Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

22. The Reaction Of Marine And The Newspaper

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Marshal's office.

Sengoku, who heard the news through Garp, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"A great swordsman who rivals Hawkeye?! No, it seems like he has won?"

"It's all said by Marine from Logue Town. I don't know if I will win or not. I competed with her, and her strength is pretty good."

The voice was low for a while, and then he laughed boldly: "Hahaha, she is still a great female swordsman! That brat, Hawkeye, must be ashamed and thrown at grandma's house!"

on the desk.

There was a phone bug wriggling its mouth crazily.

Then the two talked again, feeling that things were getting more and more difficult.

"Women...a total of two women and one man?"

Sengoku frowned deeply: "What's the situation with that man."

"Not much contact...but he owns Conqueror's, but he doesn't seem to be very good in terms of strength..."

Garp's voice paused: "The strange thing is...the two women seem to obey the man."

"Obey with him?"

Sengoku thought wildly for a while: "A man with Conqueror's, the potential of a king, how can his strength be simple!"

Those who are willing to make the strong submit.

Only the strong.

And possibly even stronger!

It can't be that he chose to surrender because he was greedy for his body, right?

"Hahahaha, who knows, maybe that guy is hiding his strength."

"Garp, even you didn't catch them, this matter... needs to be taken seriously!!"

Sengoku solemnly said: "You just stay in East Blue and watch for the time being!"

"Of course I know!"

Say it.

Waiting for Sengoku to hang up.

The opposite party was the first to hang up.

"This old guy."

Sengoku shook his head and knocked on the table, feeling extremely uneasy in his heart: "I have to contact the newspaper later. Before this matter is resolved, I can't announce too much..."

Still in East Blue.

Then there is a chance to eradicate it.

If you go to the Grand Line, you have a chance too.

But a great swordsman comparable to Hawkeye.

It's not about playing.

Whether to arrest or retain him needs further discussion.

"Then you have to act quickly, this kind of explosive news, they are very fast every time."

A white-haired old woman sitting opposite also had solemn eyes.

She is Marine Vice Admiral and staff officer, 'Crane'.

"The sand crocodile also needs to get in touch. This matter may have something to do with him."

at this time.

Far away in Alabasta.

In the 'Rainland' city, in the rain banquet of the biggest casino.

A spacious and luxurious interior.

The voice of the phone bug 'Blue Blue' shattered the tranquility here.

Crocodile with purple back hair.

Leaning on the boss chair, he leisurely answered the call.

"Hey, Crocodile, do you have a sister?"


Crocodile almost spits out the cigar from his mouth.

But after confirming that it was the call from Naval Headquarters, he pondered again: "What's going on?"

"A woman with the same ability as you, and the same dress as you. This matter..."

"This matter, Laozi does not know."

Crocodile's mouth twitched slightly.

what is this,

Flying disaster?

Last call.

It seems that I misunderstood Hawkeye before...

In fact, Crocodile has a little secret in his heart that he doesn't want to reveal.

It's about women.

It made him very uncomfortable to mention related matters.

After some exchanges.

Crocodile hung up the phone quickly, after calming down.

The woman in the white hat sitting in the distance said: "Robin, if this group of people comes to the Grand Line, issue a mission to investigate."

If near Alabasta.

Just go and solve it by yourself.


He wanted to see what this guy who pretended to be himself looked like? !

As for fear?

What a joke, the desert is his home field.

Crocodile has absolute confidence!

"Good boss."

Robin smiled and responded.


New World.

The bright moonlight shone down, making the World Economic News Agency shine brightly.

But a loud roar almost shattered the beauty.

"The front page, it must be on the front page, and it must be edited!"

A big 'albatross' bird standing upright was extremely excited at this moment: "East Blue's female eagle eye... the battle for the world's number one swordsman? And it seems to have lost?"

"And a woman imitating Shichibukai, Crocodile? Too much material for this new ship group!"

The little East Blue bureau.

It actually brought him such a big surprise! ?

So excited for the bird!

"By the way... don't be suspicious, just write that the great swordsman was defeated!"

Morgans paced back and forth, urging the members of the news agency from time to time: "There is also the man who stood behind them and never made a move! The more this is the case, the more it proves that his strength is terrifying."

"Let's do it quickly, as long as they enter New World, I'm afraid that countless people will join them! They may even attack the Four Emperors!"

Just when he was thinking that the newspaper would be a big hit in the future, a member of the newspaper office who came to him suddenly poured a basin of cold water on him.

"President, Marine called just now and told us to be careful. Except for the female Hawkeye, don't show your true face. At least not before they make a decision and offer a reward."

Hawkeye can't cover it.

The other two.

The headquarters may not want the newspaper to make up.

Members of the newspaper were also very nervous: "In addition, the Shichibukai from Alabasta also made a phone call."

Crocodile was a little calm at first.

But through some means of the Barlow Work Agency, after seeing the girlish face.

His complexion just changed.

Call the newspaper as soon as possible to prevent them from reporting this appearance.

As soon as you appear on the scene.

If it spread to the sea, some acquaintances would die laughing.

"He's a Crocodile!"

Morgons was merciless: "As the king who created a news kingdom, no one can command me!"


He paused suddenly: "How much is Marine willing to pay this time?"

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