Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

236. Goodbye Fifth Old Lady? The Void Throne Is Seated Ahead Of Time? !

Sure enough?

The woman saw that there was no movement for a long time, and she did not take any steps.

head down.

He asked nervously, "Master Im, do you have any orders?"

After confirming the speculation in his heart, Rodin didn't hesitate anymore.


I just want to see Mrs. Wu and ask me to understand.

came here.

The result is that I don't know anything, and this feeling is really uncomfortable.

"lead the way."

Cool voice.

A trace of doubt arose in the maidservant Bai Fu's heart.

Usually, it is Lord Im who walks in front, and she follows behind.

This time... something different?

But she didn't think much of it.

It should be the last time.

He obediently walked forward.


The maid led Rodin to a huge gate.


The maid bowed her head and stopped.

Rodin glanced at her and walked in alone.


And it's spacious.

Except for the red carpet steps in the center... and the broken swords crossed in all directions.

And outside the highest throne.

It's also monotonous.

Ordinary, not resplendent.

Rodin dragged his pitch-black robe, drawing a beautiful shadow on the bricks.


He had just taken a few steps.

It was found that the fifth old lady was hiding inside the door, and only now followed.


Haven't these five old ladies found themselves yet?


These people called for their support, and they must still retain the memory of the call.

I remembered the respectful look of Wu Lao Niang at that time.

Rodin's heart moved slightly.

I don't know who has a higher status in their hearts between themselves and Im?

Rodin rolled his eyes back.

He looked at the Void Throne high above.

never mind.

I dare not recognize myself.

Then don't worry about a showdown, let's sit on one of them first.

Read this.

Rodin stepped onto the red carpet on the steps, backgammon.

Void Throne.

This seat can only be occupied by those who are at the pinnacle of world power.

I thought.

You have to kill Im to sit on it.

who knows.

Another way.

I turned into Im and sat on it? It was really unexpected.

What a wonderful experience.


Not your own body.

Rodin paused.


This moment is right in front of you.

Without hesitation.

He sat down on his buttocks, and put his hands on the pumps on both sides.

Looking down at the five girls below.

don't say,

There is a different feeling!

And the fifth old lady.

After seeing the person above sitting down, he also took advantage of the trend.



As if it would fall to the ground at any moment.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to kneel down.


Rodin's eyelids twitched.

Although the color of knowledge and knowledge cannot be used, it depends on the complexion and posture.

Five old ladies.

The days should be numbered.

"Master Im..."

The bald woman with a scar on her forehead spoke first: "Although it's incredible, what we said before is true."

she said.

It was the fact that five people were summoned.

"`~Roger's execution is imminent, Impel down was made a fuss by a 'mysterious person' yesterday, and now some vicious criminals are rampant on the sixth floor of the basement...The latest news is...they are now united. "

The long-haired girl said slowly.


Very heavy and complex.

The ghost knows how many terrifying existences there are on the sixth underground floor.

It's okay for the pirates to fight alone.


They didn't believe it at first.

Until a definite photo was taken, it was discovered that the extreme evils gathered together under the leadership of a mysterious man.

It's like planning something big!

The hairs stood on end.

(Wang Nuozhao) Now.

The five of them basically lost their ability to fight.

main force.

All on the Marine side!

In case the court is robbed...

This is actually secondary, and Marine can handle it.

most horrible.

Some time ago, for some reason, someone learned that the five of them lost their fighting power.

There is no power to restrain the chicken.

Welcome to the sea.

It started raging!

"According to the CPO, a group of them entered the Calm Belt and are heading to Logue town!"

"But it's not sure if it's going to East Blue...maybe, it's not necessarily going to be heading our way."

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