He smiles.

Let go of the binoculars in your hand.

Just then.

in sight.

Suddenly dense black dots appeared!


Kurozumi panicked a little, and quickly picked up the binoculars to observe.

Muttering in my heart.

Will it be the fleet of the Rodin Pirates?

He looked for and determined the skull flag.


I found it!


Cold sweat dripped from the forehead of Kurozumi Orochi, and he kept saying that it was impossible.

The mentality is a little broken.

"How dare they, how dare they!"

The current situation is so severe, I am not afraid of the Rodin team coming to Wanokuni.

Wipe them out?

"General Orochi...they want to take risks." Kuangshilang leaned closer.

By observing the big snake look.

He guessed it.

There was also a gleam of joy in my heart.

"Hmph, is it really easy to treat me as Kurozumi Orochi?!"

Big Snake struggled and forcibly calmed down.

Then he waved his sleeves, showing the domineering style: "Call the royal court and the whole army! Call in the quarry and Renwu Port, prepare poison gas bombs, and transport the relevant ammunition immediately!"

By now.

There is only a desperate fight.

He paused.

As if a little worried, he personally took out a special wisdom snail.

Start ordering the whole army!

"Hmph, what's the use of having too many people, I am now at the right time, place and people!"

for a while.

All the ninjas of the royal family and the Orochi troops gathered at the port of the "Prisoner Quarry" and Babu Port!

Because of these two places.

Shaking just corresponds to Ghost Island.

If the people of all kinds of beasts drive directly without taking a long way, they must pass through these two places!


There was a poison gas bomb left by Quinn from the Hundred Beasts!

Just in use now.

Blade port.

More weapons and ammunition!

that's all.

The former Kaido division led by Kurozumi Orochiban and Yamato.

The war officially started.

from early.

until late!

People are panicking, and the battle situation continues to be anxious!


Far beyond the imagination of Kurozumi Orochi and others!


The flames lit up almost the entire Wanokuni.




The roar continued to sound, and the troops of the two armies disappeared wave after wave.

early stage.

The old department of beasts has encountered some obstacles.

Like gas bombs.

But this thing was originally invented by the plague of the Hundred Beasts.

Wear a gas mask.

Directly (aefc) survived.

The real danger is some special large-caliber shells.

The fleet lost a lot.

But there are sacrifices.

There will be rewards!

The remaining fleet successfully landed, led by Yamato with great bravery!

same time.

Residents of the coastal areas.

They also fled to Jiuli and Linghou on both sides to seek refuge.


They are all Orochibu soldiers with knives and guns.

"Hold it, hold it all!"

"General Orochi has an order to support... Once the Rodin Pirates come, these remnants will not be able to make waves!"

Several people haven't finished speaking yet.

A gang of spikes entwined with purple swung towards it.


"Zi Pa Pa Pa!!!"

Dozens of people who spoke were blasted into the sky.

Yamato raised his head slightly and didn't say much nonsense.

Take the lead.

Swing again!

Of Orochi's ninja legions and soldiers, none is innocent!

It's time to kill!


A circular rod burst out, sending a row of soldiers flying along the way.

military spirit.

It's starting to get unstable.

But they can't retreat, once they retreat...the supervising ninja behind will kill them!



at this time.

There was a tremor that shook the mountains and forests.

The earth is trembling!


Everyone saw several gigantic figures coming down from the several giant ships docked on the shore!

every way.

They are more than sixty meters high!

Taller than ordinary giants!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a small hill!

Some small villages.

In front of it, it is as insignificant as their toy. .

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