Let's not talk about whether people will be suspicious of her turning into a woman.

The guy himself.

He probably looks like a spectator. After coming here...he doesn't trust anyone at all.

Don't care about anything.

Hancock stood aside silently.

The two said.

She can't hear anything.

Only Rodin wants her to listen, such as orders and the like.


Hancock didn't bother to listen.

She is wondering how to escape Rodin's clutches.

But a few days.

Couldn't think of a workaround either.



a long time.

Shanks smiled: "It's really interesting, it seems that my brother has no intention of letting me go back."

She wasn't really in a hurry.


If you can't go back and see your sisters all the time.


God knows what will happen.

And this gender-reversed world makes sense at first.

It's been a long time.

That's really uncomfortable.

Everything along the way, see what feels and what feels uncomfortable.

Shanks couldn't figure out how that guy Bucky got used to it!?

To be submissive in front of a man.


But it doesn't look like it, it's obviously a willing look!

"That kind of thing, let's talk about it after helping me lay down the World Government."

Rodin smiled.

at this time.

A golden light flashed.

"Young master, we have arrived."


The nations have arrived!


Rodin nodded, eyes moving.

Stretch out with one hand.

Groups of rough thunder rushed out of the body impatiently.

Quickly poured into the clouds above.

An astonishing power erupted!



Thunder rolls.

for a while.

Can see directly in front of the flying boat.

Countless thunderbolts burst out and exploded one after another.

Follow the thundercloud.

Densely chop down!

See this astonishing power.

Shanks' face changed slightly.

In her knowledge.

The extremely active breaths are rapidly disappearing.

Thunder Fruit.

What a real disaster!

half an hour.

The thunder gradually died down.

"Go. It's still the old rules, you and Sakaski."

Rodin waved his hand: "The remnants of the Charlotte family have almost been cleaned up, and the tough ones will be handed over to you to cut the weeds and roots. Those who are willing to join will join. Those who are not willing..."

He didn't bother to say.

Residents of various races in Wan Guo who were snatched by big mon.


Are there other options?

*`~as you wish. "

With a smile, Polusalino turned into a beam of Madara Madara and disappeared.

Sakaski went one step ahead.

"This is Wan Guo, right? Are you trying to swallow the big-mon's territory this time?"

Shanks glanced at him.

"Don't say it so harshly, I am liberating civilians.

Rodin walked over to Shanks.

Put your hands in your pockets.

Look into the distance (good Lee good).


Big.mon's Wanguo was just passing by.

It was solved directly.

He thought about it.

Forming forces is not something that happens overnight.

Take your time.


It will also delay a lot of progress.

Rodin didn't really need that.

Didn't want to do that either.

Marine is currently in an empty stage, and it is estimated that the headquarters has not yet started.

It is a good opportunity to go straight to Huanglong!

It's been a long time.

When they catch their breath, they are ready enough.

Another fierce battle.

So.. boast..

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