Rodin gave the order.

"Ah good... I'm also looking forward to Kozuki Oden's fighting power in this world.

"It doesn't look like it's the opposite."

Kizaru breathed a sigh of relief.

And it still helps!

"What are you talking about! Damn it, are you treating us like dinner!

"Who... are you?"

Denjiro pointed at Guy Do.

He asked something that everyone was very curious about.

"Guy Duo."


"Just like you? Who are you bluffing!"

"That's right, Kaido has been beheaded by my Oden-sama... together with that one! It won't exist at all!"

"Xiaoju! Don't talk too much!"

A few people from Chishen glared at Kikunojo.

The latter realized who had slipped his mouth, so he quickly covered his mouth... and showed a very apologetic expression.

"Huh? Killed? Whoa, what are you kidding?"

this kind of thing.

Guy Duo Ke doesn't believe it at all, and he won't admit it!

"Those who are killed by people are not worthy of the title of a hundred beasts!"

She stepped on one foot.

After stepping on a crack in place, they galloped towards the red sheaths surrounding Rodin.


Still in mid-air.

The iron rod was surrounded by a layer of purple lightning.

It is clear.

She turned on Conqueror's Coil, also known as Conqueror's Coil!

"No, stop her!"

"too fast!"

Several people just waved the long knives in their hands.

I felt a burst of extremely violent power coming from my body!


Several people seemed to have been hit by a car at a speed of 350 yards.

All flew upside down tens of meters away!

Kozuki Oden's expression changed.

Swinging Yan Mo and Tian Yu Yu Zhan at a high speed, he wrapped around Armament Haki in an instant.

Cut to the front!

"Oden Two Swords Style · Togen Shirataki!!!"

When several red scabbards flew upside down...his double knives just hit Guy Duo's thunder purple iron rod.

There are many red sheaths.

The remaining half have not contacted Guy Duo.

See this scene.

All follow support.

As for Rodin.

I don't know where they have been forgotten for a long time.

"Lord Oden!!!"

"Hey, have you forgotten me?"

Kizaru's frivolous voice surrounded the ears of cats and dogs.

Immediately afterwards.

A few of them saw Kizaru formed by light granulation.

Rubbing his chin with a small amount of stubble with his left hand, he swung his long leg and kicked him sideways!

It looks very laid back.


The golden light of the cross flashed out!


Several people dented their bodies.

Then it flew out at a faster speed.


This golden chime.

It's a collision on the other side.

It was Guy Duo and Kozuki Oden fighting together.

The sword flower fluttered down.

Just a few seconds.

The collision between the two was no less than a hundred times!

In the eyes of ordinary people.

Can't see clearly at all.

At this time, the two were powerful, but they never retreated half a step.

Kozuki Oden.

It's getting more and more frightening.

He found.

This guy who calls himself Kaido and him hit it off.

every blow.

They are all terrifyingly strong, not inferior to the real Kaido!

Even the fighting styles are very similar.

It's all straight forward!


There is a vague feeling that makes him feel that she is stronger!

"`~ Who the hell are you!!!"

"Kozuki Oden, Your Majesty the you not recognize me at all?"

Guy twitched the corner of his mouth.

A high-impact muscle up that knocked Kozuki Oden back.

Immediately afterwards.

Opened the dragon form without hesitation! (Okay)

Soaring horns.

As well as the hard and thick dragon scales all over the body, Kozuki Oden has a very dazzling feeling.

"Since the captain asked me to deal with you earlier...then stop procrastinating!"


She opened her mouth and spit out the dragon's breath.

Kozuki Oden was still amazed by Guy Duo's Dragonoid form.

Caught off guard.

Can't avoid the minister.

I had no choice but to slash straight ahead with two knives!


The dragon's breath split.

But Guy Duo also held the iron rod and came to the sky above.

"Jiang Sanshi Yin Naraku!!!".

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