People feel sympathy for Kozuki Hiyori.


Sympathy is sympathy.

Helpless and distressed?

none of their business!

The grudge in everyone's heart is lingering.

They can tolerate being ruled by Kurozumi all these years, but they can't tolerate a woman who used to be a geisha... now be a princess!


Before Kozuki Hiyori said anything.

The crowd below erupted in protest and boycott.

Above the platform.

Kozuki Hiyori fell silent.

Onion hand.

He involuntarily pinched the corner of his clothes tightly.

Sakaski helped the white hat and put his hands in his pockets.

Obviously expected.

"People...that's how it is, they don't care about your efforts in 04, they can't understand...they only care about and pay attention to the final result."

The reason why Kozuki Hiyori was promised to come to the stage to reveal the truth.

Also for convenience.

The entire Rodin regiment cannot stay here for long.


Naturally the need to find a... legitimate agent!

Kozuki Hiyori.

former princess.

Obviously a qualified candidate.


Her appearance is familiar to the public.

Even if you change clothes.

Sooner or later, people will discover the clues and recognize her.

Since I can't hide it.

It's better to admit it honestly.

And the consequences.

Not surprisingly.

Everyone cannot accept such an agent.

But Rodin.

This has been taken into consideration.

Released the big move that "Momonosuke" came two years later!

this matter.

Kozuki Hiyori naturally knows too.

The princess is not recognized at the moment.

With this cooperation, I started to speak out.

It is very important to stabilize the mood of the people, instead of living in anxiety and uncertainty about the future life all day long.

not as good as,

Reassure them first.

Tell them the future is still ruled by the Kozuki family.

Rodin Regiment.

Just into the site.

There will be no total interference in their governance.

From this.

People will be more receptive!

And it is true.


With Momonosuke's hope.


What will happen to Wanokuni in the future is still in Rodin's hands.

In fact, before laying down the World government, everything is imaginary.

Because he won't stay long.


He didn't know whether the future was his own or not.

Don't take it too seriously.

Just pull out what he needs.

after that.

I'll talk about it later.

There is really no need to spend so much thought here.


Rodin sitting on a rubble.

Withdrew his sight.

Wanokuni is pretty much evened out.

after stabilization.

Not surprisingly.

Will successfully summon a group of local 'samurai'!

their role.

Naturally, it is the same as the fur family.

To attract and share the firepower, wait until he reaches the World government to effectively snipe reinforcements!

No matter how small an ant is, it is still meat.

Think of it as training.

Show them how big the outside world really is!

"World government."

Rodin sighed with emotion.

Now he is at odds with it.

After all, a world can only accommodate two kings!

The High Throne.

It is absolutely impossible to tolerate two people sitting together!

"Now, as long as Guy Duo takes care of it...about 230, we can start."

Rodin stood up.

The old department of beasts.

It is a force that is not weak.

Barbarian, Black Maria, Yamato.

"It's time to check it out, too."

Rodin's eyes moved.

He just needs to go to Yamato and Black Maria.


His body disappeared in place, leaving behind a blue arc.

Show up again.

Already on the wide deck of the ark.

on board.

Mihoko is still there.

beside her.

It was the well-behaved Black Maria.

It stands to reason.

Well-behaved should not be placed on her.


Come to the flying boat.

Met some girls... especially Rodin who just arrived.

in her mind.

Not only did he not dare to make mistakes at all, but he didn't even think about it at all. .

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