The five stretched out their old, wrinkled necks.

stare up.

Whether it's breath or appearance.

That's right, Lord Im.

But...the eyes are completely different!


The bald girl stood up straight in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

The remaining four women.

He also tensed up.

Rodin made a gesture of spreading his hands, and the long robe seemed to pour the whole palace into his arms.

"Hey, hey, don't be so nervous... Didn't you invite me here?"

"You, "Nine Two Three"..Could it be..."

Bai Pao Niang's old face at this time.

It is very exciting!

"Impossible, how could you have such power!"

"Turned into Lord Im? Where did the real Lord Im go!"

Goldilocks trilled.

What a joke.

They reported for a long time...but the target of the report was wrong?

"Didn't I say...the skin is still hers."

Rodin explained patiently: "It's still me inside. I came here as scheduled, just in a different way.

"Occupied Lord Im's body?!"

"No...what a force to do it."

There was a storm in Wu Lao Niang's heart.

With the power of Devil Fruit?


Which Devil Fruit is so heaven-defying!

Feel free to take over other people's bodies, the most important thing is...Even Master Im can take over!

Don't you mean...

the world is big,

He can occupy the body of whomever he wants?

to be honest.

This ability has exceeded their imagination.

Together with the previous world travel.

Several people were stunned.

Fluffy Niang suddenly said in a low voice: "We just... said something bad to him in front of him."

Show loyalty.

Don't tell me if the table is wrong.

He also said to his face that he had used it.


Just when the fifth old lady was sweating profusely, trying to save something.

Rodin's big belly.

It was beyond their expectations.

"I don't have time to chat with you so much. If you don't understand, you can guess slowly, and discuss some serious matters now!"

For this low profile version of World government.

Should understand.

Almost already understood.


But race against time.

The most important thing now is the issue of deployment.

"You ask me for help... On the one hand, you want to make the execution in Logue Town go smoothly. On the other hand, you want to ensure the safety of the Holy Land?"

Rodin sat on the throne, resting his chin on one hand.

The fifth old lady saw him sitting on top carelessly.

Inertial thinking of the past.

It made them want to persuade Rodin to come down, after all, this is a seat that only Lord Im can take.

But sensible.

Stopped the impulse of the five people again.

They want Rodin.

I really want to do this.

It is estimated that people patted their buttocks and left.

Maybe 0.....

You can change your mind.

Isn’t Master Im sitting on it now?

In this way.

Several people feel better psychologically.

Hear Rodin's doubts.

For the time being, he kept many doubts in his mind.

"Yes sir..."

"How many troops are gathered in Logue town now?"

"There are 10,000 elites, plus Admiral Zephyr, and the three monsters of the younger generation, Vice Admiral, have also been arranged.

The fluffy lady said honestly.

Those three monsters.

It is worth the trio of Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru.

Rodin raised his eyebrows: "Where is Kong?"

"Sora needs to guard Marineford to resist the impact of New World pirates.

"What about Sengoku and Garp?"

Rodin counted.

I feel that the Holy Land is indeed too empty, leaving him a mess.

"Sengoku and Garp are in the Holy Land. Besides... Tens of thousands of Marine4.4 from all over the world, as well as digital Vice Admiral."

The bald mother said.


In fact, it's all OK.

But for some reason, Wu Lao Niang always had a bad premonition in her heart.

Just then.

Suddenly, a cold voice asked if they needed help.

Do something.

After learning the price and the person to ask for help.

The fifth old woman of course chose to ask for help!

And they call on Rodin for help.

At first, I also held the mentality that it is best to come... If you don't come, there is nothing you can do. .

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