Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

244, Holy Land Alert! The Coming Island Group!


This is the sound of leather shoes hitting the ground.

The stride frequency is very tight.

"Hey, Sengoku, why are you running so fast!"

This thick voice.

It caught Rodin's mind, and he squinted.

I see.

A middle-aged man with a seagull cap and frog eyes came running behind him.

behind it.

There is also a short-haired man with snacks in his arms.

He waved.

It didn't seem too hasty.

It can be seen from this.

Although the two are similar in age, they showed completely different attitudes towards the "360" incident.

"Sengoku, Garp twenty-two years ago."

Rodin was interested.

as expected.

All men.


Are these big men actually being controlled by five old women and a woman who is the highest in charge?

What an interesting world.

And two people.

Also quickly ran to the front.

Sengoku didn't hesitate.

Even with the rank of Admiral, he knelt down on one knee.

Garp reacts more slowly.

However, under Sengoku's eyes, he pulled him to kneel together.


A look of obedience to dispatch.

"Master Im."

Sengoku spoke respectfully.

With vibrato.

He has firmly believed in the orders of the World Government since he was young, and even his companions will become targets of attack for those who doubt the town government.

In other words.

His loyalty is very high!

And for the person in front of him who stands at the pinnacle of world power, he is naturally excited.

Rodin looked down at the two of them.

It feels a bit contrived.


as hostile.

He just killed these two extremely powerful Marines.


Instead, he became his subordinate.

At your disposal.

Rodin looked around.

I sighed in my heart.

Is this the rancid smell of power?

"What's the matter with you?"

he asks.

"We happened to pass by here and came here to see you."

Sengoku said honestly.


He squinted slightly to look at the Celestial Dragons and cranes in front of him.


He was told that there was a dispute here.

I came here to take a look.

Who knows.

Even Lord Im is here.

Could it be possible.

Was there a dispute with Master Im??

This ridiculous idea just came out.

He dismissed it.


"It's okay, let's go.

Rodin didn't say much.

Too much talk is bound to be lost.

He didn't know Im's usual speaking habits, so it's better to say less.

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone felt that the mountain above their heads was suddenly empty.

that's all.

Let everyone go?

Although nothing happened...

The female Celestial Dragons wanted to say something, but was glared at by St. Charmarco next to her.

react to.

then closed his mouth...

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

An extremely piercing siren suddenly exploded.

resounded throughout the holy place.

Pangu City.

Nature is also included in it!

There are only two words in Marine's mind at the moment.

"Enemy attack!"

pause time.

Surrounding Pangu City, the heavily armed elite Marines all tensed up.


It is not far.

From the towering watchtower!

Almost at the moment of sounding.

The short-distance intercom bug made a sound.


Naturally including the 'intercom bug' on Sengoku.

"Sengoku Admiral! Sengoku Admiral!"

"There is an abnormality in the sky thirty nautical miles ahead!"

"No...the speed is very fast! Now there are only twenty nautical miles left, and the other party is advancing rapidly! That is...that are several large islands!"

"Please give instructions immediately!"

A series of hurried voices came from Sengoku3.2's mouth.

And Sengoku's face.

Natural change!

He got up immediately and fished out the intercom bug.

Quickly issued a series of instructions, then raised his head and spoke,

"Master Im, we..."

He hadn't finished speaking.

Two white shadows flashed behind Rodin, and it was the CPO wearing a white suit.

"Master Im, we will escort you."

"Vice Admiral Garp, Admiral Sengoku, please both of you

"Let's go to the front line to fight!"

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