Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

222. It Seems To Have Penetrated The Truth!


She trembled wildly.

the other side.

The Kurozumi snake that lost its neck, the original headless corpse moved slightly.

There was blood on the front head.

A pair of unrepentant eyes, staring at the blue dragon in the sky.

I don't know if it was a dead body reaction or what.


Suddenly shaking!

It was like seeing an incredible scene.

There are also Fu Lu Shou, Denjiro and others.

the latter.

Straight away.

The big snake just killed.

just popped out??

"Father...father? No, he's not a father anymore!

Yamato buffered and murmured.

Then he firmed up,


Is there a hint of disappointment that Kaido survived 450?

So what if you don't die?


After she learns that the seastone handcuffs are really super bombs.

The heart will be about the death of his father.

Become indifferent.

But the sadness is still there, after all, it is his father.

But now.

Her heart has grown stronger!

Yamato has only one way to go now, it is impossible to hand over Wanokuni again!

Return to the polluted weapon manufacturing country!

Even alive.

Now it's up to her to defeat it herself!

"No, on his forehead... is there a person standing?"

Yamato was taken aback.

Others may not have noticed, but she noticed it the first time.

Denjiro and Fukuroku, who were sweating with their heads up (aedi), heard the words.

I also saw it.

"That is..."

"The figure is a bit familiar."

"Impossible, who can stand on Kaido's head?"


Got a quick reply.

A dragon cry.

The blue dragon rolled and flew down from the sky at extreme speed.

The appearance of the person with the forehead is also getting clearer!

far away.

People from the old department of beasts ran over excitedly.

The same goes for Black Maria.


Different from the purpose of meeting the boss in other old departments, she wanted to confirm more at close range!

some time.

The green dragon of the phantom beast.

The extremely oppressive head pierced the air and approached the ground extremely quickly.

The wind blows away.

Everyone can see clearly.


There is indeed one!


He is a very familiar man!

"That's... Rodin, the captain of the Rodin Pirates!"

"Rodin Pirates! Are they coming!!"

"Why...why did he dare to step on Kaido's head!"

"No, I can't see the appearance of persecution. Could it be that the other party stepped on it on purpose?"

The people of the capital of flowers, Fu Lu Shou and others. From the startling surprise... to the creepy.

There was such a frightening guess.

Don't think about anything else.

Just because this scene spreads, Kaido is willing to be ridden by others?

I'm afraid I will be ridiculed by everyone!

Who is Kaido?

That is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air!

Even if you die standing up.

I don't want to be born on my knees!

How could it be possible for someone to ride on the forehead?

But the facts are right in front of you, and you can't believe it

"Could it be that... Kaido-sama was surrendered by the Rodin regiment?"

Thoughts in the minds of many people.

Heart palpitations can not be suppressed.

"No, that doesn't have to be Kaido!"

Denjiro spoke suddenly.


Take a look at Yamato.

The meaning is obvious.

That's your father, you should recognize it clearly, right?

And Yamato.

As expected, he yelled directly.

"He...isn't that guy!"


It is no longer commensurate with father.

"Little girl, this is not good."

Rodin jumped to the ground and looked at Yamato: "In a are her child."

A child from a world apart.

"You nonsense! You let him change back to human form??"

Yamato was not convinced, and clenched his fists, a look I already knew.

"She is your subordinate, she must have eaten the reborn fish!"

She seemed to see through the truth.

The faces of the people present changed when they heard the words!

Kaido's old department consciously separated the two tests. .

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