"Zi Boom

Two sticks clashed.

Incomparably powerful black waves spread out!

It made Black Maria and others in the distance feel terrified!


Purple and black light.

Still erupting constantly.

Layers of stones were shattered from the ground and splashed into the sky.

Yamato clapped his hands towards Guy.

Press down with all your might!


In an instant, it spread hundreds of meters away!

"Oh lol lol, you also deserve to be called Thunder Eight Trigrams?"

Guy also put his left hand on Bazhai.

Swipe hard.

He easily sent Yamato flying!

high altitude.

Yamato didn't give up because of this, and swung down suddenly.

A stick of air went straight down! 04 "Hoo--"

After swinging.

Her body changed rapidly!

The hair turned into wavy curls, and the horns on the head moved closer to the sides.


Thin eyebrows.

along with the teeth.

As if a metamorphosis had taken place, they all became extremely sharp!

There is a cold and fierce air all over the body!


Beast form activated!


Guy patted his stick casually away.

"Dog dog fruit, phantom beast species, Dakou true god form?!"

She squinted slightly.

did not expect.

This fruit actually ate her 'daughter' of this world?

It's really... more and more interesting.

Yamato quickly fell from the sky.

But the mace in his hand was quickly wrapped in freezing air, and fell down like a thousand-year-old ice tree!

"Ice Slash!!!"


The cold air poured down.

The strands of Guy's hair condensed into strands of ice.

She raised her eyes slightly.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was withdrawn.

"Big Mouth True God, isn't he really similar to White Eyed Wolf.

The power of this blow.

It made her feel a little bit of pressure.

did not expect.

Yamato's hostility towards her was not as strong as usual.

But Guy duo didn't care.

Only under the stick can a filial daughter be born!

"King Kong Dysprosium!!!"

Under normal circumstances, Guy waved with all his might.

The purple-black stick qi spun, and rushed towards Yamato in a spiral shape!



It seems to have turned into white and black sides.


The entire capital of flowers.

Even the entire population of Wanokuni shivered.

It was cold and windy.

Biting is unbearable.


The stick energy that Guy swayed in his normal state was crazily cut down by the desperate Yamato.

"That's what it looks like."

Guy was aroused by it: "Then... Let me show you what Thunder Eight Trigrams is, learn it well.

language fall.

The mace was wrapped with a layer of black fluctuations, which blocked the metallic luster emanating from Ba Zhai.

Immediately afterwards.

Black turns purple.

It resounded like a thunderstorm!



Guy Duo took a step forward.

The already cracked ground became overwhelmed again, and the cracks extended hundreds of meters away!


Guy took off across the air with his stick in his hand, and mercilessly charged up.

"Eight Trigrams———!"

Everyone vaguely.

Seeing the Eight Trigrams, it seems to burst out in white and black! Just like the real Eight Trigrams!

"Tear off!!!"

The sharp sound was like a knife cutting, cutting out shocking scratches in the surrounding bushes!

that's all. 060 Two completely different maces finally collide together!


Denjiro, Beasts and Black Maria were all blown further away by this terrifying storm!

If you can't keep your center of gravity.

It will be blown into the sky at any time!

"catch me!"

The Barbarian Sangui and the others took a step forward, resisting the strong wind!

Some givers who flew upside down quickly grabbed the barbarian's ankles, as if they were holding a huge pillar.

Not caught.

It was lifted directly into the sky.


Things haven't changed for the better!

Because the barbarian's footsteps are also moving slowly.

"Catch it!"

"No, even the tyrants are trying their best to resist this wave of rage!"

"It's horrible! You see...the sky is cracked!".

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